2023年12月1日 星期五

pacific, airstrip, the Pacific, wayward, wayward winds, a wayward leader

Analysis: When rebel Conservative lawmakers staged a dramatic revolt against Mr. Johnson last week, dispirited Republicans across the Atlantic saw a lesson in how a center-right party can stand up to a wayward leader.

Winds need time to mature
Gerson Lehrman Group - New York,USA
Peter Drucker taught it takes thirty+ years to establish a sound business from the time of vision and first success streak of introduction of a new product ...

He then set sail, counting on the wayward winds to guide him across the ocean. Arriving in San Francisco 94 days later, the 23-year-old Horie was the man of the hour. He described the trip in "Taiheiyo Hitoribotchi" (All alone on the Pacific).

After seemingly an eternity — in reality, the nosedive lasted 20 very long seconds — the flight crew wrested control of the plane from its wayward computer and made an emergency landing at a remote military and mining airstrip 650 miles short of Perth.

Bank of America is investigating how Merrill Lynch accounted for wayward trades in the final, frantic months of 2008 -- and why at least one $120 million trading loss was slow to appear on Merrill's books, The New York Times reported.

Wayward Humpback Pair Moves Toward Ocean 

At least 15,000 people have trekked to a river’s edge to catch a glimpse of two injured humpbacks.
Ways of the Wayward 
As Governor Spitzer struggled with the sex story on Tuesday, the Clinton campaign struggled with the envy story.

A Rewoven Black Flag, Raised for a New Audience 
The year’s oddest musical tribute belongs to Dirty Projectors, the Brooklyn band that brought its lapidary, wayward constructions to the Bowery Ballroom on Tuesday night.

作者: [英] 蓋伊·克拉克斯頓
出版社: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店
譯者: 姚芸竹
出版年: 2023-11
頁數: 361
定價: CNY69.0
裝幀: 平裝
叢書: 新知文庫(新版)
ISBN: 9787108075673
內容簡介 · · · · · ·
目錄 · · · · · ·
前 言
第一章 你的大腦如何構成:潛意識是為了什麼
第二章 超自然的力量:魔幻的土地與看不見的牽偶人
第三章 靈魂之發明:潛意識的靈光一閃
第四章 啞巴僕人:潛意識,被昇華,被放逐,又重振旗鼓
第五章 “內在的非洲”:浪漫主義、神秘主義與夢想
第六章 地下室裡的野獸
第七章 智能孵化器:認知與創造
第八章 重振雄風:神經網路來救援
第九章 魔鬼的化身:瘋狂與額葉
第十章 崇高與潛意識
第十一章 完全改變思維
注 釋


  1. Given to or marked by willful, often perverse deviation from what is desired, expected, or required in order to gratify one's own impulses or inclinations. See synonyms at unruly.
  2. Swayed or prompted by caprice; unpredictable.
[Middle English, short for awaiward, turned away, perverse : awai, away; see away + -ward, -ward.]
━━ a. わがままな; 片意地な; 気まぐれな; 不安定な.

  • 1. 正道からそれる、理不尽{りふじん}な、わがままな、強情{ごうじょう}
  • 2. 気の変わりやすい、気まぐれな、不規則{ふきそく}



  • sometimes wayward
  • 時に理不尽{りふじん}
  • wayward child
  • わがままな子供
  • wayward son
  • わがままな息子{むすこ}、強情{ごうじょう}な息子{むすこ}



━━ a. わがままな; 片意地な; 気まぐれな; 不安定な. way・ward・ly ━━ ad. way・ward・ness ━━ n.

  1. Given to or marked by willful, often perverse deviation from what is desired, expected, or required in order to gratify one's own impulses or inclinations. See synonyms at unruly.
  2. Swayed or prompted by caprice; unpredictable.
[Middle English, short for awaiward, turned away, perverse : awai, away; see away + -ward, -ward.]
waywardly way'ward·ly adv.
waywardness way'ward·ness n.

wind (BREATH)
noun [U]
1 MAINLY UK breath or the ability to breathe:
I had to stop halfway up the hill to get my wind (= allow my breathing to return to normal).

2 INFORMAL DISAPPROVING meaningless words and false claims:
I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.

verb [T] winded, winded
to make it difficult or temporarily impossible for someone to breathe, usually by hitting them in the stomach

adjective [after verb]
temporarily unable to breathe, either when hit in the stomach or after taking hard physical exercise:
Simon is so unfit - he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs.


(pə-sĭf'ĭk) pronunciation also pacifical (-ĭ-kəl)
  1. Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing.
  2. Of a peaceful nature; tranquil.
[French pacifique, from Old French pacifice, from Latin pācificus : pāx, pāc-, peace + -ficus, -fic.]
pacifically pa·cif'i·cal·ly adv.


━━ n. (the ~) 太平洋 (Pacific Ocean).
━━ a. 平和の[を好む]; 穏やかな; (p-) 温和な, 和解的な; 太平洋(岸)の.
pa・cif・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.
pa・cif・i・cate ━━ vt.pacify.
pac・i・fi・ca・tion n. 講和(条約); 平定; 和解.
pa・cif・i・ca・tory ━━ a. 和解的な; なだめるような.
Pacific Basin 環太平洋地域 (Pacific Rim).
Pacific Daylight Time 〔米〕 Pacific Standard Timeにおけるsummer time ((4月初めから10月末まで標準時を1時間繰り下げる;略PDT)).
Pacific nterprises パシフィックエンタープライゼズ ((米国の天然ガス会社の持株会社)).
Pacific Gas & Electric パシフィック・ガス・アンド・エレクトリック ((米国の公営の電力・ガス会社;PG & E Corp.に名称変更(1997))).
Pacific Islands  太平洋信託統治諸島 (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) ((太平洋西部のMariana, Caroline, Marshall諸島よりなる米国信託統治領;現在はミクロネシア,パラオ,マーシャル諸島の3国が独立)).
Pacific Life Insurance パシフィック・ライフ・インシュアランス ((米国の生命・健康保険会社)).
Pacific Mutual Holding パシフィック・ミューチュアル ((Pacific Life Insuranceの持株会社)).
Pacific Northwest (the ~) 米国の太平洋岸北西部 ((Washington州, Oregon州, California州北部)).
Pacific Rim (the ~) 環太平洋地域(にある国々), 太平洋周辺地域.
Pacific (Standard) Time 〔米〕 太平洋標準時.
Pacific Tel・e・sis Group
 パシフィック・テレシス・グループ ((米国の遠距離通信会社;SBC Communicationsに吸収(1997))).
