2025年1月29日 星期三

discharge, sedative. oversedation. static electricity, down to the wire, Battle to the Wire in Swing States, pour forth, inch, countdown, Friendly Fire. Discharged by Death: Inside a Japanese Mental Hospital

'She knew she had a clot, she knew, and nobody listened to her' 💔 Read more: https://trib.al/W9uUWWi
可能是 1 人、微笑、醫院和文字的圖像

Discharged by Death: Inside a Japanese Mental Hospital
Exclusive video, sound recordings, and patient records from a psychiatric hospital reveal rampant abuse and illegal restraints. Over a 10-year period, 78% of 1498 patients were "discharged by death."

From Instagram: As seen from Frutillar, southern Chile, volcanic lightning, lava and ash during the eruption of the Calbuco volcano on April 23rd 2015. Volcanic-ash clouds contain a lot of static electricity. This is eventually discharged as bolts of lightning.

Harris and Trump Battle to the Wire in Swing States, Times/Siena Polls Find

Donald Trump has improved his standing in Pennsylvania even as late-deciding voters appear to be breaking for Kamala Harris.
Google Settles Lawsuits Brought by French Authors and Publishers
Google's effort to digitize the world's books inched forward as the search giant struck deals with French authors and publishers for them to withdraw lawsuits over the program. 
 倫敦倒數晚會迎奧運 愛爾達體育台完整呈現

倫敦時間距離奧運倒數365天,甫完工落成的倫敦奧運游泳館首次對外開放,這也是第6個完工的倫敦奧運主要比賽場館;為慶祝奧運倒數,倫敦市中心特拉法加廣場也舉行了熱鬧的慶祝活動,這場由英國BBC電視台轉播的「倫敦奧運倒數晚會」(One Year To Go Evening Celebration) ...

Q+A: What's going on at Japan's crippled nuclear power plant?
By Shinichi Saoshiro TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese engineers are inching toward gaining control of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant which was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami on March 11, triggering the world's worst nuclear disaster in 25 ...

The row over the debt ceiling is going down to the wire

Vote on Boehner's Bill To Come Down to the Wire

Current projections show GOP still lacking the necessary support ahead of evening House vote.

After years of stalling and concealment, the revelations pour forth

"I accept this responsibility and will discharge it to the best of my ability," newly appointed special counsel Robert Mueller said in a statement.
In a short statement, Mueller says, "I accept this responsibility and will discharge it to the best of my ability."



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sed·​a·​tive ˈse-də-tiv 
tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize nervousness or excitement

Friendly Fire

Discharge of a military weapon that injures or kills a member of one's own armed forces or an ally.


discharge verb (PERFORM)

[ T ] formal to perform a taskespecially an official one:

The city must discharge its legal duty to house the homeless.

To pour forth; emit: a vent discharging steam.

down to the wire
To the last minute; to the very end. For example, We're just about down to the wire with this project. This term comes from horseracing, where it was long the practice to stretch a wire across and above the track at the finish line. It was extended to figurative use about 1900.

(ĭnch) pronunciation
n. (Abbr. in or in.)
  1. A unit of length in the U.S. Customary and British Imperial systems, equal to 1/12 of a foot (2.54 centimeters).
  2. A fall, as of rain or snow, sufficient to cover a surface to the depth of one inch.
  3. A unit of atmospheric pressure that is equal to the pressure exerted by a one-inch column of mercury at the earth's surface at a temperature of 0°C.
  4. A very small degree or amount: won't budge an inch.
intr. & tr.v., inched, inch·ing, inch·es.
To move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees: inching along through stalled traffic; inched the chair forward.

every inch
  1. In every respect; entirely: "Ay, every inch a king!" (Shakespeare).
inch by inch
  1. Very gradually or slowly.
within an inch of
  1. Almost to the point of: came within an inch of death.
[Middle English, from Old English ynce, from Latin ūncia, one twelfth of a unit.]

cóuntdòwn[cóunt・dòwn] レベル:社会人必須(kount'doun') pronunciation
  1. The counting backward aloud from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before an event or operation, such as the launching of a missile or space vehicle.
  2. The checks and preparations carried out during this activity.

1 (ロケット打ち上げなどの)秒読み, カウントダウン.
2 最終点検.
