2020年2月6日 星期四

dusted, gobble, fry, marshmallow, squishy mozzarella, littered,

"The findings include...a wastebasket made of an elephant’s foot and a telegram from President-elect John F. Kennedy inviting Mr. Steinbeck to his 1961 inauguration". After years in storage, some of the author’s treasures are dusted and ready for auction.

Comedy on Ice

Today is the day to watch Will Ferrell act goofy. Stephen Holden calls him both “a ferocious marshmallow” and “an armchair GeorgePlimpton whose characters, driven by an outlandish grandiosity, are deeply reassuring.” In “Blades of Glory,” he and his co-star Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite to you) “stake an early claim to being the comedy couple of the year.” All while falling on their stocking-clad bottoms.

Turkeys have been exploding in size, swelling from an average 13.2lb (6kg) in 1929 to over 30lb today. All trends persisting, they will be big as humans in just 150 years. Best get those leftovers out and start gobbling them before they gobble you http://econ.st/1FuUARx

I read "Sex and the Single Girl" when I was 21 years old, freshly transplanted to New York and working in the glamorous capacity of a dishwasher/freelance-writer. I'd expected the book to be marshmallow fluff—a weightless thing to gobble and then regret. Parts of it were exactly that. But much of it was smart, sharp, and, to my surprise, immediately useful.



Sweet Potatoes Step Out From Under Marshmallows

A Southern tradition has its incarnation as a fry to thank for its growing popularity.

Nine days after deadly Boko Haram attack killed as many as 2,000, bodies still litter the area.

Yale University 新增了 5 張相片。
Returning students will find campus dusted with snow. Classes begin tomorrow.

Inside Europe | 19.12.2009 | 22:05
Creating the perfect mozzarella

At this time of year, food is on many people's minds as they prepare for the festive season.

In Italy, it's a fairly certain bet that a good mozzarella will be on the table, preferably mozzarella di buffala made using buffalo milk. Our reporter eats a lot of buffalo mozzarella, but she's never seen a buffalo before. So she headed to Amaseno, a town 60 kilometers south of Rome renowned for its buffalo milk. And of course, she couldn't resist popping into a factory to taste some of the squishy white cheese.
Report: Stephanie Raison, Amaseno
Question of the Day
He would get marshmallow in his hair.

The marshmallow is too small and has too little weight to do any damage. It would reach terminal velocity (the speed at which it doesn't fall any faster) fairly quickly, and that low speed, combined with the squishy nature of the marshmallow would keep it from doing any damage. Also, due to the shape of the building and the winds in the area, the marshmallow would likely not even make it to the ground, but get caught on one of the lower levels of the building and make a nice snack for a pigeon.



1Make (a place or area) untidy with rubbish or a largenumber of objects left lying about:clothes and newspapers littered the floorthe sitting room was littered with books
1.1[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL] Leave (rubbish or a number of objects) lying untidily in a place:there was broken glass littered about
1.2(usually be littered with) Fill with examples of a particular thing, typically something bad or unpleasant:news pages have been littered with doom and gloom about company collapses
squish·y (skwĭsh'ēpronunciation
  1. Soft and wet; spongy.
  2. Sloppily sentimental.


(märsh'mĕl'ō, -măl'ō)

差異大----請讀 English  說明

  • 発音記号[mɑ'ːrʃmèlou | mɑ`ːʃmǽlou]

[名]マシュマロ:ウスベニタチアオイの根を原料にした菓子. ▼アメリカではキャンピングのとき, たき火で焼いて食べる.

... 棉花糖


    1. A light, spongy, very sweet confection made of corn syrup, gelatin, sugar, and starch and dusted with powdered sugar.

    1. A confection of sweetened paste, formerly made from the root of the marshmallow plant.
  1. often marsh mallow Botany. A perennial plant (Althaea officinalis) native to Europe and naturalized in marshes of eastern North America, having showy pink flowers and a mucilaginous root occasionally used as a demulcent and in confectionery.
  2. Slang. A timid, cowardly, or ineffective person.
marshmallowy marsh'mal'low·y adj.

中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 藥屬葵, 藥屬葵蜜餞

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ウスベニタチアオイ, マシュマロ

[編輯] 吃法


[編輯] 燒烤


[編輯] 烘焙/烹飪


[編輯] 飲料


[編輯] 雪糕

有一種美國式的巧克力雪糕,稱為Rocky road,被加入較小顆的棉花糖和果仁。

[編輯] 注釋

[編輯] 外部連結

Line breaksdust
Pronunciation: /dʌst/Definition of dust in English:


1[MASS NOUN] Fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particlesof earth or waste matter lying on the ground or onsurfaces or carried in the air:the car sent up clouds of dust
1.1[WITH MODIFIER] Any material in the form of tinyparticles:coal dust
1.2[IN SINGULAR] A fine powder:he ground it into a fine dust
1.3[IN SINGULAR] A cloud of dust.
1.4literary dead person’s remains:scatter my dust and ashes
1.5literary The mortal human body:the soul, that dwells within your dust
2[IN SINGULAR] An act of dusting:quick dust, to get rid of the cobwebs


[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
1Remove the dust or dirt from the surface of (something) by wiping or brushing it:I broke the vase I had been dustingpick yourself up and dust yourself down[NO OBJECT]: she washed and dusted and tidied
1.1(dust something down/off) Bring something out for use again after a long period of neglect:a number of aircraft will be dusted off and returned to flight
2Cover lightly with a powdered substance:roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar
2.1Sprinkle (a powdered substance) on to something:orange powder was dusted over the upper body
3US informal Beat up or kill someone:the officers dusted him up a little bit


  • 発音記号[gɑ'bl | gɔ'bl]

1 …を急いで[がつがつ]食べる;…を食い尽くす((up));…をうのみにする((down)).
2 ((略式))…に飛びつく, …をかっぱらう((up)).

v., fried (frīd), fry·ing, fries (frīz). v.tr.
  1. To cook over direct heat in hot oil or fat.
  2. Slang. To destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current: "a power surge to the computer that fried a number of sensitive electronic components" (Erik Sandberg-Diment).
  1. To be cooked in a pan over direct heat in hot oil or fat.
  2. Slang. To undergo execution in an electric chair.
n., pl., fries (frīz).
  1. A French fry. Often used in the plural.
  2. A dish of a fried food.
  3. A social gathering at which food is fried and eaten: a fish fry.
[Middle English frien, from Old French frire, from Latin frīgere.]

fry2 (frī) pronunciation
    1. Small fish, especially young, recently hatched fish.
    2. The young of certain other animals.
  1. Individuals, especially young or insignificant persons: "These pampered public school boys . . . had managed to evade the long prison sentences that lesser fry were serving" (Noel Annan).
[Middle English fri, probably from Anglo-Norman frie, from frier, to rub, from Latin fricāre.]

IN BRIEF: A soft, white, spongy candy coated with powdered sugar.

pronunciation We roasted marshmallows at the campfire.
