Rhapsody in Blue | |
But Gershwin himself saw “Rhapsody in Blue” as a “musical kaleidoscope of America,” drawing from a wide array of influences that spanned several cultural divides, writes Smith. It would be a shame if Gershwin couldn’t fully pass on his gift in the same way.
18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
20 And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?
Swedish photographer Edvard Koinberg creates a modern visual counterpart to Linnaeus’s work, approaching the subject with equal passion and dedication. Having cultivated several hundred plants in his country house, Koinberg photographs each delicate bloom in his studio under perfect lighting conditions, depicting the life cycle of various flora as they bud, flourish and wane, resulting in a modern Calendarium Florae, a visual calendar that charts the year through flowers.
Will you pardon my shabby getup and ravish me again.
Whether or not there was any tangible connection between those ravishing dances and the rejuvenating power of time spent in a bathtub, Berkeley’s wild imagination and famous overhead shots remain astonishing, especially in the way he turned dancing bodies into intricate human kaleidoscopes.
Admirers of Stephen Sondheim who have long wondered whether a film of distinction would ever be made from one of his stage musicals can put aside their skepticism: Tim Burton has accomplished it in his ravishing "Sweeney Todd."
(By Peter Marks, The Washington Post)
Looks It Not Like the King? Well, More Like Burton
The Wooster Group’s “Hamlet” is a sometimes ravishing, often numbing homage to a fabled theatrical event.
They moved to Australia in 1914. Only small parts of the plan for Canberra were executed, but the Griffins won acclaim for several other buildings there. Mahony also became renowned for her ravishing paintings of local flora, many of which were published in 2005 in "Marion Mahony Griffin: Drawing the Form of Nature."
━━ n. (pl. ~s, flo・rae [Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo] ) (普通the ~) (一時代・一地域の)植物相; 植物誌 ((cf. fauna)); (F-) 女性名; 【ローマ神話】(F-) フローラ ((花・豊穣の女神)).
[Photo] flo・ral[Photo][Photo] ━━ a. 花の; 植物相の; 花を飾った[描いた].
floral emblem (国,都市などの)代表花.
[Photo] flor・ist[Photo][Photo] ━━ n. 草花栽培者; 花屋.
The Dance Master With Kaleidoscope Eyes
Celebrating Busby Berkeley’s unique choreographic vision and lasting influence, at Lincoln Center.
He was known as Buzz and used to boast that he had never had a dance lesson in his life. He wasn’t the type to gas on about his choreographic ideas, the best of which, he often said, came to him while he soaked in the bath.
...Whether or not there was any tangible connection between those ravishing dances and the rejuvenating power of time spent in a bathtub, Berkeley’s wild imagination and famous overhead shots remain astonishing, especially in the way he turned dancing bodies into intricate human kaleidoscopes.
1 [C] a tube-like toy that you look through to see different patterns of light made by pieces of coloured glass and mirrors
2 [S] a changing and enjoyable mixture or pattern:
The street bazaar was a kaleidoscope of colours, smells and sounds.
quickly changing from one thing to another
gas (TALK)
to talk for a long time about unimportant things:
Susan came round and we sat gassing for hours.
━━ n. (pl. ~s, flo・rae [Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo][Photo] ) (普通the ~) (一時代・一地域の)植物相; 植物誌 ((cf. fauna)); (F-) 女性名; 【ローマ神話】(F-) フローラ ((花・豊穣の女神)).
[Photo] flo・ral[Photo][Photo] ━━ a. 花の; 植物相の; 花を飾った[描いた].
floral emblem (国,都市などの)代表花.
[Photo] flor・ist[Photo][Photo] ━━ n. 草花栽培者; 花屋.
get sb up (DRESS) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to dress someone in particular clothing, especially clothing which is strange and unusual and intended to achieve a particular effect:
[R] He'd got himself up as a Roman emperor for the fancy-dress party.
He was in a sort of Mafia get-up (= set of clothes), with a pin-striped suit and wide tie.
verb [T usually passive] LITERARY
to give great pleasure to someone:
I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.
very beautiful:
She looked ravishing / She was a ravishing sight in her wedding dress.ravish (FORCE)
verb [T] OLD USE
to force a woman to have sex against her wishes
━━ vt. うっとりさせる ((by, with)); 強奪する; 強姦する.
這十本,我選一本來談,即杜拉斯 Marguerite Duras 的 Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein, (Gallimard, 1964.)
Duras英文本,順理翻成. The Ravishing of Lol Stein , 因為ravish 一字,就從古法文來 ([Middle English ravisshen, from Old French ravir, raviss-, from Vulgar Latin *rap īre, from Latin rapere, to seize.] )一般辭典說「v. tr. - 使陶醉, 使銷魂, 使狂喜 , 強奪, 搶走, 強姦 」。
(白井浩司訳、白水社、1967 /平岡篤頼訳、河出書房新社、1997 )。
在網頁中,也有採取『ロル・V ・シュタインの喪心, 』的。
原來是『勞兒之劫』王東亮譯,上海譯文, 2005。小說兩篇翻譯者所寫的附文,引作者決定「將錯就錯」,選擇 ravissement 這一可以有豐富意思的字眼。
這本書,譯者王東亮教授有三種譯法。在 Coquet著『話語符號學』( La Semiotique du discours)中,他翻譯成『勞兒之陶醉』。然後:
「 …….本書五年前曾以《勞兒的劫持》之名由春風文藝出版社出版 ,這次上海譯文出版社推出的是修訂版。它早先的譯名不能令人滿意 ,因為"劫持"作為書名顯得生硬、突兀,封閉了語義的空間 ,容易令人想到綁架、劫匪等暴力行為,雖然書中情劫、愛劫 、誘劫等場景未必不傳遞著另一種意義上的暴力 …… . 」
他選「劫」,因為它又有佛教「(萬、永)劫」的意思 (指女主角的心理感受之時間)【教育部國語詞典:「梵語音譯劫波( kalpa)的略稱。一個極為長久的時間單位。佛教以世界經歷若干萬年即毀滅 一次,再重新開始為一劫。如:大劫、小劫、賢劫。 」事實上如果王教授查它,還有其他可附和之意:「圍棋上指從屬未定 ,可互相牽制的棋眼。」………】
以上,只是翻譯者修正的三分之一。讀者可以讀它或上網查王先生的略 說。這本《勞兒的劫持》似乎法國的許多著名精神分析家 、符號學家都談論它。 『話語符號學』中談它最關心的關鍵段落。