2023年5月21日 星期日

rowdy, Bob Dylan’s rowdy ways and American voice. a rowdy leprechaun

The colorful cast of characters includes Shadow’s walking dead ex-wife, whom he accidentally reanimates after tossing a gold coin from a rowdy leprechaun into the open grave at her funeral.  豐富多彩的角色包括影子行屍走肉的前妻,在她的葬禮上,他從一個吵鬧的小妖精身上扔了一枚金幣到敞開的墳墓後,不小心讓她復活了。

"Dylan’s art has always been about voice, in all senses of the word. This includes both his own scratchy vocal delivery and the voices he hears around him. Across his career he has mobilized an extraordinary array of references and idioms, from the poetry of Rimbaud, to the Bible, to the songs of Bing Crosby" Timothy Hampton, author of Bob Dylan: How the Songs Work. Read more in Ideas. https://princeton.press/Dylan

Bob Dylan’s rowdy ways and American voice
One of the great ironies surrounding Bob Dylan’s 2016 reception of the Nobel Prize for Literature is that, at the time of the prize, the great songwriter had just released a pair of recordings that featured no compositions of his own.

Bob Dylan’s rowdy ways and American voice

By Timothy Hampton September 25, 2020

Wi-Fi Turns Rowdy Bus Into Rolling Study Hall

Joshua Lott for The New York Times
On buses equipped with Wi-Fi in Vail, Ariz., officials say more homework is getting done, and there's less rowdy behavior.

The War Against Beer Pong

A campaign to outlaw rowdy drinking games at colleges and in towns is growing, even targeting the video-game industry

noisy and possibly violent:
a rowdy party
rowdy behaviour



n., pl. -dies.
A rough, disorderly person.
adj., -di·er, -di·est.
Disorderly; rough: rowdy teenagers; a rowdy beer party.

[Probably from ROW3.]

rowdily row'di·ly adv.
rowdiness row'di·ness n.
rowdyism row'dy·ism n.
