2025年1月25日 星期六

scurry, skitter, scuttle, Speak Capably, Say Little. "we are on a glide path to success"

William Lester 發文到 Vintage Weird
Basil Wolverton, 1952

The FCC made the right decision on net neutrality today -- largely because over 4 million Americans insisted. But moneyed interests (i.e. Big Cable and Big Telecom) are already trying to get Congress to water it down. So our work isn't done. Please join us in letting Congress know you want net neutrality to stand.

The FCC just made the right choice on net neutrality -- let's make sure Congress doesn't scuttle it!

Path to Supreme Court: Speak Capably, Say Little
Supreme Court candidates have learned how to avoid answers that could scuttle their nominations.

Alstom Bid Draws Scrutiny
Two of Europe's largest development banks are probing allegations that Slovene government officials helped French engineering giant Alstom scuttle a rival power-plant construction bid by Siemens.

Yahoo Loses Its Deal PremiumYahoo shares fell more than 15% as Wall Street reset the Internet giant's worth after Microsoft withdrew its $47.5 billion takeover offer. The scuttled bid may not prevent another attempt by Microsoft down the road.

I.M. Pei Scuttles Plans for NYU Tower - New York Magazine


Nov 18, 2010 - I.M. Pei Scuttles Plans for NYU Tower ... In February 2008, NYU's architects sought ameeting with Pei to present their plans. ... “I've sat across the table with Hillary Clinton eye-to-eye,” Iowa representative Steve King said ...

glide path
  1. an aircraft's line of descent to land, especially as indicated by ground radar.
    • a series of events or actions leading smoothly to a particular outcome.
      "we are on a glide path to success"

204 / 5,000

Translation results

Translation result

下滑道 名詞 飛機下降到陸地的路線,尤其是由地面雷達指示的路線。 順利導致特定結果的一系列事件或行動。 “我們正走在通往成功的道路上”

scuttle 3 

Pronunciation: /ˈskʌt(ə)l/ 


1Sink (one’s own ship) deliberately by holing it or opening its seacocks to let water in:the ship was scuttled by its German prize crew, who took to the boats
2Deliberately cause (a scheme) to fail:some of the stockholders are threatening to scuttle the deal

scuttle (SINK)
verb [T]
1 to intentionally sink a ship, especially your own, in order to prevent it from being taken by an enemy

2 to stop something happening, or to cause a plan to fail


━━ n. (船べり・甲板・屋根・壁などの)小窓; (ふたのある)昇降口.
━━ vt. 底(または舷側に)穴をあけて船を沈める; (計画などを)だめにする.
 scuttle・butt ━━ n. 〔話〕 うわさ.

The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
Synonym: coal scuttle
Meaning #2: an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
Synonyms: hatchway, opening

The verb scuttle has one meaning:
Meaning #1: to move about or proceed hurriedly
Synonyms: scurry, scamper, skitter

Line breaks: scurry
Pronunciation: /ˈskʌri /

VERB (scurriesscurryingscurried)

(Of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps:pedestrians scurried for cover


[IN SINGULAR]Back to top  
1A situation of hurried and confused movement:I was in such a scurry

2A flurry of rain or snow:the sled disappeared in a scurry of snow


early 19th century: abbreviation of hurry-scurry, reduplication of hurry.
skitter Pronunciation (verb) To move rapidly along a surface, usually with frequent light contacts or changes of direction; skip or glide quickly.
Synonyms:scamper, scurry, scuttle
Usage:The area was populated by countless tiny lizards that would skitter away when approached.
