口吃还教会了我各种表达方式,比如用“自学成才者” (autodidact)这个词取代“这是我自己学会的”(I taught myself)效果并不好,因为在20世纪80年代的普通英国学校里,使用“自学成才者”这样的词就好像在炫耀自己说话高雅,对他人来说是一种冒犯,作为 惩罚,他们会把你的内裤挂在铁栅栏上。
“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.”
~ Charles de Lint
In 1827, John Constable began work on the project that would occupy his attention until his death seven years later: the publication of a series of prints based on his paintings that would stand as a summary of his achievements. The painter collaborated closely with the engraver David Lucas to create prints that would convey Constable's didactic intention—to illustrate the "chiaroscuro of nature."
The didactic aspects of Jean-Christophe have been criticised by many readers.
In other words, an autodidactic approach that spurns commercialism, mass-market approaches and top-down goal-setting.
- tea caddy
- 茶入れ, 茶筒, 茶缶.在高寒的西藏地區,藏民普遍是喝「鹹」的藏茶。為了方便保存,所以當地人習慣將磚茶「熬」成茶水倒入木製茶筒裡,加入酥油、鹽巴後用木桿上下沖搗,使茶水、鹽巴、酥油三者交融,其滋味香醇味美且營養豐富,因此酥油茶一直是藏茶的代表茶物了。
This study adopts a double approach to the poetry composed between the end of the first century B.C.E. and the third century C.E. First, it examines extant material from this period synchronically, as if it were not historically arranged, with some poems attached to authors and some not.
Jung 認為Richard Wilhelm的最大成就是翻譯《易經》 讓他所謂的"同時性"*原理大彰
末篇《紀念 理查 威廉》(頁248-58)是搞錯啦 Richard Wilhelm 即本文之"衛禮賢"
黑塞之中國/衛禮賢Richard Wilhelm《易經》
- di • a • chron • ic
- 発音
- dàiəkrɑ'nik | -krɔ'n-
- 発音記号[kɔːzǽləti]
1 [U]因果関係, 因果性
2 [C]原因, 作因.
the law of causality
- syn • chron • ic, -i • cal
- 発音
- sinkrɑ'nik | -krɔ'n-, -ikəl
- synchronicの慣用句
- synchronicity, (全1件)
2 =synchronous.
[名][U]《心理学》シンクロニシティー, 共時性.*synchronicity
(sĭng'krə-nĭs'ĭ-tē, sĭn'-)
n., pl., -ties.
- The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism.
- Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.