2019年5月12日 星期日

latency, cut (MISS), matinee, peevish,

Promising faster speed and lower latency, 5G has been hyped as the next wave of wireless innovation. 


For this matinee concert, they saved the big gun for last:Brahms. 

An Opera at the Met That’s Real and ‘Loud’

Even before the Metropolitan Opera’s Saturday matinee of Mozart’s “Magic Flute” began, this family-friendly version of Julie Taymor’s 2004 production looked to be a huge success.

A bad-tempered starTitle page of the Spiegel magazine with an image of Reich-Ranicki tearing apart a book by Günter GrassBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: When he didn't like a book, he made sure everybody heard that
Numerous talents, such as the poet Ulla Hahn, were either discovered or promoted by Reich-Ranicki over the years in which he has reigned as the supreme authority on German literary affairs. But many an established writer, too, has experienced the wrath of a peevish critic.

Low, 10-15 bit error rate and low 0.5 nanosecond latency for increased reliability

latency time 潛伏時間
latency(period); latent period 潛伏期

  1. 1.
    the state of existing but not yet being developed or manifest; concealment.
    "tension, and the latency of violence, make the greatest impressions"
  2. 2.
    the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer.
    "poor performance due to network latency"

通訊工程 coding, minimal-latency 最短等待時間編碼,最小貽誤編碼


━━ a. 隠れた, 潜在する.
 ━━ n. 潜在; 【医】潜伏; 【コンピュータ】レイテンシー, 待ち時間.
latency period 【心】潜在期 ((4・5歳から思春期まで)).
 latent demand 【経済】潜在需要.
 latent heat 【物】潜熱.
 latent image 【写】潜像 ((フィルムなどの乳剤膜中にある目に見えない像)).
 la・tent・ly ━━ ad.

peeved  peeved
adjective INFORMAL
He was peeved because we didn't ask him what he thought about the idea.

verb [T]
What peeved her most was his thoughtlessness.
[+ that] It peeves me that she didn't bother to phone.

easily annoyed:
a peevish, bad-tempered person

peevishly verb

"I thought you might have helped, " she replied peevishly.

cut (MISS) Show phonetics
verb [T] cuttingcutcut MAINLY US INFORMAL
to not go, especially to a place where you should be:
Your son has been cutting classes.


  1. An unexcused absence, as from school or a class.


(măt'n-ā') pronunciation

or mat·i·née n.
An entertainment, such as a dramatic performance or movie, presented in the daytime, usually in the afternoon.
[French matinée, from matin, morning, from Old French matines, matins. See matins.]

[F.] n. 昼興行, マチネ.
