2025年1月13日 星期一

epicurean urge, decalcomania, decal. The global soft-toy market was worth almost $12bn in 2023 and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8% until 2030. What explains the craze?

The global soft-toy market was worth almost $12bn in 2023 and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8% until 2030. What explains the craze? https://econ.trib.al/irE8jH2

Photo: Jellycat London

康有為思想研究 (蕭公權)

康有為思想研究 蕭公權作:汪榮祖譯出
:聯經出版公司 出版日期:1988年

蕭公權先生的書 當然精彩 傳主也是奇人
此書有索引 不過可能是英文版的頁數

(epicurean) urge (第6頁) 翻譯成 "制力" 似為誤解 在第2章說康有為多半是"享樂主義"者......

(ĕp'ĭ-kyʊ-rē'ən, -kyʊr'ē-) pronunciation
  1. Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, especially to the enjoyment of good food and comfort.
  2. Suited to the tastes of an epicure: an epicurean repast.
  3. Epicurean Of or relating to Epicurus or Epicureanism.
  1. A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure.
  2. Epicurean A follower of Epicurus.

[Middle English Epicurien, from Epicure. See epicure.]


(dē-kăl'kə-mā'nē-ə, -mān') pronunciation
  1. The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
  2. A decal.

[French décalcomanie, from dēcalquer, to transfer a tracing (de-, off, from , from Latin dē-; see de- + calquer, to trace; see calque) + manie, craze (from its popularity in the 19th century) (from Late Latin mania, madness; see mania).]



  • 発音記号[díːkæl | dikǽl]

1 移し絵, 転写印刷, デカルコマニー.
2 1の絵や図案の描いてある転写紙.
