Where a Million Desperate People Are Finding Shelter in Lebanon Schools, clubs and parks have become places of refuge as the displaced seek safety amid Israeli bombings. Brussels Postcard The Ukrainian Officials Leading Double Lives Over DinnerIn Brussels, visiting members of the Zelensky administration are feted with rosé and squid pasta. In Ukraine, they’re internally displaced people. By Annie Hylton |
17.04. - German Researcher Spends Winter on Drifting Ice Floe in Arctic
Jürgen Graeser from the German Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and
Marine Research was the first foreign scientist to be allowed to join a
Russian team on the 35th North Pole Drift Expedition. The team spent seven
months on a drifting ice floe to conduct research in the Arctic.
The DW-WORLD Article
Afghans possess a remarkable inner strength that has carried them through two decades of war and displacement. If they are given the knowledge they need to fully participate in reconstruction efforts, their country will move forward steadily, to the benefit of all.
Yahoo wins over T-Mobile Europe, displacing Google
Reuters - USA
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc has displaced Google as preferred provider of Web services to mobile operator T-Mobile in northern and central Europe, ...
Germany sends aid to displaced Kenyans
German Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul had joined calls for Kenya's government and opposition to resolve their differences through dialogue. Meanwhile, the foreign office in Berlin has announced that it is sending €300,000 to support the efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross to help Kenyans who have been displaced by the current unrest.
displaced person noun [C] plural displaced persons
someone who has been forced to leave their home, especially because of war or a natural disaster (= something that causes a lot of damage), such as an earthquake, flood, etc.
verb [T] 取而代之
to force something or someone out of its usual or original position:
The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.
noun [U]
1 when people are forced to leave the place where they normally live:
The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.
2 SPECIALIZED the weight of liquid that is forced out of position by an object which is floating on or in it
IN BRIEF: Floating polar ice.
The ice floe was a definite danger to the small coastal town of the north.
Tutor's tip: Does water "flow" (to move freely or to circulate) below the ice "floe" (a mass of glacial ice) in the spring?
━━ vt. 置換える, 移動させる; 免職にする; …に取って代る; 【海事】排水する.
displaced person 難民 ((略 DP)).
━━ n. 置換え, 移動; 免職; 取代り; 【化】置換; 【海事】排水(量) ((cf. tonnage)); 【精神分析】(他の対象への)置換え; 【機】排気量; 【物】変位; 【コンピュータ】(アドレスの)偏位.
displacement activity 【エコロジー】転位[置換]行動.
displacement current 【物】変位[電束]電流.
displacement reaction 【生化】置換反応.

PLACE was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
Jürgen Graeser from the German Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and
Marine Research was the first foreign scientist to be allowed to join a
Russian team on the 35th North Pole Drift Expedition. The team spent seven
months on a drifting ice floe to conduct research in the Arctic.
The DW-WORLD Article
Afghans possess a remarkable inner strength that has carried them through two decades of war and displacement. If they are given the knowledge they need to fully participate in reconstruction efforts, their country will move forward steadily, to the benefit of all.
Yahoo wins over T-Mobile Europe, displacing Google
Reuters - USA
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc has displaced Google as preferred provider of Web services to mobile operator T-Mobile in northern and central Europe, ...
Germany sends aid to displaced Kenyans
German Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul had joined calls for Kenya's government and opposition to resolve their differences through dialogue. Meanwhile, the foreign office in Berlin has announced that it is sending €300,000 to support the efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross to help Kenyans who have been displaced by the current unrest.
displaced person noun [C] plural displaced persons
someone who has been forced to leave their home, especially because of war or a natural disaster (= something that causes a lot of damage), such as an earthquake, flood, etc.
verb [T] 取而代之
to force something or someone out of its usual or original position:
The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.
noun [U]
1 when people are forced to leave the place where they normally live:
The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.
2 SPECIALIZED the weight of liquid that is forced out of position by an object which is floating on or in it

IN BRIEF: Floating polar ice.

Tutor's tip: Does water "flow" (to move freely or to circulate) below the ice "floe" (a mass of glacial ice) in the spring?
━━ vt. 置換える, 移動させる; 免職にする; …に取って代る; 【海事】排水する.

displacement activity 【エコロジー】転位[置換]行動.
displacement current 【物】変位[電束]電流.
displacement reaction 【生化】置換反応.

