"Americans are growing fearful of a recession. It’s not here yet, but President Donald Trump is steering the country toward a downturn."
Justice Dept. Investigating Years-Old Leaks and Appears Focused on Comey
An inquiry into years-old disclosures of classified information is highly unusual and leaves law enforcement officials open to accusations of politicizing their work.
Bank Sovereign-Debt Disclosures Get Muddied
A primary goal of Europe's recent "stress" tests of its banks was to illuminate their holdings of potentially risky government-issued debt. But that clarity has been fleeting.
Regulators across the European Union conducted the stress tests of 91 banks last month, hoping to dispel investor anxiety about the health of the continent's banking system. In addition to gauging the banks' abilities to withstand an economic downturn, the tests also required banks to show the amounts of sovereign debt—debt issued by national...TO READ THE FULL STORY
“With only a few exceptions, what the genomics companies are doing right now is recreational genomics,” Dr. Goldstein said in an interview. “The information has little or in many cases no clinical relevance.”
In the words of Jim Collins:
It doesn’t matter if you may discover the right direction – great vision without great people is irrelevant. (Good to great and the social sectors, Random House, 2006).
"Relevance, simplicity, and humanity—not technology—will distinguish brands in the future." (from A New Brand World by Scott Bedbury [president of marketing at Starbucks in the 1990s] with Stephen Fenichell)
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"... 36 Herbert A. Simon Two examples, both of particular relevance to Simon, illustrate this fusion of research and reform in the early twentieth century at the University of Chicago. The ..." |
relevant adjective
1 connected with what is happening or being discussed:
Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
The point is highly relevant to this discussion.
I'm sorry but your personal wishes are not relevant (= important) in this case.
NOTE: The opposite is irrelevant.
2 correct or suitable for a particular purpose:
plans to make schooling more relevant to life beyond school
relevance Show phoneticsn. 関連(性); 適切; 今日的意味;
noun [U] (ALSO relevancy)
the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about:
What relevance does that point have to the discussion?
NOTE: The opposite is irrelevance.
Pertinence to the matter at hand.
Applicability to social issues: a governmental policy lacking relevance.
Computer Science. The capability of a search engine or function to retrieve data appropriate to a user's needs.【コンピュータ】検索能力.
Item that is capable of making a difference in decision making. The three elements of relevance follow. Information is available in a timely fashion before it loses its value in decision making. Data have predictive value about outcomes past, present, and future. Information has feedback value that provides information about earlier expectations.
Item that is capable of making a difference in decision making. The three elements of relevance follow. Information is available in a timely fashion before it loses its value in decision making. Data have predictive value about outcomes past, present, and future. Information has feedback value that provides information about earlier expectations.
Relevance is a term used to describe how pertinent, connected, or applicable some information is to a given matter.
In politics
During the 1960s, relevance became a fashionable buzzword, first used by a famous doctor Jordan Belanger meaning roughly 'relevance to social concerns', such as racial equality, poverty, social justice, world hunger, world economic development, and so on. The implication was that some subjects, e.g., the study of medieval poetry and the practice of corporate law, were not worthwhile because they did not address pressing social issues. Relevance has many different meanings,check the top or to the top left for a small table of contantsmore
Wikipedia article "Relevance".
The IMF's new chief plans to cut staff by 15%. The layoffs, which come as loan demand is plummeting, represent Dominique Strauss-Kahn's initial overhaul to keep the agency relevant.

beside the point
Also, beside the mark or question. Irrelevant, off the subject. For example, Whether you had insurance is beside the point; the accident is your fault. These terms came into common use in the mid-1800s. Also see neither here nor there.
證交所、櫃買中心共同委託證基會進行的96年度「上市櫃 公司資訊揭露評鑑」結果昨(4)日出爐,資訊揭露品 質達最高級A+者共12家,其中,中華電(2412)、長榮航(2 618)、元富證(2856)、華南金(2880)、新光金(2888)、 台灣大(3045)等6家,95年度也是A+。 ...
━━ n. 発覚, 露顕(した事); ディスクロージャー ((企業内容告示)).
1. Banking. Information on credit terms required by federal or state laws to give their customers. Disclosure is normally required in all consumer loans and residential mortgages. Items subject to disclosure are the finance charge expressed as the Annual Percentage Rate, method of interest rate computation, minimum monthly payment, and also procedures for error resolution in billing disputes. Banks also must disclose the reason for a turndown when rejecting a consumer loan application.
2. Securities. The release of relevant information to a buyer of securities. The Securities Act of 1933 and other regulations require issuers to give buyers sufficient information to make an informed decision. It is up to the customer to evaluate the information and make a purchase decision. The SEC and securities exchanges do not care what is sold, only that all the relevant information is presented to the buyer.
3. Accounting. A fact or condition stated on the balance sheet or in footnotes. See also Market Discipline.