2025年1月20日 星期一

saw, sawn-off ,whipsaw, incessant. "the army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits"

UPDATE: Three gunmen 'with sawn-off shotguns' on the run after 18 people escape unharmed
Drum Circles Could Doom Wall Street Occupation, Organizers Fear

Incessant noise divides demonstrators, upsets neighbors.

Does Alibaba Have a Chance at Winning Yahoo?
After Alibaba's chairman, Jack Ma, set the tech world chattering Friday by declaring his interest in buying all of Yahoo, Bloomberg News takes a look at the likelihood of such a deal.

"Despite the obvious cultural hurdles... it would be hard for Alibaba to do a worse job than previous management," Duncan Clark, chairman of telecommunications consulting firm BDA China, tells Bloomberg News.

原木(log)和木材(sawn wood)

Lehman's stock has been whipsawed in the past week or so by takeover speculation, including earlier
chatter about potential interest from the Korean bank. Lehman's shares were up more than 5 percent in pre-market trading on Tuesday.

Go to Article from The Associated Press via The New York Times»



Any of various tools, either hand-operated or power-driven, having a thin metal blade or disk with a sharp, usually toothed edge, used for cutting wood, metal, or other hard materials.

sawed, sawed, or sawn (sôn), saw·ing, saws. v.tr.
  1. To cut or divide with a saw.
  2. To produce or shape with a saw: sawed a hole in the board.
  3. To make back-and-forth motions through or on: a speaker who saws the air with his arms.
  1. To use a saw: sawing along the chalk line.
  2. To undergo cutting with a saw: Pine wood saws easily.
[Middle English sawe, from Old English sagu.]
sawer saw'er n. saw2 () pronunciation

A familiar saying, especially one that has become trite through repetition. See synonyms at saying.
[Middle English sawe, from Old English sagu, speech.]

saw3 () pronunciation

Past tense of see1.

sawn-offLine breaks: sawn-off

(North American sawed-off)

Definition of sawn-off in English:


1(Of a gun) having a specially shortened barrel to make handling easier and to give a wider field of fire.
1.1informal (Of an item of clothing) having been cut short:sawn-off pale pink jeans
1.2US informal (Of a person) short:my visitor was a sawed-off little fella


informalBack to top  
A sawn-off shotgun:he was hauling a sawn-off over his shoulder


(hwĭp'', wĭp'-)


A narrow two-person crosscut saw.
tr.v., -sawed, -sawed or -sawn (-sôn'), -saw·ing, -saws.
  1. To cut with a whipsaw.
  2. Games. To win two bets from (a person) at one time, as in faro.
  3. To cause to move or alternate rapidly in contrasting directions: “The bond market . . . continues to be whipsawed by fears of rekindled inflation” (Steven E. Levingston).
  4. To defeat or best in two ways at once.
North American
gerund or present participlewhipsawing
  1. 1.
    cut with a whipsaw.
    "he was whipsawing lumber"
  2. 2.
    subject to two difficult situations or opposing pressures at the same time.
    "the army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits"

(chăt'ər) pronunciation

-tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.intr.
  1. To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber.
  2. To utter a rapid series of short, inarticulate, speechlike sounds: birds chattering in the trees.
  3. To click quickly and repeatedly: Our teeth chattered from the cold.
  4. To vibrate or rattle while in operation: A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose.
To utter in a rapid, usually thoughtless way: chattered a long reply.


  1. Idle, trivial talk.
  2. Communication, such as e-mail and cell phone calls, between people who are involved in terrorism or espionage, as monitored by a government agency.
  3. The sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals.
  4. A series of quick rattling or clicking sounds.
[Middle English chateren, of imitative origin.]
chatterer chat'ter·er n.

1 〈鳥・猿が〉けたたましく鳴く[叫ぶ]((away));〈木の葉が〉ザワザワ音を立てる;〈小川が〉さらさら流れる((away)).
2 〈人が〉(くだらない内容を)ぺらぺら[ぺちゃくちゃ]しゃべる;まくしたてる((away, on/about ...)).
3 〈機械などが〉ガタガタ音を立てる, 「びびる」;〈歯が〉(恐怖・寒さで)ガチガチ鳴る((together/with ...))

His teeth chattered with the cold.
1 …を(早口で)ぺらぺら[ぺちゃくちゃ]しゃべる.
2 〈歯を〉(恐怖・寒さで)ガチガチ鳴らせる;《機械》…を「びびらせる」.
1 おしゃべり, むだ口;早口のしゃべり声.
2 (鳥・サルの)鳴き騒ぎ(「ピーチク」「キャッキャッ」);木の葉のザワザワいう音;小川のせせらぎ.
3 (歯・機械・銃の)ガタガタ[パチパチ]いう音.
[中英語chateren. 擬声語]

  • [insésnt]

[形]絶え間のない, ひっきりなしの
incessant rains
-san・cy, ・ness
