Let’s Get to the Marrow of What Trump Just Did
Hopes are up among Ghanaians with HIV/AIDS that a new law will help fight discrimination. Lawmakers also want to make sure that people do not skip tests out of fear of stigmatization. |
Halloween is just around the corner, so let's revisit a few productions at the International Festival that chilled us to the bone. Read on, if you dare… http://eif.buzz/2xrWbt5

- Maciej
chilled to the bone
2. To become very scared. In this usage, a pronoun is usually used between "chill" and "to." The sight of blood justchills me to the bone.
- 音節
- chill
- 発音
- tʃíl
- chillの変化形
- chills (複数形) • chilled (過去形) • chilled (過去分詞) • chilling (現在分詞) • chills (三人称単数現在)
- chillの慣用句
- put a person on the chill, send a chill down a person's spine, take the chill off, (全4件)
2 寒け, 悪寒;(悪寒を伴う)かぜ
3 (突然の)ぞっと[がくっと]するような気持ち;不安, 興ざめ, しらけ
5 《冶金》チル, 冷やし金.
6 ((米俗))冷たい(缶)ビール.
put a person on the chill/put the chill on a person
send a chill down a person's spine
take the chill off ...
━━[形](〜・er, 〜・est)
2 気をめいらせる;〈態度が〉冷淡な;形式ばった. ▼chillは文語的, 現在は通例chilly.
3 ((俗))〈計画・状況などが〉完全な.
1 冷える;寒さが身にしみる, ぞくぞくする.
2 《冶金》〈鋳物が〉(冷やし金に触れて)表面が硬くなる.
3 ((米俗))おとなしく従う;つかまる.
4 ((米俗))(計画・人に)懐疑的[冷淡]になる;熱意がさめる;冷静になる((out)).
1 ((通例受身))〈人を〉寒がらせる, 寒さでぞっとさせる;((文))恐怖でぞっとさせる;〈食べ物などを〉冷やす, (凍らない程度に)冷却[冷蔵]する
2 ((文))〈意気込みを〉くじく, 抑える;〈興を〉さます.
3 《冶金》〈金属を〉チル化する, 表面を硬くする.
4 ((米俗))〈問題・不満・苦境を〉解決する.
5 ((米俗))〈人を〉殺す;怒らせる;(やくざ社会で)〈人を〉殴って気絶させる.
chill out
((しばしば命令形))((俗))落ち着く;気楽に構える;くつろぐ.chill out︰慣用語/動詞片語,放鬆、冷靜。例句︰You need to chill out for a bit.(你需要放鬆一下。)