2025年1月2日 星期四

ensemble, nary, circuit, episode, evening ensemble, chamber ensembles.The two episodes have superficial similarities, including that both suspects used the same car rental app.

調查人員尋找新奧爾良襲擊事件與拉斯維加斯爆炸之間的聯繫 這兩起事件表面上有相似之處,包括兩名嫌疑人都使用同一個汽車租賃應用程式。
Evening ensemble by Mme. Eta Hentz circa 1944.
The Met. Accession Number: 2009.300.119
Wednesday 29 July 1 p.m.*: Zubin Mehta conducts Mahler's Second Symphony, "Resurrection" with Sunhae Im, Okka von der Damerau, the Verbier Festival Orchestra, the Youth Choir of Switzerland and the Oberwalliser Vokalensemble.

A pianist and lover of classical music, Yu and his wife Priscilla regularly attended the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Lyric Opera. Yu organized small chamber ensembles with his colleagues at the University.

Amid Conference Halls and Keynote Speakers, a Rivalry Forms By BRAD STONE
TechCrunch50, a new entrant in the technology conference market, has sparked a dispute over the ethics of the convention circuit and the fees charged to participants.

“For me, it’s a government issue,” Ms. Huang said. For the student violinists, it was an ensemble issue: trying to keep the notes together. In another room Qiang Tu, a Philharmonic cellist and native of China, coached the lower strings. “Put the bow in the right place,” he said. “Keep the tempo.”

HBO and Apple reached a deal to make HBO series available for download on iTunes, marking the first time the network has agreed to sell downloads of individual episodes.

Regional Economy Has a Split Personality
The big defense company Lockheed Martin of Bethesda has nary a concern about the national economic downturn. It is hiring -- not laying off -- employees.
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post)

WordNet: nary
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The adjective has one meaning:
Meaning #1: (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a' or `not one' or `never a'

episode (PART OF STORY)
noun [C]
one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio
1 挿話的な出来事, エピソード.

2 (物語の)挿話;(連続小説などの)1篇;(連続番組などの)1回分の作品.

3 (古代ギリシャ悲劇で2つの合唱の間の)対話の部分.

4 (天気の)異常な期間;(病気の)段階, 期間.

5 《楽》挿入部.

[ギリシャ語epeisoacutedion (eis-中へ+hodoacutes道+-ios=途中に追加してはいってくるもの)]

episode (EVENT)
noun [C]
a single event or group of related events:
This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.
The drugs, the divorce and the depression - it's an episode in his life that he wants to forget.

adjective FORMAL
happening only sometimes and not regularly:

The war between these two countries has been long-drawn-out and episodic.

group noun [C] n. 総体; 全体的効果 (tout ~); 全合唱[奏], その曲; 合唱[奏]団; (舞台の)助演者団; ((特に)) 群舞をする踊り子団; アンサンブル ((婦人服)); (家具などの)一式.
a group of things or people acting or taken together as a whole, especially a group of musicians who regularly play together:
The Mozart Ensemble is/are playing at the Wigmore Hall tonight.
She bought a dress and matching hat, gloves and shoes - in fact the whole ensemble.

circuit (VISITS) 
noun [C or U]
1 a regular pattern of visits or the places visited:
They first met each other on the tennis circuit (= while at different tennis competitions).
He was a familiar figure on the lecture circuit.

2 LEGAL a particular area containing different courts which a judge visits:
The judge had served for many years on the North-east Circuit.
a circuit judge


━━ n. 周囲, 一周; 自動車レースの競走路; (牧師の)巡回(教区); 巡回裁判(区); 【電気】回路; 興行系統, チェーン; 連盟, リーグ.
━━ v. 巡回する.
circuit board 【コンピュータ】回路基板.
circuit breaker 【電気】遮断器, ブレーカー.
Circuit City Stores サーキット・シティー・ストアズ ((米国の家電小売チェーン)).
circuit clout [blow] 【野】本塁打.
circuit court 巡回裁判所.
circuit diagram 【コンピュータ】回路図.
circuit judge 巡回裁判所(circuit court)判事.
circuit load 【コンピュータ】回線負荷.
 ━━ a. まわり道の, 遠まわしの.
cir・cu・i・tous・ly ad.
circuit rider 巡回牧師.
cir・cuit・ry ━━ n. 回路構成(要素).
circuit switching 【コンピュータ】回線交換.
circuit training 循環式訓練法 ((幾つかの体操を組み合わせてする)).
