2025年1月20日 星期一

Top ten, A-list, deference, Defiance Is Out, Deference Is In: Trump Returns to a Different Washington. legacy platforms. Patterns of deference and dominance are as natural for humans as they are for other animals. The workplace is no exception


A cluster of homes on the California coast called Sea Ranch lifts the souls of design aficionados with its style forged by A-list architects and its deference to nature.

A list or A-list n. Informal.

A list or group of the most admired or desirable people, as for a job or social gathering: famous actors on the casting director's A list; a private party for Hollywood's A-list.

deference n.
  1. Submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another.
  2. Courteous respect. See synonyms at honor.
這是1958年才開始的電台熱門唱片排行榜。現在延伸到各行各業都可運用。 Top Ten or Top 10 may refer to: • Top 10 list, a list of ten items considered to be best, worst, or notable in some other way • Top 10 (comic book), a comic book published by DC Comics • TOP TEN, an Estonian record label • The Top 10 of the Top 40, a music industry shorthand for the currently most-popular songs in a particular genre. Top 10 Billboard Hot 100 singles of 2004 ユーザー投稿型の動画が大人気の韓国。中でももっとも人気のある動画投稿サイトの1つである「Pandora.TV」が「2 007年上半期 人気動画 TOP10」を発表した。

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