Iranians march behind a vehicle carrying the coffin of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani in Mashhad on Sunday. Mohammad Taghi/Tasnim News, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images |
Fury, tears as thousands mourn Iran commander killed by US. 4 Jan 2020 ... And, elsewhere in the region, Lebanon's Tehran-backed Shiite movement Hezbollah threatened "punishment for these criminal assassins". Amid the tensions, the ...
4 日前 - Iran mourns revenge over murderers and criminals who killed Soleimani. By ... (in jihad) is bitter for us, but the continuation of the fight and the real and final success will be extremely bitter for the assassins and the criminals.
"Just what we need, another ego-crazed billionaire with zero experience in government who thinks he is destined to be president. What could go wrong?" Eugene Robinson writes in Opinions.
"The term "bend sinister" means a heraldic bar or band drawn from the left side (and popularly, but incorrectly, supposed to denote bastardy). This choice of title was an attempt to suggest an outline broken by refraction, a distortion in the mirror of being, a wrong turn taken by life, a sinistral and sinister world.
Sinister v dexterous. Commie v Tory. The difference between left and right carries more meaning to human beings than mere matters of handedness and symmetry. And so it is with man's best friend as well. For in dogs, too, left and right signal different things. Specifically, it is in the way they wag their tails
Op-Ed Columnist
Father Doesn't Know Best
Aren't the contraception-crazed bishops the real pills here?
On Nov. 24, 1963, Jack Ruby shot and mortally wounded Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy.
The game came to England from continental Europe and its name derives from the word 'left', which is 'lurtsch' in dialect German and 'loyrtz' in Middle Dutch. Why call a game 'left'? The most plausible explanation (and regular readers will know that, in etymology, plausibility isn't everything) is that it relates to the bad feeling against the left hand that was then commonplace in many cultures. In English we have held on to this with the word 'sinister', which of course just means 'left-handed'.A reader in Paris responded, ''Kickbacks in French are 'pots de vin.''' Apparently a jug of wine is the metaphor for a more substantial percentage of the payment corruptly returned. This is done dessous de table, which Americans understand as ''under the table.'' A reader in La Jolla, Calif., Eric Naegle, noted that an Arabic or Turkish word -- baksheesh -- which sometimes means ''tip, gratuity,'' is also understood in France to describe a more sinister payment.
undertone:名詞,指文章、話語或某事件的潛在含意,如I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.(我認為她的那番話帶有些許惡意。)
Liev Schreiber's beautifully narrated audio tour to the exhibit notes how some in Soviet Russia recognized a veiled depiction of a sinister Stalin in Mikhoels's mad Lear. Eventually, years after this triumphant Yiddish run of Shakespeare's play, Mikhoels was set up for assassination by Stalin's orders, then given a huge state funeral國葬 as if he'd died accidentally.
adj Definition: mad
Antonyms: sane
The act of assassinating; a killing by treacherous violence.
sinister (SIN-uh-stuhr)
1. Threatening or foreshadowing evil or harm.
2. On the left side.
Via French from Latin sinister (left, left hand, unlucky). Earliest documented use: 1411.
"We are concerned as there are reports that sinister moves are under way to create clashes among the Security Forces." — Mahinda Rajapaksa; Lanka on Verge of Prosperous Era; Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka); Dec 12, 2010.
In Chinese Buildings, a Copycat Craze31
Op-Ed Columnist
Father Doesn't Know Best
Aren't the contraception-crazed bishops the real pills here?
On Nov. 24, 1963, Jack Ruby shot and mortally wounded Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy.
