2020年1月6日 星期一

【#逐字學英文國際日報】84:ostracism, apace, ostrakon, Suprematist art,

In ancient Athens, ostracism did the job of impeachment
When the system of temporary exile fell into disuse, Athenian democracy degenerated

The world’s renewables eyes have proven bigger than its grid belly.

Wind and solar installations are being built apace, but the infrastructure is holding them back.

The Vision of Architect Zaha Hadid
Christian Richters
Vitra Fire Station, Weil Am Rein, Germany, 1994
One of Hadid's enduring inspirations has been the early 20th century Suprematist art of Kazimir Malevich and El Lissitzky, with its rejection of single-point perspective, airborne shards and multiple vanishing points, which she managed to translate into genuine architectural forms. You can find their influence — and maybe also a nod to the massive steel plate sculpture of Richard Serra — in the thrusting, angular planes of her first completed building, a firehouse on the manufacturing campus of Vitra, a furniture company known for commissioning buildings by significant architects like Hadid, Frank Gehry and Tadao Ando.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1985954_2131979,00.html#ixzz0mdW3pxf8

British Museum - Limestone ostrakon with lion's head and quail chicks

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]The quail chick and lion's head sketched on this limestone flake are both

An ostracon (Greek: ὄστρακον ostrakon, plural ὄστρακα ostraka) is a piece of pottery (or stone), usually broken off from a vase or other earthenware vessel. In archaeology, ostraca may contain scratched-in words or other forms of writing which may give clues as to the time when the piece was in use. The word is derived from Greek ostrakon, meaning a shell or a shard of pottery used as a voting ballot. It is a common error for the plural form ostraca to be used as the singular for ostracon.
In Athens, the voting public would write or scratch the name of a person in the shard of pottery. When the decision at hand was to banish or exile a certain member of society, citizen peers would cast their vote by writing the name of the person on the piece of pottery; the vote was counted and if unfavorable the person was exiled for a period of ten years from the city, thus giving rise to the term ostracism.

Limestone ostrakon with lion's head and quail chicks

Height: 12.000 cm
Acquired in 1891
EA 26706
Ancient Egypt and Sudan

Limestone ostrakon with lion's head and quail chicks

Probably from Thebes, Egypt
19th or 20th Dynasty (about 1295-1069 BC)
The workmen who decorated the tombs of the kings, and those of the king's courtiers and officials, were generally highly skilled. The work force was usually divided into gangs, each of whom decorated separate areas. After the walls had been prepared, the scenes were mapped out. Grids were sometimes used to help lay out the main elements of the scenes and with the proportions of the figures. The most highly skilled artists, however, often drew figures freehand.
The beautiful images created by these artists were the result of years of experience and practice. Flakes of limestone (ostraka) were used as sketch pads to plan scenes and to practice drawing difficult or unusual features. The quail chick and lion's head sketched on this limestone flake are both common hieroglyphic symbols. The lion's head symbolizes the concepts of 'might' and 'power', particularly that of the king. The sure strokes of the artist show that he is familiar with the form, but wants to show the meaning of the hieroglyph through his drawing. The quail has been redrawn several times before the artist was satisfied and may be the result of a 'drawing lesson', with the artist copying from an example drawn by a more experienced master.
E.R. Russmann, Eternal Egypt: masterworks of (University of California Press, 2001)
M. Stead, Egyptian life (London, The British Museum Press, 1986)

  1. swiftly; quickly.
    "work continues apace"


os • tra • cism
ɑ'strəsìzm | ɔ's-
1 (多数の同意による社会的な)追放, 排斥, 村八分.
2 (古代ギリシャの)陶片追放:有力者の僣主(せんしゅ)化を防ぐための制度;陶片を用いた秘密投票で一定数を越えると10年間国外追放された.

os·tra·cod  (str-kd)
Any of various minute, chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace.

[New Latin Ostracda, subclass name, from Greek ostrakds, testaceous, from ostrakon, shell; see ost- in Indo-European roots.]

The Shard

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shard (formerly known as Shard London Bridge, the London Bridge Tower[3][4] or the Shard of Glass)[5][6] is a skyscraper in London, United Kingdom. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) above ground level, it topped out on 30 March 2012.[7] The Shard is the tallest building in Europe, and is also the second-tallest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom, after the 330-metre (1,083 ft) concrete tower at the Emley Moor transmitting station.

中文 Wikipedia
本報訊〕英國倫敦新地標「碎片大廈」(The Shard)昨晚在聲光俱佳的雷射秀下正式啟用,這棟大廈共310公尺高,是西歐最高的建築,因為是用1萬1000片的玻.
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  • 発音記号[ʃɑ'ːrd]
1 (ガラス・陶器・貝殻などの)破片;(植木ばちの)せとかけ
shell shards
2 《動物》うろこ;殻;《昆虫》(甲虫の)翅鞘(ししょう).
ザ・シャード(The Shard)は通称、ロンドン・ブリッジ・タワー(london Bridge Tower)とも呼ばれ、
位 於泰晤士河畔、高309.7 米(95 層) 的歐洲最高樓The Shard ,周四(5日) 在大型激光表演中揭幕,成為倫敦新地標。但這座有「垂直城市」之譽的高樓,在揭幕時仍是一座空殼, 26 層寫字樓至今未有一個單位租出,反映了金融危機、經濟不景對倫敦的打擊。,
