Winds need time to mature
Gerson Lehrman Group - New York,USA
Peter Drucker taught it takes thirty+ years to establish a sound business from the time of vision and first success streak of introduction of a new product ...
He then set sail, counting on the wayward winds to guide him across the ocean. Arriving in San Francisco 94 days later, the 23-year-old Horie was the man of the hour. He described the trip in "Taiheiyo Hitoribotchi" (All alone on the Pacific).
After seemingly an eternity — in reality, the nosedive lasted 20 very long seconds — the flight crew wrested control of the plane from its wayward computer and made an emergency landing at a remote military and mining airstrip 650 miles short of Perth.
Bank of America is investigating how Merrill Lynch accounted for wayward trades in the final, frantic months of 2008 -- and why at least one $120 million trading loss was slow to appear on Merrill's books, The New York Times reported.
Wayward Humpback Pair Moves Toward Ocean
At least 15,000 people have trekked to a river’s edge to catch a glimpse of two injured humpbacks.Ways of the Wayward
As Governor Spitzer struggled with the sex story on Tuesday, the Clinton campaign struggled with the envy story.
A Rewoven Black Flag, Raised for a New Audience
The year’s oddest musical tribute belongs to Dirty Projectors, the Brooklyn band that brought its lapidary, wayward constructions to the Bowery Ballroom on Tuesday night.
任性的大腦:潛意識的私密史作者: [英] 蓋伊·克拉克斯頓出版社: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店譯者: 姚芸竹出版年: 2023-11定價: CNY69.0裝幀: 平裝叢書: 新知文庫(新版)ISBN: 9787108075673內容簡介 · · · · · · 潛意識從古至今都是一大堆亂七八糟的神秘感念。這本書恰恰為我們厘清了關於它的迷思。作者克拉克斯頓是一位天才,他致力於探索有史以來,吸引並困擾思想者的潛意識課題,有效地將頭腦的詩歌與科學融為一體。古人用諸神和史詩來安頓潛意識頭腦中種種折磨人的意象,而克拉克斯頓則用關於大腦的電流與突觸來解釋它。他追蹤了歷史上四千年來潛意識的觀念,講解潛意識思維是如何被解讀的,在科學、文化和宗教信仰、神話和文學中又是如何被演繹的。從古代神話到現代神經科學理論,作者旁徵博引,條分縷析,全都信手拈來,流暢自如。書中列舉了不少鮮為人知的例子和故事,使之極具趣味性和可讀性,讀來無不讚歎它精彩絕倫。-- 你會不會莫名地歡快或沮喪?你有沒有做過很詭異的夢,或者腦子裡有一個聲音在說話?抑或回想起以前的事情,或經歷過什麼前兆性的現象:思路突然中斷,或者又出現什麼新奇的聯想……而這一切看似突如其來?類似暗示、預感和審美感這樣比較微妙的提示,會不會讓你興奮得噁心或者毛骨悚然?所有這些稀奇古怪的現象只能說明一點,人類遠沒有想像的如此能幹,可以隨心所欲地控制自己的思想。事實上,人類生活的許多方面很難用理智去解釋,頭腦看起來倒像是一個獨立思維的組織。 在遠古世界裡,人們為了弄明白普通生活中難以解釋的感受,就有了神靈和神話的故事。而今我們對這些現象做了比較科學的解釋:這些都不過是我們大腦中的兩條電路連接所產生的奇妙感覺罷了。 這是一本有趣的書,展現了歷史上各種有關無意識的闡述。它汲取了思想、文化、文學以及靈修中的精華,從古埃及到荷馬史詩再到希臘神話、現代的波利尼西亞,把人們從來沒有厘清的淩亂的無意識整理出來。它還闡述了無意識那無形的基石,包括無意識和有意識的思維對人類日常生活行為的持續影響力。目錄 · · · · · ·前 言第一章 你的大腦如何構成:潛意識是為了什麼第二章 超自然的力量:魔幻的土地與看不見的牽偶人第三章 靈魂之發明:潛意識的靈光一閃第四章 啞巴僕人:潛意識,被昇華,被放逐,又重振旗鼓第五章 “內在的非洲”:浪漫主義、神秘主義與夢想第六章 地下室裡的野獸第七章 智能孵化器:認知與創造第八章 重振雄風:神經網路來救援第九章 魔鬼的化身:瘋狂與額葉第十章 崇高與潛意識第十一章 完全改變思維注 釋
Bank of America is investigating how Merrill Lynch accounted for wayward trades in the final, frantic months of 2008 -- and why at least one $120 million trading loss was slow to appear on Merrill's books, The New York Times reported.
Wayward Humpback Pair Moves Toward Ocean
At least 15,000 people have trekked to a river’s edge to catch a glimpse of two injured humpbacks.
As Governor Spitzer struggled with the sex story on Tuesday, the Clinton campaign struggled with the envy story.
A Rewoven Black Flag, Raised for a New Audience
The year’s oddest musical tribute belongs to Dirty Projectors, the Brooklyn band that brought its lapidary, wayward constructions to the Bowery Ballroom on Tuesday night.
作者: [英] 蓋伊·克拉克斯頓
出版社: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店
譯者: 姚芸竹
出版年: 2023-11
定價: CNY69.0
裝幀: 平裝
叢書: 新知文庫(新版)
ISBN: 9787108075673
內容簡介 · · · · · ·
目錄 · · · · · ·
前 言
第一章 你的大腦如何構成:潛意識是為了什麼
第二章 超自然的力量:魔幻的土地與看不見的牽偶人
第三章 靈魂之發明:潛意識的靈光一閃
第四章 啞巴僕人:潛意識,被昇華,被放逐,又重振旗鼓
第五章 “內在的非洲”:浪漫主義、神秘主義與夢想
第六章 地下室裡的野獸
第七章 智能孵化器:認知與創造
第八章 重振雄風:神經網路來救援
第九章 魔鬼的化身:瘋狂與額葉
第十章 崇高與潛意識
第十一章 完全改變思維
注 釋
- Given to or marked by willful, often perverse deviation from what is desired, expected, or required in order to gratify one's own impulses or inclinations. See synonyms at unruly.
- Swayed or prompted by caprice; unpredictable.
[Middle English, short for awaiward, turned away, perverse : awai, away; see away + -ward, -ward.]
━━ a. わがままな; 片意地な; 気まぐれな; 不安定な.
- 形
- 1. 正道からそれる、理不尽{りふじん}な、わがままな、強情{ごうじょう}な
- 2. 気の変わりやすい、気まぐれな、不規則{ふきそく}な

