2024年4月26日 星期五

foreword, the forefront, wedge, wedge politics, wedge issue. inception.the merger of Lucent Technologies and Alcatel and has struggled since its inception, losing about 5.4 billion euros, or $7 billion, through September. "she has been on the board since its inception two years ago"

為了睡醒就能看到艾菲爾鐵塔,心一橫加價把套房升級,超級值回票價!走路就能拜訪諾蘭電影《全面啟動》(Inception)場景、模仿日本天后濱崎步MV的巨星風采,再到知名香水品牌Le Labo,把巴黎香味裝罐收藏帶回家。

  1. the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.
    "she has been on the board since its inception two years ago"

Radio Free Asia has penetrated China's wall of secrecy and is now at the forefront of newsgathering in Xinjiang

»PHOTOS | The big show at New York Fashion Week is off the catwalk, with fashion forward celebs from Alicia Keys to fashion disaster Mickey Rourke making the scene.

Historic Decision Renews Old Debate

With yesterday's decision, the Supreme Court pushed the gun issue back to the forefront of the nation's agenda, opening a new chapter in what has been one of the most contentious and divisive debates in American politics for the past four decades.
(By Dan Balz and Keith B. Richburg, The Washington Post)

Palin’s Start in Alaska: Not Politics as Usual

When Sarah Palin ran for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, in 1996, the town got its first local lesson in wedge politics.

The company, a trans-Atlantic telecommunications equipment maker, was created in November 2006 with the merger of Lucent Technologies and Alcatel and has struggled since its inception, losing about 5.4 billion euros, or $7 billion, through September.

...Translated into several languages, these two books have placed Keith Thomas in the forefront of what has become known as `historical ..."

Historic Decision Renews Old Debate
With yesterday's decision, the Supreme Court pushed the gun issue back to the forefront of the nation's agenda, opening a new chapter in what has been one of the most contentious and divisive debates in American politics for the past four decades.
(By Dan Balz and Keith B. Richburg, The Washington Post)

the forefront
noun [S]
the most noticeable or important position:
She was one of the politicians at/in the forefront of the campaign to free the prisoners.
His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.

noun [S]
the establishment of an organization or official activity:
Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.

查 http://www.hyperdictionary.com/search.aspx?define=wedge

wedge issue


A very divisive political issue, regarded as a basis for drawing voters away from anopposing party whose supporters have diverging opinions on it.

可知以Wedge 為書名的書,主題談美國CIA和FBI從珍珠港事件到9/11的「不和」…….
Dream Dictionary : Definition: Seeing a wedge in your dream means trouble and possible separation from loved ones.

If two people who love each other let a single instant wedge itself between them, it grows – it becomes a month, a year, a century. It becomes too late.
--- Jean Giraudoux, The Madwoman of Chaillot
兩個彼此相愛的人如果任令他們之間有片刻的不和,那麼,片刻便會擴大為一個月、一年或一個世紀。最後便會為時已晚。【《讀者文摘》1987/4「珠璣集」 p.152】】

2004 網路辭典進步了……以wedge為例

Yahoo!辭典 wedge 條:
1. 【物】 楔子,尖劈
《例句》 The thin end of the wedge is dangerous. 【諺】 楔子刃雖薄,可以破大木(苗頭雖小,後果嚴重).

thin end of the wedge UK
the start of a harmful development:
Identity cards for football supporters could be the thin end of the wedge - soon everyone might have to carry identification.

2. 【物】 楔[V字形]形(物)

9. 【事】 致使破裂的東西,導致分裂[分離]的原因

drive a wedge between sb
to damage the good relationship that two people or groups of people have:
It would be silly to let things which have happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.
wedge was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
drive a wedge between sb
thin end of the wedge

Wedge issue is a social or political issue, often of a divisive or otherwise controversial nature, which is used by one political group to split apart or create a "wedge" in the support base of an opposing political group, with a view to enticing voters to give their support to the first group. The use of wedge issues gives rise to wedge politics.

Wikipedia article "Wedge issue".

foreword (FRW)

━━ n. はしがき, 序文.

a short piece of writing at the beginning of a book, sometimes praise by a famous person or someone who is not the writer

這是通常的了解 序文由他人名人寫在書正文之前

今天讀R. A. Fisher一書 第一章章名為Foreword
    A short section of preliminary remarks: induction, introduction, lead-in, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue. Seestart/end, words.


IN BRIEF: n. - A short introductory essay preceding the text of a book.
Tutor's tip: He was "forward" (to advance) thinking enough to write a "foreword" (a preface) for his book on his career as a "froward" (stubbornly contrary) soccer "forward." (a player who plays in the front line)
Stubbornly contrary and disobedient; obstinate.)

  • 他動
  • 1. 〔計画などを〕進める
  • 2. 〔送付物などを〕転送{てんそう}する、回送{かいそう}する
    ・Please forward my bill to my new address. 私の請求書は新しい住所へ転送してください。
  • 3. 〔物品・書類などを〕送る、発送する
  • フォワード(・ポジション)◆【略】F◆得点の要となるサッカーやバスケットなどのポジション名
  • 1. 前方{ぜんぽう}への
  • 2. 出しゃばりの、差し出がましい、ずうずうしい、厚かましい、ませている
    ・I'm sorry I was so forward. ぶしつけなことを申してすみません。
    ・She's so forward. 彼女は非常に積極的です。◆恋愛などで社会的な通念を超えて大胆。必ずしも悪い意味ではない。
  • 1. 前方{ぜんぽう}
  • 2. 〜を楽しみにして(待つ)、〜を期待{きたい}して、〜が待ち遠しくて◆look forward to の形で
  • 3. 今後{こんご}
