2020年5月7日 星期四

"The world is your oyster" , software-defined radio hack,

#TBT: Even if you're stuck at home, the radio world can still be your oyster, thanks to this software-defined radio hack.

"The world is your oyster" - phrase of the week | Bell English
www.bellenglish.com › news › world...

2013/03/12 - The world is your oyster means that you can achieve anything you wish in life or go anywhere because you have the opportunity or ability to do so. Uses. It is used quite widely in spoken English in informal situations. You often ...

世界是你的牡蠣」 (The world is your oyster) 這句俗諺乍聽奇特,它可是源自於英國大文豪莎士比亞的劇本,意指「整個世界可以任你遨遊」。 牡蠣是孕育珍珠的生物,因此以牡蠣比喻世界,珍珠則是世界上的種種美好。這樣說來,遨遊 ...
