2020年2月11日 星期二

goodwill, ill will, false alarm, rooting for, gobble sth up, Goodwill Ambassador

Actress Mia Farrow turns 75 today! 🎂
She had her breakthrough in 1968 with the film classic "Rosemary's Baby". 😈 🤱 Later she married Frank Sinatra and had a relationship with Woody Allen.
As a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador the mother of 14 children campaigns tirelessly for children impacted by armed conflict. Farrow also fights for environmental protection, democracy and women's rights. 💪
In Workplace Injury System, Ill Will on All Sides
Nearly a century after the workers’ compensation system was introduced, employers and employees remain at odds, each suspecting the other of dishonesty.

False Alarm Sounded Saturday in Japan over North Korean Missile Launch
Voice of America - USA
By Steve Herman A false alarm was sounded in Japan Saturday when the government announced North Korea had carried out an expected rocket launch. ...

Gears for Google Calendar may be getting close, again
It’s been reported that Google Gears for Calendar is “close to launching” before — in fact, several times before. This time may be another false alarm, ...

false alarm noun [C]
an occasion when people believe incorrectly that something dangerous or unpleasant is happening or will happen:
Three fire engines rushed to the school only to discover it was a false alarm.

She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm (= she discovered she was not).

goodwill,相反詞 ill will

Show phonetics
noun [U]
friendly and helpful feelings:
The school has to rely on the goodwill of the parents to help it raise money.
Releasing the hostages has been seen as a gesture of goodwill/a goodwill gesture.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

good will

好意, 同情; 親善; (店の)のれん, 得意先, (商売上の)信用. YA-I雅意 (嚴群譯)

AMD to face tough questions at analyst meeting: In advance of an analyst meeting, AMD announced it will take a material charge for impaired goodwill from its ATI acquisition.
(Sumner Lemon)


グッドウィル ((米国の福祉団体)).

由於最大的零工派遣公司Goodwill(東京港區)被責令停業2~4個月,一直由該公司派遣工人的物流公司等開始尋找替代手段,以解決勞動力問題。 初春的搬家業務較多,是一年中最需要工人的時期。各公司計劃由派遣零工轉為雇傭臨時工以及正式員工,不過這將導致日常的人力成本增加,有些企業因無法承受 正在憂慮。

  目前日本國內零工需求每天約為10萬人。其中,Goodwill以物流公司為中心供應約3萬人。對於忙閒落差明顯的物流公司來說,只在需要的 時候派上用場的零工一直是削減人力成本的有效手段。由於各大零工派遣公司開始強化守法體制,均在派遣人數增加方面慎之又慎,因此最大的派遣公司停業後,空 缺崗位在短時間內將難以補齊。

  大和運輸集團的著名搬家公司Yamato Home Convenience(東京中央區)計劃增加直接雇傭的臨時工。除通過招聘廣告網站等來招工外,還可能增加由集團總公司大和運輸調派的員工。(1月12日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)

2009年1月31日 星期六

rooting for, gobble sth up

Google Gobbled Up 90 Percent Of All US Search Growth In 2008
TechCrunch - Atherton,CA,USA
by Erick Schonfeld on January 28, 2009 Google ended the year with 63.5 percent market share of all search queries performed in the US, estimates comScore. ...

 is set to gobble up a large chunk of the Korean auction site and Internet retailer Gmarket.

UK surfers still rooting for Google

這篇我原要當"英文人行道" blog的教材
譬如說 "root for"是美國說法 英國用"support" (正如英國用 supports) 而美國用 fans...
marketer 是市場行銷 通有無的人:market (MAKE AVAILABLE)

gobble (EAT) Show phonetics
verb [I or T] INFORMAL
to eat food too fast:
She gobbled her dinner (down/up).

gobble sth up phrasal verb INFORMAL
to use a lot of your supply of something, usually money:
The mounting legal costs quickly gobbled up their savings.

