2024年4月29日 星期一

chunk, substantial, puffy, chunky. The company charges $99 a month to upgrade Tesla cars from its Autopilot or Enhanced Autopilot driver-assistance systems to the new level.

As Chinese automakers introduce large numbers of their own electric car models this year, Tesla is doubling down on self-driving capabilities, putting the features into cars ahead of other automakers, despite concerns by regulators and safety experts about the capability of the company’s technology.

Tesla already offers what it calls “supervised Full Self Driving” in the United States. The company charges $99 a month to upgrade Tesla cars from its Autopilot or Enhanced Autopilot driver-assistance systems to the new level.

If both sides stick to their hard bargaining positions, the risk that Brexit will happen on December 31st with no trade deal at all in place must be substantial Negotiations on a new relationship between Britain and the EU will be fraught

Boris Johnson sets course for the hardest possible Brexit

Significantly, it also reveals the hand of the museum’s former director Anne d’Harnoncourt, who worked on the show before her unexpected death last June, and the substantial catalog is dedicated to her.

The best way to get frozen or refrigerated butter ready for creaming is to cut it into chunks. (Never use a microwave: it will melt it, even though it will look solid.) When the butter is still cold, but takes the imprint of a finger when gently pressed, it is ready to be creamed.

While the Indian upper classes are snapping up roomier models and even imports like Mercedes-Benz, first-time buyers will provide a big chunk of growth for years to come.

Minutes later, the chunky Parnell, his face puffy and his hands clasped in front of him, took his place at the table, while the victims' families watched from the first row and from the committee staff room.

I saw her face, as if it was still not too late, all a bad dream, her gray eyes searching mine, her small puffy cheeks. There were tears forming in her eyes, and she opened her mouth to say something.


If the skin around your eyes is puffy, it is slightly swollen:
His eyes were still puffy with sleep.

noun [C]. 大塊; 〔米〕 ずんぐりした人[馬]; かなりの量.
1 a roughly cut lump:
a chunk of cheese/meat
pineapple/tuna chunks

2 INFORMAL a part of something, especially a large part:
a chunk of text
a substantial chunk of our profits
Three hours is quite a chunk out of my working day.

〔米〕 ずんぐりした人[馬]

adjective ━━ a. ずんぐりした; 塊の.
1 describes clothes that are thick and heavy, or jewellery made of large pieces:
a chunky sweater
a chunky necklace

2 APPROVING describes a person who is short and heavy

chunk・ing 【コンピュータ】チャンキング ((処理をまとめること)).



  1. かなり
    fairly large.
    • won by a substantial margin
    • 管理のマージンで勝った
  2. 実質的な
    having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable.
    • substantial equivalents
    • かなり同等の物
  3. 実質的な
    having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary.
    • the substantial world
    • 現実の世界
    • a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical
    • 単なる夢、実体も実質もない
    • most ponderous and substantial things
    • 最も重々しく実質的な物−シェイクスピア
  4. 豊富な食物を提供するさま
    providing abundant nourishment.
    • ate a substantial breakfast
    • 十分な朝食を取った
  5. 強い 丈夫な 堅固な
    of good quality and condition; solidly built.
    • several substantial timber buildings
    • いくつかの重要な木造建築物

substantial (LARGE)
large in size, value or importance:
The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.
The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.

The new rules will substantially (= to a large degree) change how we do things.

substantial (GENERAL)
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
relating to the main or most important things being considered:
The committee were in substantial agreement (= agreed about most of the things discussed).

This model has a few extra fittings, but the two cars are substantially the same.
