2024年4月25日 星期四

quandary, eradicate, wipe sth out, phenomenally, annoying, Malaria. In 1964, China began confidential research into new antimalarials to tackle this challenge.

Malaria used to be treated effectively with chloroquine and quinolines, but the malaria parasite started developing resistance to these drugs and new treatments needed to be found.
In 1964, China began confidential research into new antimalarials to tackle this challenge. A young scientist named Tu Youyou was asked to head up and build a research group searching for antimalarial drugs among traditional Chinese medicines.
Her work led her to the plant Artemisia annua from which she extracted an active agent called artemisinin, or Qinghaosu (青蒿素) in Chinese. Today this antimalarial is used to treat millions across the globe.
Read the full story in her biography: https://bit.ly/32NkA0W

Chinese ambassador to Russia says Covid-19, which has claimed more than 2,200 lives, will be eradicated in a month’s time as his country claims it will ‘win a complete victory’. 

Malaria still kills around 400,000 people a year. Efforts to eradicate the disease have stalled because of its ability to resist drugs—but pioneering gene-editing technology could change that https://econ.st/3914ka6

Researching Mosquito Romance for Eradication Purposes

Mosquitoes are not only phenomenally annoying, they are also dangerous
disease carriers.

The DW-WORLD Article

$635 Million Pledged in Effort to Wipe Out Polio
The governments of Germany and the U.K. and charities including the Gates Foundation pledged $635 million toward eradicating polio.

Dr. Brilliant, who moved to an ashram in northern India in the 1970s and went on to play a major role in eradicating smallpox in the country, likened his moral quandary in figuring out how to spend Google.org’s money to that faced by a saint wandering the streets of Benares.

wipe sth out (DESTROY) phrasal verb [M]
to destroy something completely:
Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.
One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years.

verb [T] FORMAL
to get rid of completely or destroy something bad:
The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
The disease which once claimed millions of lives has now been eradicated.

noun [U]


noun [C usually singular] ━━ n. 困惑; 苦境.
a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved:
I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about/over which one to accept.