The game came to England from continental Europe and its name derives from the word 'left', which is 'lurtsch' in dialect German and 'loyrtz' in Middle Dutch. Why call a game 'left'? The most plausible explanation (and regular readers will know that, in etymology, plausibility isn't everything) is that it relates to the bad feeling against the left hand that was then commonplace in many cultures. In English we have held on to this with the word 'sinister', which of course just means 'left-handed'.A reader in Paris responded, ''Kickbacks in French are 'pots de vin.''' Apparently a jug of wine is the metaphor for a more substantial percentage of the payment corruptly returned. This is done dessous de table, which Americans understand as ''under the table.'' A reader in La Jolla, Calif., Eric Naegle, noted that an Arabic or Turkish word -- baksheesh -- which sometimes means ''tip, gratuity,'' is also understood in France to describe a more sinister payment.
undertone:名詞,指文章、話語或某事件的潛在含意,如I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.(我認為她的那番話帶有些許惡意。)
Liev Schreiber's beautifully narrated audio tour to the exhibit notes how some in Soviet Russia recognized a veiled depiction of a sinister Stalin in Mikhoels's mad Lear. Eventually, years after this triumphant Yiddish run of Shakespeare's play, Mikhoels was set up for assassination by Stalin's orders, then given a huge state funeral國葬 as if he'd died accidentally.

- One who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person.
- Assassin A member of a secret order of Muslims who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others.
[French, from Medieval Latin assassīnus, from Arabic ḥaššāšīn, pl. of ḥaššāš, hashish user, from ḥašīš, hashish. See hashish.]
WORD HISTORY Active in Persia and Syria from the 8th to 14th centuries, the original Assassins were members of the Nizaris, a Muslim group who opposed the Abbasid caliphate with threats of sudden assassination by their secret agents. Other populations of the area regarded the Nizaris as unorthodox outcasts, and from this attitude came one of the names for the group, ḥaššāšīn, a word originally meaning "hashish users," which had become a general term of abuse. Reliable sources offer no evidence of hashish use by Nizari agents, but sensationalistic stories of murderous, drug-crazed ḥaššāšīn or Assassins were widely repeated in Europe. Marco Polo tells a tale of how young Assassins were given a potion and made to yearn for paradise-their reward for dying in action-by being given a life of pleasure. As the legends spread, the word ḥaššāšīn passed through French or Italian and appeared in English as assassin in the 16th century, already with meanings like "treacherous killer."
crazedadj Definition: mad
Antonyms: sane
The act of assassinating; a killing by treacherous violence.
あんさつ 暗殺
- (an) assassination.
- ・〜する assassinate.
- ・〜を計る make an attempt on a person's life.
暗殺者 an assassin.
- 1968年4月4日、彼は合衆国の都市メンフィスで暗殺されました。
- He was assassinated in the U.S. city of Memphis on April 4, 1968.
- 7月に起こった副大統領暗殺から続くこうした一連のテロ攻撃は、安定を求めるカルザイ政権への大きな挑戦となっています。
- These continuing terror attacks, following the assassination of the vice president last July, greatly challenge Karzai's administration, which seeks stability.
- アフガニスタン暫定政府のハミド・カルザイ大統領は、間一髪のところでカンダハルでの暗殺を逃れました。
- The President of the Afghan interim government Hamid Karzai, has narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in Kandahar.
- アメリカでは、多くの人々がこの暗殺された公民権運動のリーダーに敬意を表し、礼拝に出席したり、地域のボランティア活動をするなどしてその日を追悼しました。
- Many Americans marked the day by attending services or volunteering in their community in tribute to the slain civil rights leader.
- イスラエル政府はこの事件後、報復として同じ人数のパレスチナ人ゲリラの暗殺を計画します。
- Following the incident, the Israeli government planned to assassinate an equivalent number of Palestinian guerrillas in retaliation.
- 1.of or on the left side or the left hand (the opposite of dextral).
- 1.a left-handed person.
sinister (SIN-uh-stuhr)
1. Threatening or foreshadowing evil or harm.
2. On the left side.
Via French from Latin sinister (left, left hand, unlucky). Earliest documented use: 1411.
"We are concerned as there are reports that sinister moves are under way to create clashes among the Security Forces." — Mahinda Rajapaksa; Lanka on Verge of Prosperous Era; Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka); Dec 12, 2010.