2024年3月3日 星期日

ghost, ghostwriter, spectre/specter, looming, boatload, talk show. Donald Trump is looming over the upcoming leadership battle to replace Mitch McConnell.

Keith Meyers/The New York Times


Special Counsel Seeks No Criminal Charges in Biden’s Classified Records Case

The inquiry found that President Biden had willfully retained one classified document after finishing his term as vice president and had shared sensitive information with a ghostwriter.

In the Shadow of Yankee Stadium
The park that looms so large in the minds of the fans, seen above in 1985, has been but a backdrop for the Bronx.
Tiger Woods Still Looms Over British Open
Banners at the Royal Birkdale featuring Tiger Woods, who will miss a major championship for the first time in nearly 12 years. Still, he is the talk of the tournament.

Lehman's shares tumbled 11% to their lowest level since 2000 on speculation that the investment bank is in trouble, including possibly having to sell itself. Neither a sale nor more write-downs are looming, say people close to the firm.

The prospect of deep losses and the abrupt announcement that a Toyoda would return to power, after people from outside the family had run the company for 14 years, have jolted the auto giant in the same way that looming bankruptcy has rattled Detroit automakers.

verb [T]
to worry someone or make someone nervous:
The creaking upstairs was starting to rattle me.

loom (WORRY) Show phonetics
verb [I]
If an unwanted or unpleasant event looms, it seems likely to happen soon and causes worry:
Her exams are looming.
Here, too, the threat of unemployment has been looming on the horizon.
The threat of closure looms over the workforce.

looming Show phonetics
(of something unwanted or unpleasant) happening soon and causing worry:
the looming crisis

loom (APPEAR) Show phonetics
verb [I]
to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object:
Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.

loom large
If something looms large, it becomes very important and often causes worry:
The issue of pay will loom large at this Easter's teacher conference.

The New York Times



早安! 歡迎閱讀時報 中文每日簡報 。我們將為你介紹《紐約時報》當日的重點英文報導,並推薦部分已被譯成中文的精選內容。新讀者請 點擊此處訂閱 。也歡迎在 Twitter( @nytchinese )  Instagram  Facebook 上關注我們,了解更多中文資訊。

Andrea Frazzetta/Institute, for The New York Times
在哈薩克斯坦與中國邊境人跡罕至的大草原上,中國政府正在試圖利用“一帶一路”計劃, 將一個邊境小村打造為可比肩迪拜的世界經濟中心 。不久的將來,這裡將成為世界上最大的無水港——一個內陸航運和重要物流樞紐。
批評人士表示,龐大的“一帶一路”計劃使一些國家深陷“債務陷阱”,是中國新殖民主義的展現。在哈薩克斯坦的計劃可能面臨的棘手問題是: 北京在附近的新疆拘留了數十萬維吾爾族、哈薩克族和其他少數民族人士 ,這無助於與哈薩克政府達成統一陣線。
當全球化邏輯和工業化建設進入農村,一個人類不可避免的未來似乎就在我們眼前——它將是什麼樣子?誰會從中受益?需要花費多少錢? 《紐約時報雜誌》發表特稿,深入這個世界上最大的內陸國,尋找這些問題的答案。
延伸閱讀: 厄瓜多爾 、 巴基斯坦 、 捷克 、 斯里蘭卡 ……中國的“經濟長臂”已伸向世界的各個角落。在拉丁美洲,中國已超越美國成為該地區的最大貿易夥伴, 大豆進口解釋了這是如何發生的 。
中美高層貿易談判週三起在華盛頓揭開序幕, 這場談判可能對世界經濟軌跡產生至關重要的影響 。然而,諸多因素給談判的前景籠上陰影。
本週, 美國司法部正式起訴華為及孟晚舟 。儘管財長馬努欽表示華為案將與貿易談判分開處理,但考慮到中國對於此事的強烈反應 ,很難想像這個話題不會被提上談判桌。此外,雖然中國已展現出解決對美國巨大貿易逆差的意願,但要說服北京改變其經濟政策仍然有難度。美國能否真正執行北京同意的協議也是決定談判成敗的關鍵因素。
根據該公司週三公佈的上一季度財報,其營收同比成長41%,略低於分析師的預期。這是阿里自2016年初以來的營收最低增幅, 突顯了中國經濟不斷擴大的麻煩

位於台灣高雄的國家藝術文化中心。它以其周邊的公園命名,是世界上最大的單一屋頂表演藝術中心。 An Rong Xu for The New York Times
“這座建築邀請你來使用它,它是公園和城市的延伸,”設計這座建築的荷蘭建築師法蘭馨·侯班(Francine Houben)說。 “我喜歡稱它為高雄的客廳。”在它開幕那天,蔡英文稱讚它是“台灣空間解嚴最好的歷史寫照”。
時報撰稿人何貴森(Chris Horton)走訪了這座藝術中心,他寫道:“它的現代設計反映出台灣在民主化之後,逐步擺脫中式設計的變化,是這裡從中國人到台灣人身份轉變的象徵。”歡迎閱讀這篇報導的中文版 。

Glenn Harvey
•蘋果被指對FaceTime故障引發的竊聽問題反應過慢 ,引發許多人對該公司產品安全性的擔憂。儘管如此,iPhone仍是許多人購買手機時的首選。 如何在買下一部iPhone時省點錢 ?時報科技工坊(Tech Fix)欄目作者Brian X. Chen給出了幾個建議。
• 富士康重新考慮在美國建廠計劃 :該公司稱,由於全球市場的“新現實”,他們正在重新考慮在威斯康星州設廠的計劃。此計劃曾在去年被特朗普讚為“世界第八大奇蹟”,預估將能創造13000個工作崗位。
•主要科技公司財報:儘管面臨隱私醜聞, Facebook的營收和利潤在最近一個季度均有所上升 ,新用戶數也是如此;特斯拉的收入和汽車銷售雙雙增長 ,但利潤與上一季度相比大幅下滑,下個季度在美國的銷售預估將放緩。

