Again, the neighbors fumed. Here was Germany once again breaking European solidarity — this time along the low road — when the whole of the European Union was feeling overwhelmed by a rising tide of immigrants from the Middle East, Africa and, most recently, Ukraine.
Turkey is edging closer to a major loan deal with the newly enriched IMF that could help the country's emerging economy weather the global financial crisis.
Singing for the Three Magi
Germany's "Sternsinger", or Carolers, Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary.
In Germany, more than half a million boys and girls are on the streets these days, collecting money for less fortunate children living in impoverished developing countries. Most of them are Catholic as this is a Catholic tradition, but children of other faiths are also welcome to join.
For the “Sternsinger” – or carolers – the year 2008 which has only just begun, is a special year indeed: It’s the 50th anniversary of their so-called “Dreikönigssingen” – that is singing in the tradition of the three magi, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
Over the years, Germany’s carolers, originally organised by the Children’s Missionary Fund of Aachen and the Union of German Catholic Youth, has evolved into the world’s biggest act of solidarity.


━━ v. (-ll-) 喜び歌う, たたえる; さえずる.
Magi:眾賢士;賢士(博士):耶穌誕生後,有數位賢士從東方(波斯)跟隨異星來到伯利恆,拜見耶穌基督,並奉獻黃金、乳香、沒藥三禮(參閱瑪二1- 12)。舊稱三王,今稱眾賢士,基督教稱博士,應該是對星象學有研究的知識分子。根據第七世紀傳說,東方三位賢(博)士的名字是嘉斯巴 Gaspar、默爾爵 Melchior、巴爾大撒 Balthasar。中世紀時曾誤信他們為國王。

enrich Show phonetics
1 [T] to improve the quality of something by adding something else:
Fertilizer helps to enrich the soil.
My life was greatly enriched by knowing her.

2 [T often R] to make something or someone richer:
He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers.
enrichment Show phonetics
noun [U]
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
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