2025年1月29日 星期三

sophisticated, malicious cyberactivity, cybersecurity, cyberstrategy, sophistication. the U.S. Air Force used “malicious compliance” with one of Trump’s orders is a diversion,

A Republican Senator’s complaint that the U.S. Air Force used “malicious compliance” with one of Trump’s orders is a diversion, Tom Nichols writes in The Atlantic Daily. "Trump’s wave of executive orders is designed to be performatively malicious."

Governments have become the world’s best hackers. The latest example came on November 23rd, when an American antivirus firm announced the discovery of a piece of software which it had found lurking on computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and several other countries, sniffing for secrets. Its sophistication led the firm to conclude that it must have been written by a nation-statehttp://econ.st/1vYNwLU
Twenty years ago, it might have happened, says wine consultant Walker, but it's a thing of the past and Chinese palates are increasingly sophisticated.

After Profits, Defense Firm Faces Pitfalls of Cybersecurity

Mike McConnell, who once led the National Security Agency, is now the chief architect of Booz Allen’s cyberstrategy — and among the executives facing tough questions after a data leak. 

Concerns about the nation’s cybersecurity have greatly increased in the past two years. On Tuesday, Dennis C. Blair, the director of national intelligence, began his annual threat testimony before Congress by saying that the threat of a crippling attack on telecommunications and other computer networks was growing, as an increasingly sophisticated group of enemies had “severely threatened” the sometimes fragile systems behind the country’s information infrastructure.
“Malicious cyberactivity is occurring on an unprecedented scale with extraordinary sophistication,” he told the committee.


Pronunciation: /məˈlɪʃəs/
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Definition of malicious    adjective
  • characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm:he was found guilty of malicious damage a hotbed of rumour and malicious chit-chat the transmission of malicious software such as computer viruses







Middle English: from Old French malicios, from Latin malitiosus, from malitia (see malice)

so·phis·ti·cat·ed (sə-fĭs'tĭ-kā'tĭd) pronunciation
  1. Having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté.
  2. Very complex or complicated: the latest and most sophisticated technology.
  3. Suitable for or appealing to the tastes of sophisticates: a sophisticated drama.
sophisticatedly so·phis'ti·cat'ed·ly adv.