- 形
- 1. 正道からそれる、理不尽{りふじん}な、わがままな、強情{ごうじょう}な
- 2. 気の変わりやすい、気まぐれな、不規則{ふきそく}な
- sometimes wayward
- 時に理不尽{りふじん}な
- wayward child
- わがままな子供
- wayward son
- わがままな息子{むすこ}、強情{ごうじょう}な息子{むすこ}
━━ a. わがままな; 片意地な; 気まぐれな; 不安定な. way・ward・ly ━━ ad. way・ward・ness ━━ n.
- sometimes wayward
- 時に理不尽{りふじん}な
- wayward child
- わがままな子供
- wayward son
- わがままな息子{むすこ}、強情{ごうじょう}な息子{むすこ}
- Given to or marked by willful, often perverse deviation from what is desired, expected, or required in order to gratify one's own impulses or inclinations. See synonyms at unruly.
- Swayed or prompted by caprice; unpredictable.
waywardness way'ward·ness n.
wind (BREATH)
noun [U]
1 MAINLY UK breath or the ability to breathe:
I had to stop halfway up the hill to get my wind (= allow my breathing to return to normal).
2 INFORMAL DISAPPROVING meaningless words and false claims:
I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.
verb [T] winded, winded
to make it difficult or temporarily impossible for someone to breathe, usually by hitting them in the stomach
adjective [after verb]
temporarily unable to breathe, either when hit in the stomach or after taking hard physical exercise:
Simon is so unfit - he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs.
- Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing.
- Of a peaceful nature; tranquil.
[French pacifique, from Old French pacifice, from Latin pācificus : pāx, pāc-, peace + -ficus, -fic.]
pacifically pa·cif'i·cal·ly adv.Pa・cif・ic

━━ n. (the ~) 太平洋 (Pacific Ocean).
━━ a. 平和の[を好む]; 穏やかな; (p-) 温和な, 和解的な; 太平洋(岸)の.
pa・cif・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.
pa・cif・i・cate ━━ vt. =pacify.
pac・i・fi・ca・tion n. 講和(条約); 平定; 和解.
pa・cif・i・ca・tory ━━ a. 和解的な; なだめるような.
Pacific Basin 環太平洋地域 (Pacific Rim).
Pacific Daylight Time 〔米〕 Pacific Standard Timeにおけるsummer time ((4月初めから10月末まで標準時を1時間繰り下げる;略PDT)).
nterprises パシフィックエンタープライゼズ ((米国の天然ガス会社の持株会社)).
Pacific Gas & Electric パシフィック・ガス・アンド・エレクトリック ((米国の公営の電力・ガス会社;PG & E Corp.に名称変更(1997))).
Pacific Islands 太平洋信託統治諸島 (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) ((太平洋西部のMariana, Caroline, Marshall諸島よりなる米国信託統治領;現在はミクロネシア,パラオ,マーシャル諸島の3国が独立)).
Pacific Life Insurance パシフィック・ライフ・インシュアランス ((米国の生命・健康保険会社)).
Pacific Mutual Holding パシフィック・ミューチュアル ((Pacific Life Insuranceの持株会社)).
Pacific Northwest (the ~) 米国の太平洋岸北西部 ((Washington州, Oregon州, California州北部)).
Pacific Rim (the ~) 環太平洋地域(にある国々), 太平洋周辺地域.
Pacific (Standard) Time 〔米〕 太平洋標準時.
Pacific Tel・e・sis Group

パシフィック・テレシス・グループ ((米国の遠距離通信会社;SBC Communicationsに吸収(1997))).
━━ a. 平和の[を好む]; 穏やかな; (p-) 温和な, 和解的な; 太平洋(岸)の.

pac・i・fi・ca・tion n. 講和(条約); 平定; 和解.
