2025年1月11日 星期六

philanthropy, philanthropist. administrative committee/state. Donald Trump vs. the Bureaucrats. The president-elect and his allies have turned “the administrative state” into a battle cry.

philanthropy, philanthropist
這類主題常會碰到一英文 philanthropist,通常譯為"慈善家",譬如說,我介紹美國新聞界大亨,當過紐約市長"志工" 的Bloomberg先生之基金會,最近捐一筆錢給哈佛商學院HBS,請該學院代培訓美國的各地"市長" (市長必須"英明",其工作之繁重,他最清楚:注意,Bloomberg的母校也有著名的商學院,他卻捐給HBS,而非哈佛的政府學院等.....)。Wikipedia 關於他的介紹當然包括"慈善家" (以他的許多巨額捐款,這他當之無愧):

  • Michael "Mike" Rubens Bloomberg[2] (born February 14, 1942) is an American business magnate, politician, and philanthropist. Bloomberg is currently the 6th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of US$51 billion as of September 2016.
不過,英文 philanthropist 意義很廣,善心/助人人士、對社會有貢獻的人,都可以稱之為philanthropist。有意思的是其人Edward W. Forbes先生與" 顏料的故事:哈佛大學博物館的3600種顏料",他的Wikipedia 條目中的Philanthropy,都沒提"捐款",不過,他給藝術界的"美利"是很了不起的。

Edward W. Forbes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Edward _ W ._ Forbes Edward W . Forbes (18...
Michael "Mike" Rubens Bloomberg[2] (born February 14, 1942) is an American business magnate, politician, and philanthropist. Bloomberg is currently the 6th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of US$51 billion as of September 2016.[3]

Edward W. Forbes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPhilanthropy[edit]Forbes served in the American Red Cross during World War I.[1]Forbes served on the Board of Trustees of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts from 1903 to 1963.[1][3] He also served on the Board of Trustees of the Wadsworth Athenaeum in Hartford, Connecticut.[1][8] He served on the administrative committee of the Dumbarton OaksCollection and Research Library of Byzantine Studies in Washington, D.C. from 1941 to 1963.[2] Additionally, he served on the Board of Trustees of Public Reservations of Massachusetts for six decades.[2] He became honorary fellow of the International Institute for Conservation in 1958, where the annual Edward W. Forbes Prize was named in his honor.[1]Forbes was a recipient of an honorary A.M. from Harvard in 1921, an honorary LL.D. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1927, and an honorary Doctorate of Arts from Harvard in 1942.[1] He was the recipient of the knighthood of the Legion of Honor from the Republic of France in 1937.[1]

adjective FORMAL
helping poor people, especially by giving them money

noun [C]
a philanthropic person: 善心/助人人士、
a donation from a wealthy 19th-century philanthropist


  1. the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
    "he acquired a considerable fortune and was noted for his philanthropy"

noun [U] ━━ n. 博愛, 慈善事業[団体].
  1. 《「フィランスロピー」とも》慈善。博愛。また、慈善活動。(企業などの)社会貢献活動。
