2025年1月14日 星期二

practice. needle of performance. 試印本 (advance copies)

 An advance copy is a draft of a book or other publication that is shared before it is released to the publicAdvance copies are used to generate interest and get feedback from reviewers, critics, and other readers. 

《走讀自然 · 花言樹語》<後語> 蘇正隆
《走讀自然 · 花言樹語》終於正式問世了,2024年12月中曾先印了8本,是試印本 (advance copies)。在英美出版界,重點書正式印刷前會先少量印刷供書評人、推薦者先讀,或給經銷商評估需求,或在書展上宣傳,預售,之後再根據回饋決定量產印數。我這本書沒找人寫序,也沒找名人推薦,之前先印8本是因為接受台北市文化局補助,需要於年底前結案出書,因此那版本少了底下這段 <後語>。

needle of performance

hc問 simon university 網路朋友 : 朋友 今天我在nikebiz 讀到 "needle of performance"百思不得其解/來源 說不定你們知道呢
 --- 小讀者答 是指像 dashboard 上的指針嗎? or on any dial/scale... (參考 dashboard and performa nce dashboard )
 呵 呵猜對了順著感覺走, 果然在古狗上找到一個例子Knowing where the pitfalls lie and how to avoid them can produce benchmarking that actually moves the needle on the performance meter. 
 ----hc 了不起 先dashboard就猜可能對...

practice noun [C]a job or business which involves a lot of skill or training:

a dental/medical/veterinary/legal practiceOur practice is responsible for about five thousand patients in this part of Leeds.

She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.practising UK, 
US practicing adjective [before noun]actively involved in a job:a practising doctor/lawyer

The number of practising doctors is falling even though more people are qualifying in medicine.(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

---- code of practice noun [C]a set of standards agreed on by a group of people who do a particular job 行規(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 例:如何確保我的帳戶維持良好規範?首先,請勿點擊您自己的廣告,或要求他人這麼做。 接下來,花一些時間詳閱我們完整列出的計劃政策 (www.google.com/adsense_newpub1/policies) 並加以遵守。

 ***** hc看天主教字典 「practicing catholic:熱心教(信)友;虔誠教友:指忠實履行信仰義務之教友。」 很驚訝。因為以前以為它指某些專業等的執業,practicing architect:執業建築師。(現在不知道有無 practicing blogger. 說法?) --- 小讀者:「practice 用在宗教倒是常見的,其實談不上「熱心」或「虔誠」與否。 只是與掛名相對照,指有上教堂,行此禮,遵其儀等等的行為。 這等意義之下的practice對象,包括 custom, craft, religion 或可以譯為「(實際)遵行」或「遵奉」即可。」

 ****hc舉(本站)例 : when a kiss is more than a kiss 2007/05/07 13:46 ...said. ”He’s been to India so many times. He should have known better.” Mr. Gere, a practicing Buddhist and supporter of the Tibetan cause, visits India frequently to meet with the Dalai...《詳全文》 
--- 律師業: It may be a stretch to argue that beginning lawyers at big law firms need more money, but those practicing in New York could make a strong case for a raise, says The National Law Journal. Go to Article from The National Law Journal>>

-----Louis Ferdinand Celine 2007/05/31 ...to return to France; he spent the last 10 years of his life in a Paris suburb, still practicing medicine, impoverished and deeply embittered. During this time he wrote several other books based...《詳全文》 雜誌社 Lean, Reliable and Lubed" Conference Draws Record Crowd 2007/06/08 

...Manufacturers, the Vibration Institute, ILMA and ICML. Media sponsors included Machinery Lubrication, Practicing Oil Analysis, Reliable Plant, Pumps & Systems, Plant Services, IEN, Plant Engineering, and...《詳全文
