2012年8月14日 星期二

fend, defend, forfend, hate crime


Dad! That’s Not How Mom Does It!
In “The Week the Women Went,” which begins Tuesday on Lifetime, women from a small town are whisked away, leaving the men and children to fend for themselves.

In Hate-Crime Case, a Teenager Finds Himself Caught in 2 Worlds
Will Garcia knew Marcelo Lucero, a fellow Ecuadorean, and is a friend of murder defendant Jeffrey Conroy.

Transgender Student Has "IT" Carved Into His Chest
A graduate student at Cal State Long Beach was attacked in a campus restroom earlier this month. Authorities are investigating the attack as a hate crime.

Hate and bias crime: a reader - Google 圖書結果

Barbara Perry - 2003 - Social Science - 520 頁
7 HATE CRIME OFFENDERS An Expanded Typology Jack McDevitt, Jack Levin, and Susan Bennett Offender Typology ... In 1993 J. Levin and McDevitt suggested that ...

上述這種把政治看得比良心還大的,用當代政治學理論的說法,已可算是一種「仇恨政治」(Hate politics),它指的有些社會的某些人,會把政治的範疇,諸如膚色偏好、政黨偏好、階級身分偏好等無限放大,並因而展開種種黨同伐異的言論和動作, 讓這種偏好所造成的狹隘心態吞噬掉了社會賴以存在的根本感情及良心準則。這就是用恨取代了愛。西方近代政治上,若有任何人在「仇恨政治」上做文章,整個議 會就會自動視之為公敵,因為他們已警覺到,這種政治乃是在撒播邪惡的種籽,是在替「仇恨罪行」(Hate crimes)做著準備,因此,仇恨政治在本質上乃是「反人道的政治」。 南方朔


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[fénd]

1 〈打撃・難問などを〉(一時しのぎで)かわす, しのぐ, 受け流す, (…から)払いのける((off/away from ...)).
2 ((古))…を防ぐ.
1 (…に)抵抗する, 防戦する((against ...));受け流す, うまくかわす.
2 ((略式))(自力で)やりくりする;(家族などを)養う((for ...))
fend for oneself


  • 発音記号[fɔːrfénd]
1 ((主に米))…を防ぐ, 守る.
2 ((古))…を避ける;…を妨げる
(May) GodHeaven] forfend!
決してそんなことはない(ように), めっそうもない.
forfend (verb) Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
Synonyms:deflect, head off, avert, avoid, debar, obviate
Usage:Norman of Torn, if you are not the son of the old man you call father may God forfend that England ever guesses your true parentage.
