2020年2月9日 星期日

punctum, encounter, charlady, melted hearts all over the world

The moving encounter between an orangutan and a man in Borneo has melted hearts all over the world
 Benson’s luminous black and white photographs show at close quarters The Beatles composing, performing, encountering their fans, relaxing, and engaging with each other, while trying to cope with their increasingly isolating fame.

在馬賽克技藝尚未純熟的年代,白濛濛的迷霧團出現在畫面的關鍵,裸身男女交媾之下半身,性器,體毛。那灰褐成團的反白色塊,隨著男女演員的激烈動作而快速閃跳跑動,甚至有些跟不上畫面的來回翻轉。  到了馬賽克時代,更不消說,原本清晰觸目的變成格格截截,破碎支離卻又肉是肉,毛是毛,成為觀賞者在畫面中視線唯一追蹤刺點(Punctum),凝視她的凝視。慾望他的慾望。這視野的躍進、或典範轉移,很難不讓人感違和。某一瞬我們赤身裸體在鑑人大面穿衣鏡前,還給嚇了一跳。該打上馬賽克的區塊怎麼變得那麼昭然若揭…… 【祁立峰】
Punctum, Latin term meaning puncture or wound, used by Roland Barthes in Camera Lucida (1980), to describe how he feels touched by certain photographs, because of incidental details which trigger emotionally charged personal associations, unrelated to the meaning of photographs as culturally determined. In a portrait by James Van Der Zee, for example, he is moved by a woman's necklace, which reminds him of one worn by his aunt, and since her death kept in a family box. It is questionable, however, how far these associations can be considered as uncoded. To be reminded of a family necklace by a historical photograph is consonant with an established language of jewellery as keepsakes and souvenirs. Influenced by phenomenology, Camera Lucida investigates the common factor (the essence) uniting not photographs but our encounters with them. The ‘noeme’ of photography, that which makes us experience photographs in a certain way, is their capacity to point to something ‘that has been’.
— Patrizia di Bello

Mrs Harris is a London charlady. One day, she sees a Dior dress belonging to one of her clients, and falls desperately in love with it. Then a miracle occurs, and ...


A woman hired to do cleaning or similar work, usually in a large building.



  • 発音記号[inkáuntər]
1 〈危険・困難・妨害などに〉遭(あ)う, 直面する, 立ち向かう;〈災難などが〉〈人に〉降りかかる;〈敵と〉遭遇[交戦]する;〈相手に〉(論戦で)対抗する;〈相手と〉(スポーツで)対戦する
encounter resistance from one's pupils
2 …に偶然出会う, 出くわす, 邂逅(かいこう)する
encounter an old friend by chance
He encountered many novel ideas in his readings.
━━(自)[I([副])](偶然)(…と)出くわす;(敵と)遭遇する, 交戦する((with ...)).
1 (…との)(偶然の)出会い, 邂逅, 遭遇((with ...))
a chance encounter
He had a close encounter with a bear in the woods.
2 (敵との)遭遇戦;((米俗))(…との)試合((with ...)).
3 《心理学》出会い:集団感受性訓練グループでの心理療法.