UK surfers still rooting for Google

Majority still want Google to lead in five years despite privacy issues
The majority of UK internet users want Google to maintain its position as the leading search engine in five years' time, despite the recent controversy surrounding its privacy practices.
"This data shows how confident searchers are of Google and how much goodwill the search [company] has won," said Andrew Girdwood, head of search at digital marketing agency Bigmouthmedia.
"Marketers using Google should treat this goodwill with care but also look to harness it effectively for their own campaigns."
A Bigmouthmedia survey asked participants two similar, but quite different questions: whether they thought Google would still be the leading search engine in five years; and whether they wanted Google to be leading search engine in five years.
In the first instance 61 per cent of respondents indicated that Google would retain its dominance. Only eight per cent said 'no' and the remaining 32 per cent were 'unsure'.
However, when asked whether they wanted Google to be the leading search engine in five years, only 53 per cent responded 'yes' and 40 per cent were 'unsure'.
"Google faces a huge challenge in not being seen as trying to gobble up the world," said Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Land.
"I suspect the best way to counter concerns is to be open in advance of any moves, hear feedback and be shown as actually responsive by making some changes.
"I think recent moves with the cookies and log data retention is an example of this, although it is sadly countered by StreetView being rolled out without any heads-up that it was coming to warn the public."
The survey results suggest that, despite public relations issues surrounding the negative reactions to its policy in China, its methods of selling ads and the DoubleClick acquisition, Google still enjoys the support of the general public and will do for the foreseeable future.
(Ian Williams, vnunet.com 26 Jul 2007)

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Goodwill scandal


The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare last Friday ordered temporary staffing agency Goodwill Inc. to suspend its business operations for two to four months. Sixty-seven of the 708 Goodwill branches around the country were ordered to suspend operations for four months from Jan. 18. The remaining branches must halt operations for two months. The company repeatedly violated a law governing the dispatch of temporary workers.

All 708 Goodwill branches are required to suspend all new temporary staffing operations, including the daily employment business, except for tasks for contracts already in force.

Three other companies involved in Goodwill's illegal practices, including a major distribution firm, have been ordered to improve their operations. The ministry also filed a criminal complaint against a Tokyo-based leasing company for illegally supplying temporary workers without gaining permission from the authorities.

These harsh punitive actions have shed new light on the unruly day-labor bazaar.

The law bans the use of temporary workers for certain jobs at ports, construction sites and other places mainly because they entail serious danger for inexperienced workers. In fact, however, day laborers are often dispatched and hired for these jobs. In another illegal practice in the industry, workers sent by a temp agency to a company are reassigned to a different firm. All these practices totally disregard the safety and rights of workers.

Goodwill's cases are especially bad. Already in 2005, the company received a business improvement order from the labor ministry for illegal labor dispatch. But it did nothing to mend its ways and continued illegal practices. That apparently suggests the company had no intention of complying with the law in the first place.

The day-labor market has grown rapidly since the regulations on temporary staffing were eased. The expansion of this job marketplace has led to a proliferation of transgressions.

Last year, Fullcast Co., another major temp agency, was similarly punished with a business suspension order for illegal dispatches.

Why is lawbreaking so rampant in the industry?

There are at least 50,000 day laborers in this nation. They are contacted by cellphone or via e-mail messages about various day-labor opportunities. They have to work for very little money with no security for the next job.

Many find it difficult to protest against an order to do dangerous work because of the fear they may no longer receive job offers. Since they work under individual contracts with different employers, they cannot organize themselves easily. Contractors take advantage of the weak position of day laborers, making the marketplace a breeding ground of unlawful practices.

The punitive action against Goodwill could mean unemployment for many of the workers who have been forced to toil under illegal conditions. The labor ministry and the industry should first make all possible efforts to make sure they get jobs.

The industry, so seriously infested with lawlessness, must clean itself up completely and make a fresh start. The labor ministry should also take the blame for the situation. It has done a poor job supervising the industry amid repeated revelations about the seamy side of this employment sector.

The ministry plans to create new guidelines for the business of supplying day laborers and lay down detailed rules requiring temp agencies to offer working conditions for such people. But even that won't be enough.

The real problem is the extensive use of temporary workers in insecure positions like day laborers. It is not surprising that the labor ministry cannot effectively monitor this job market for violations when it has grown so large. The government should consider reducing, rather than increasing, the number of job categories open to temporary hiring.

The Goodwill scandal should lead to a radical overhaul of the ways the day-labor market works and is regulated by the government.

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 14(IHT/Asahi: January 16,2008)