2020年2月10日 星期一

slot, landing slot, Slot machine, A Slot Machine, a Broken Test Tube

Slot Machine, a Broken Test Tube [Salvador Edward (b. 1912). LURIA] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Nobel Prize-winning microbiologist describes his major scientific work, recalls the colleagues and students of ...

Gado has had no qualms about skewering politicians of all persuasions in 23 years as a cartoonist for a host of east African newspapers

A landing slot, takeoff slot, or airport slot is a permission granted by the owner of an airport designated as Level 3 (Coordinated Airport), which allows the grantee to schedule a landing or departure at that airport during a specific time period.

slot machine (American English), known variously as a fruit machine (British English, except Scotland), puggy (Scottish English), the slots (Canadian and American English), poker machine/pokies or simply slot (British English and American ...
