An advance copy is a draft of a book or other publication that is shared before it is released to the public. Advance copies are used to generate interest and get feedback from reviewers, critics, and other readers.
needle of performance
hc問 simon university 網路朋友 : 朋友 今天我在nikebiz 讀到 "needle of performance"百思不得其解/來源 說不定你們知道呢
--- 小讀者答 是指像 dashboard 上的指針嗎? or on any dial/scale... (參考 dashboard and performa nce dashboard )
呵 呵猜對了順著感覺走, 果然在古狗上找到一個例子Knowing where the pitfalls lie and how to avoid them can produce benchmarking that actually moves the needle on the performance meter.
----hc 了不起 先dashboard就猜可能對...
practice noun [C]a job or business which involves a lot of skill or training:
a dental/medical/veterinary/legal practiceOur practice is responsible for about five thousand patients in this part of Leeds.
She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.practising UK,
US practicing adjective [before noun]actively involved in a job:a practising doctor/lawyer
The number of practising doctors is falling even though more people are qualifying in medicine.(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
---- code of practice noun [C]a set of standards agreed on by a group of people who do a particular job 行規(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 例:如何確保我的帳戶維持良好規範?首先,請勿點擊您自己的廣告,或要求他人這麼做。 接下來,花一些時間詳閱我們完整列出的計劃政策 ( 並加以遵守。
***** hc看天主教字典 「practicing catholic:熱心教(信)友;虔誠教友:指忠實履行信仰義務之教友。」 很驚訝。因為以前以為它指某些專業等的執業,practicing architect:執業建築師。(現在不知道有無 practicing blogger. 說法?) --- 小讀者:「practice 用在宗教倒是常見的,其實談不上「熱心」或「虔誠」與否。 只是與掛名相對照,指有上教堂,行此禮,遵其儀等等的行為。 這等意義之下的practice對象,包括 custom, craft, religion 或可以譯為「(實際)遵行」或「遵奉」即可。」
****hc舉(本站)例 : when a kiss is more than a kiss 2007/05/07 13:46 ...said. ”He’s been to India so many times. He should have known better.” Mr. Gere, a practicing Buddhist and supporter of the Tibetan cause, visits India frequently to meet with the Dalai...《詳全文》
--- 律師業: It may be a stretch to argue that beginning lawyers at big law firms need more money, but those practicing in New York could make a strong case for a raise, says The National Law Journal. Go to Article from The National Law Journal>>
-----Louis Ferdinand Celine 2007/05/31 return to France; he spent the last 10 years of his life in a Paris suburb, still practicing medicine, impoverished and deeply embittered. During this time he wrote several other books based...《詳全文》 雜誌社 Lean, Reliable and Lubed" Conference Draws Record Crowd 2007/06/08
...Manufacturers, the Vibration Institute, ILMA and ICML. Media sponsors included Machinery Lubrication, Practicing Oil Analysis, Reliable Plant, Pumps & Systems, Plant Services, IEN, Plant Engineering, and...《詳全文》