2025年1月19日 星期日

physical, Too Much to Lug. VERIFICATION CODE 驗證碼

New Music Format Is Planned
SanDisk and major music companies are planning a new format called slotMusic to help shore up sales of music on physical media.

When a Laptop Is Too Much to Lug

Samsung's Q1 Ultra is a vast improvement over its predecessor, but it's still not clear whether there's a huge market for superportable PCs

"to lug" 比較不常見

  1. To drag or haul (an object) laboriously.
  2. To pull or drag with short jerks.

  3. v. intr. - 使勁拉, 硬扯, 吃力地攜帶

  4. To cause (an engine, for example) to run poorly or hesitate: If you drive too slowly in third gear, you'll lug the engine.

(REAL) Show phonetics
relating to things you can see or touch, or relating to the laws of nature:
the physical world
All physical objects occupy space.
See also physical (BODY); physical at physics.

physically Show phonetics
No one could have climbed that wall - it's physically impossible.


━━ a. 物質(的)の; 自然の(法則による); 物理学(上・的)の; 肉体の, 肉欲の; 荒っぽい, (スポーツが)激しい; 【コンピュータ】物理的(な) ((ハードウェアとして存在することを意味する)).
physical anthropology 自然[形質]人類学.
physical capital 【金融】実物資本, 物的資本.
physical checkup 健康診断.
physical chemistry 物理化学.
physical design 【コンピュータ】物理設計.
physical education [training] 体育 ((略 PE)).
physical examination 身体検査, 健康診断.
physical format 【コンピュータ】(媒体の)物理形式, 物理フォーマット.
physical geography 自然地理学.
physical inventory 【商業】=periodic inventory.
physical jerks 〔英話〕 体操, 運動.
physical layer 【コンピュータ】物理層.
physical life 【経営】(機械,設備等の)物理的耐用年数.
phys・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.
physically challenged 身体障害の ((婉曲表現)).
physical record 【コンピュータ】物理レコード, (Cobolで)ブロック.
 ━━ n. 【商業・株】現物.
physical schema 【コンピュータ】物理スキーマ.
physical science 自然科学.
physical security 【コンピュータ】物理的セキュリティ.
physical therapy 物理[理学]療法.
physical verification 【経営】現物検査, 実地検証.