━━ n. 場所; 所; (特定の)箇所; 地方; 住所; 住まい, 家; 屋敷, 建物; (P-) …邸; 室, 場; 広場, 通り; 適所; 位置, 地位, 立場, 階級, 官職 (office); 勤め口; 役目, 職務, 責任; 高い地位; 順序, 順位; 【競馬】プレイス ((1着から3着まで,米では特に2着)); 座席; 【数】桁(けた), 位 (to 3 decimal ~s 小数第3位まで); 余地; 機会, 好機.
all over the place 至る所に[で]; 乱雑に.
change places 席[場所]を変える ((with)); 立場を交換する.
fall [fit, slot] into place (事実関係が)明らかになる, 辻褄(つじつま)が合う.
give place to …に席[地位]を譲る; …に代わられる.
go places 〔話〕 地位が上がる, 大成功をおさめる; あちこちへ行く.
in place 適当な(位置に); ふさわしく.
in place of …/ in …'s place …の代りに.
in the first place 第一に, そもそも.
know one's place 身のほどを知っている.
make place for …に席を譲る.
out of place 場ちがいの, 不適切で; 失業して.
put [keep]… in his place 人に身のほどを思い知らせる.
put (oneself) in …'s place 人の身になってみる.
take place 起る (happen); 開催される.
take the place of/ take …'s place …の代理をする.
━━ vt. 置く, 据える; 配置する, 整とんする; ゆだねる ((in, under)); (職に)就かせる; 任命する ((as)); (信用・希望・重点を)置く; (注文を)出す; 提起する; 投資する; 場所[年月・等級]を定める; 認める, 思い出す; (電話の呼び出しを)入れる; 【競馬】プレイス[着順]を定める ((〈英〉では3着まで,〈米〉では2着)); 位置づける, みなす.
━━ vi. 〔米〕 順位を占める, 入賞する, (特に)2等になる.
place bet 【競馬】複勝式の賭(か)け.
place card (パーティーなどの)座席札.
placed ━━ a. 〔英〕 ある状態[状況]である ((for)).
place hitter 【野】プレースヒッター.
place-kick ━━ n., v. 【フットボール】プレースキック(する,で得点する).
place・man 〔英〕 官吏, 役人 ((特に私利私欲から動く者)).
place mat 食卓マット.
place・ment ━━ n. 置く[置かれる]こと; 配置; 職業紹介; 【フットボール】=place-kick; 【テニス】プレースメント ((相手がとりにくい場所へのショット)); 【株】(新株の)発行, (大量購入を期待される個人または団体への新株の選択的)優先販売.
placement office (大学などの)就職相談室.
placement test (学生の)クラス分け試験.
place name 地名.
placer ━━ n. 【採鉱】砂鉱, 砂金採取場.
placer mining 砂金採取.
place setting (一人分の)食器一式.
place utility 【産業】地の利, 場所の良さ.
三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら

━━ vt. 置く, 据える; 配置する, 整とんする; ゆだねる ((in, under)); (職に)就かせる; 任命する ((as)); (信用・希望・重点を)置く; (注文を)出す; 提起する; 投資する; 場所[年月・等級]を定める; 認める, 思い出す; (電話の呼び出しを)入れる; 【競馬】プレイス[着順]を定める ((〈英〉では3着まで,〈米〉では2着)); 位置づける, みなす.
━━ vi. 〔米〕 順位を占める, 入賞する, (特に)2等になる.

placement office (大学などの)就職相談室.
placement test (学生の)クラス分け試験.

placer mining 砂金採取.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら
PLACE was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
- place (AREA)
- place (POSITION)
- place (RECOGNIZE)
- place (DUTY)
- decimal place
- place card
- place mat
- place name
- place of worship
- place setting
- polling station
- resting place
- put/place your faith in sth/sb
- fall into place
- in the first place
- her/his heart is in the right place
- know your place
- Lightning never strikes twice (in the same place).
- as if you owned the place
- all over the place
- in place
- in place of sb/sth
- in the first/second place
- out of place
- place in the sun
- take place
- take the place of sb/sth
- A place for everything and everything in its place.
- take first/second place
- put sb in their place
- have/take pride of place
- put yourself in sb's place/position/shoes
- keep/place sb under restraint
- in the right place at the right time
- be (caught) between a rock and a hard place
- scream yourself hoarse/silly
- There's a time and a place (for everything).
SIGLO『エドワード・サイード OUT OF PLACE 〜Memories of Edward Said ... {鄉關何處 }彭譯
佐藤真監督の最新作。2003年秋に他界したアラブを代表する知識人、エドワード・サイードの遺志と思想の在り処を求めて、中東の国々、アメリカを訪ね歩いたロードー ... |