2024年12月14日 星期六

overreact, joint, joint performance. Chen Jian brings Zhou into the light. Prison Atrocities Come Into the Light. offering a nuanced portrait of his complex life as a revolutionary, a master diplomat, and a man with his own vision and ...

Douglass, born into slavery, saw ancient Egypt as a self-evidently African civilization. Its pyramids and parchments were therefore a legacy for Black Americans to claim. To say otherwise, he wrote to his son, was to give up “the moral support of Ancient Greatness and to appropriate the same to the white race.”

Chen Jian brings Zhou into the light, offering a nuanced portrait of his complex life as a revolutionary, a master diplomat, and a man with his own vision and ...

A Company Is More Than Its CEO
The job of the CEO is a nuanced one, but a key trick to effective management, Drucker felt, is to "make people capable of joint performance"

He spent too much money in a joint that exist for that purpose and for no other.

Overreaction kills the fun along with the flu


To react with unnecessary or inappropriate force, emotional display, or violence.
overreaction o'ver·re·ac'tion n.
overreactive o'ver·re·ac'tive adj.

  1. Shared by or common to two or more: our joint presence; a joint income-tax return.
  2. Sharing with another or others: a joint tenant.
  3. Formed or characterized by cooperation or united action: joint military maneuvers.
  4. Involving both houses of a legislature: a joint session of Congress.
  5. Law. Regarded as one legal body; united in identity of interest or liability.
  6. Mathematics. Involving two or more variables.

joint (PLACE)
noun [C]
1 INFORMAL a bar or restaurant which serves cheap food and drink:
We had lunch at a hamburger joint and then went to see a movie.

2 SLANG a place where people go for entertainment and which often has a bad reputation:
He owned several bars in the city and ran an illegal gambling joint.
We arrived at the club just before midnight and the joint was already jumping (= busy).
