2024年4月16日 星期二

forewarn, forewarning. How many potholes have you seen this week? Britain’s motorists and cyclists are increasingly angry at the financial costs and dangers posed by broken roads. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is coming under growing pressure after he pledged three years ago to fill in 50mn holes:

How many potholes have you seen this week?

Britain’s motorists and cyclists are increasingly angry at the financial costs and dangers posed by broken roads. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is coming under growing pressure after he pledged three years ago to fill in 50mn holes: https://on.ft.com/4azunVX

The city has an emergency response team to deal with potholes that could create a serious public hazard. Motorists can contact the Mayor's Action Center at 327-4622 to report those locations or to file a tort claim for personal vehicle damages.

But a forewarning, there are very specific criteria you must meet before the city will cover your cost.

To warn in advance.
