We also have Vjosa Isai in Toronto, and she is a zillennial, able to keep eyes and ears on multiple platforms simultaneously. And Norimitsu Onishi, one of our most seasoned international correspondents, is based in Montreal, and is able to offer deeply thoughtful cultural observations and analysis in this big moment. It takes a lot of different skills and backgrounds to be on top of a story like this. We’re lucky to be part of a news organization that can provide that, including all the behind-the-scenes heroes, like editors.
A Zillennial is a person born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s, on the cusp of the Millennial and Gen Z generations:
- Zillennials are a mix of both generations, with a unique perspective and a combination of attitudes, values, and behaviors. They are the only generation to remember a time before the personal-tech boom of the early 2000s, but also grew up with technologies like the iPod and the first smartphones.