2024年4月12日 星期五

bulwark, rotation, dialectic, pull a fast one. Happy 20th Anniversary, Gmail. I’m Sorry I’m Leaving You.

Happy 20th Anniversary, Gmail. I’m Sorry I’m Leaving You.

Against a backdrop of clouds in the sky, a hand extends from above toward a another hand holding an iPhone, which is in turn being held back by still another hand.

Companions in Solitude: Reclusion and Communion in Chinese Art

This exhibition will explore the twin themes of solitude and togetherness in Chinese art. For more than two thousand years, reclusion—removing oneself from society—has been presented as the ideal condition for mental cultivation and transcending worldly troubles. At the same time, communion with like-minded people has been celebrated as essential to the human experience. This choice, to be alone or to be together, has been central to the lives of thinkers and artists, and Chinese art abounds with images of figures who pursued both paths—as well as those who wove them together in complex and surprising ways. Companions in Solitude, presented in two rotations, will bring together more than 120 works of painting, calligraphy, and decorative arts that illuminate this choice—depictions of why and how people have sought space from the world or attempted to bridge the divide between themselves and others. In the wake of 2020, a year that has isolated us physically but connected us virtually in unprecedented ways, this exploration of premodern Chinese reclusion and communion will invite meditation on the fracture and facture of human connection in our own time.

Rotation one: July 31, 2021–January 9, 2022
Rotation two: January 31, 2022–August 14, 2022


音節ro • ta • tion

Every star is in rotation.

in [by] rotation
on a regular rotation

How Macron Pulled a Fast One on Trump With an Iran Gamble

Trump retreated to his hotel, and didn’t re-emerge until the Iranians left.

America sees Taiwan as a bulwark against Beijing’s expansion in the Asia-Pacific

The United States Has Been a Bulwark for Ukraine. What Happens if Support Collapses?


The United States Has Been a Bulwark for Ukraine. What Happens if Support Collapses?

By David E. Sanger

American officials concede there is nothing on the horizon that could match the power of a new, $60 billion congressional appropriation to support its war against Russian aggression.


We recall that the dialectic is rooted not only in the Platonic dialogue but in the Mishna.

曾天從 (1910~2007),一代哲學名師,著作等身。
《曾天從教授百歲冥誕紀念集 》(2011),有趣,有內容,值得拜讀。

pull a fast one

to successfully deceive someone:
You paid too much - I think he pulled a fast one on you.


(also dialectics)


  • 1mass noun, usually treated as singular The art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions.

  • 2mass noun, usually treated as singular Inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions.

    1. 2.1The existence or action of opposing social forces, concepts, etc.
The ancient Greeks used the term dialectic to refer to various methods of reasoning and discussion in order to discover the truth. More recently, Kant applied the term to the criticism of the contradictions which arise from supposing knowledge of objects beyond the limits of experience, e.g. the soul. Hegel applied the term to the process of thought by which apparent contradictions (which he termed thesis and antithesis) are seen to be part of a higher truth (synthesis)


  • Relating to dialectic or dialectics; dialectical.


Late Middle English from Old French dialectique or Latin dialectica, from Greek dialektikē (tekhnē) ‘(art) of debate’, from dialegesthai ‘converse with’ (see dialogue).
