2024年4月6日 星期六

appetite, whet, culinary finesse.Donald Trump’s Insatiable Bloodlust. A Frozen Pond and a New Way to Experience an Ancient Jewish Ritual in Maine

U.S. Debt Expected To Soar This Year
With President-elect Barack Obama and congressional Democrats considering a massive spending package aimed at pulling the nation out of recession, the national debt is projected to jump by as much as $2 trillion this year, an unprecedented increase that could test the world's appetite for financing...
(By Lori Montgomery, The Washington Post)

A strong wish or urge: an appetite for learning.

appetite (DESIRE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a strong desire or need:
her appetite for adventure
his insatiable sexual appetite
I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite (= increased my interest in it).

whet someone's appetite
to increase someone's interest in and desire for something, usually by giving them a small experience of it:

I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite.
That one kiss had whetted his appetite.

whet (SHARPEN) 
verb [T] -tt- OLD USE
to sharpen the blade of a knife or similar tool:
He whetted his knife against the stone.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

━━ vt. (-tt-) 研ぐ; (食欲などを)刺激する, そそる.
━━ n. 研ぐこと, 研摩; 刺激物, 食欲をそそるもの.
whet・stone 砥石(といし).
whet・ter ━━ n. 研ぎ屋; (興味・食欲などを)刺激する人[物].

Culinary Cinema” Revamps the Concept of Dinner and a Movie

At the Berlinale side-event, star chefs, gastronomic gurus and food films came together for a twist on the old tradition.

They call it Culinary Cinema and it included stars the likes of Carlo Petrini, the founder of Slow Food, and Ferran Adrià, the revolutionary chef from Barcelona, discussing everything from classic films about food - to new documentaries. Most events were packed, but there were still tickets for the survival movie "Cooking In The Danger Zone" -- in which travel writer Stefan Gates ate things that would not whet the normal appetite. Report: Julia Carneiro


culinary Adjective SLIGHTLY FORMAL
connected with cooking or kitchens:
the culinary delights (= pleasant tasting food) of Beijing
My culinary skills are rather limited, I'm afraid (= I am not very good at cooking)!

noun [U]
great skill or style:
It was a disappointing performance which lacked finesse.

finesse verb [T]
to deal with a situation or a person in a skilful and often slightly dishonest way:
She finessed the interview by playing down her lack of experience and talking about her long-standing interest in the field.