Pablo Rochat
  每日一詞 :Ghosting |現代人為何總是神出“鬼”沒?
Ghost的常見意思是鬼魂、幽靈,而當這個字用作動詞時, 指的是“似幽靈般出沒”、“替人代筆、捉刀” 。 2016年,“玩失踪”這個新的詞義被收錄進《 牛津當代英語詞典 》,意為“突然毫無理由地退出所有交流,從而結束與某人的私人關係”。

Spectre of Coca-Cola ---效果一樣精彩。….. 」(S. Sontag『論攝影』 黃翰狄譯,台北:唐山,1997,p.78)翻譯者或許把spectre(幽霊; 恐怖の影)誤看成spectrum的複數spectra。…….

『…….Malawi president flees haunted mansion 馬拉威總統逃離鬼厝』的一段:

「Mtonga refused to give further details about the spooks. But another aide, who asked for anonymity, said the president hears footsteps and strange noises in the presidential suite in the dead of night. Nobody else, including his wife and his bodyguards, hear anything, the aide said.


spook:幽靈鬼怪,同ghost。形容詞為spooky,鬼屋的英文是spooky house,也可以稱為haunted house,不宜直譯為ghost house。」

如果我們不進一步學習spook相關字眼,就比較不容易了解今日華爾街日報的一則簡訊:Fear of ID Theft Spooks Customers

Banks and online retailers are losing customers who fear they will become victims of identity theft, according to a new study.

因為這兒spook是動詞,所以你可以趁機學它也有「令 人毛骨悚然」等意思。譬如說,spook 在 the Cambridge Dictionary of American English 中有三組意思: spook (FRIGHTEN);spook (SPIRIT);spook (PERSON)=spy (PERSON)
或n. Informal. A ghost; a specter. /Slang. A secret agent; a spy. /Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person….

中國話 (Traditional Chinese) :n. - 幽靈, 間諜, 情報員, 黑人
v. tr. - 鬼怪般地出沒於, 驚嚇;v. intr. - 逃竄
日本語 (Japanese) :n. - 幽霊;v. - びっくりさせる, 出る


2007/7/7 傍晚。我在台大校園遇到一位哲學系的老師。他都叫我學長。


Specterspectre〔英〕 n.
spectre UK noun

1 the spectre of sth (心の中に巣くう)恐怖の影.
the idea of something unpleasant that might
happen in the future:
The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country.
Drought and war have raised the spectre of food shortages for up to 24
million African people.

2 [C] (US specter) LITERARY a ghost幽霊;

spectral adjective
coming from or seeming to be the spirit of a dead person:
a spectral figure/presence
See also spectral at spectrum.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

In UK, Integration Is Best Weapon in Terror Fight

Europeans face the specter of a growing terrorist threat in their midst. On the two-year anniversary of the London train bombings, Great Britain can no longer ignore its disaffected Muslim communities.


New Siemens CEO Has Hands Full
Peter Löscher takes the helm at Siemens, amid pressure from investors
and probes that have hurt its image and raised the specter of fines.

What sets Mr. Kaplan’s “Daydream Believers” apart is his emphasis on the Bush administration’s failure to come to terms with a post-cold-war paradigm, which, he argues, left America’s power diminished, rather than enhanced, as former allies, liberated from the specter of the Soviet Union, felt increasingly free to depart from Washington’s directives.

specter (US) spectre UK Show phonetics
1 the spectre of sth the idea of something unpleasant that might happen in the future:
The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country.
Drought and war have raised the spectre of food shortages for up to 24 million African people.

2 [C] (US specter) LITERARY a ghost

spectral Show phonetics
coming from or seeming to be the spirit of a dead person:
a spectral figure/presence
See also spectral at spectrum.

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.47, 2008
318日; 2008/1/28 創刊
Once more, before the reign was over, it flamed up, embodied in a single individual Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. The flame was glorious radiant with the colours of antique knighthood and the flashing gallantries of the past; but no substance fed it; flaring wildly, it tossed to and fro in the wind; it was suddenly put out. In the history of Essex, so perplexed in its issues, so desperate in its perturbations, so dreadful in its conclusion, the spectral agony of an abolished world is discernible through the tragic lineaments of a personal disaster.
hc:我對於這段有兩字眼覺得翻譯可討論:colours 翻譯為「繽紛色彩」;spectral agony翻譯為「形形色色的痛苦」《伊麗莎白女王和埃薩克斯伯爵 一部悲劇性的歷史》 斯特雷奇著,戴子欽*譯,三聯,1986p.2

spectre colours , lineaments

talk show
A television or radio show in which noted people, such as authorities in a particular field, participate in discussions or are interviewed and often answer questions from viewers or listeners.
Broadcast show with a format arranged around interviews conducted by a host. The interviewees may be celebrities, or members of the viewing or listening audience.
在倫敦金融城的晚宴上,來一場「脫口秀」(talk show)
在倫敦金融城的晚宴上,來一場「脫口騷」(talk show)

Yahoo CEO Open to Deal
Yahoo's Carol Bartz said she would be open to striking a search deal with Microsoft if the software giant offered "boatloads of money."

The number of passengers or the amount of cargo that a boat can hold.
