Malaysia's hand-made incense craftwork a declining art.
In the rural town of Kubang Semang, workers spend months using a traditional method to craft the sticks -- some as tall as two metres (6.5 feet).
Photo essay by Mohd Rasfan:
tural heritage
Simonetta Gatto - author · 5天 ·
Hanging scroll showing a bodhisattva leading an elegant lady supported by clouds to the Pure Land, shown by the buildings at the top left. He holds a golden censer in his right hand and a white banner in his left.
Ink and colour on silk, dated 851-900, it was found in the Mogao cave monasteries near Dunhuang on the western edge of the Chinese Gobi Desert, once a major stop on the ancient Silk Road.

Simonetta Gatto - author
Hanging scroll showing a bodhisattva leading an elegant lady supported by clouds to the Pure Land, shown by the buildings at the top left. He holds a golden censer in his right hand and a white banner in his left.
Ink and colour on silk, dated 851-900, it was found in the Mogao cave monasteries near Dunhuang on the western edge of the Chinese Gobi Desert, once a major stop on the ancient Silk Road.
Dipinto su seta raffigurante un bodhisattva che guida una donna sostenuta dalle nuvole verso la Terra Pura, indicata dagli edifici in alto a sinistra. Tiene un incensiere d'oro nella mano destra e uno stendardo bianco nella sinistra.
Datato 851-900, fu trovato nei monasteri scavati nella roccia vicino a Dunhuang, nel margine occidentale del deserto del Gobi cinese, che una volta era una tappa importante dell'antica Via della Seta.
Incenser box
Hanching Chung incense-burner/incense-box?
Dominic Cheung Either one is fine. Incenser has been used in the transition of Eileen Chang's stories.
People are incensed about another nepotism scandal engulfing government
Moon Jae-in’s plan to make South Korean society fairer is not going well

'American Tapestry'
Reviewed by EDWARD BALL
Rachel L. Swarns tells the story of several generations of Michelle Obama's family in a book that reads like a panorama of black life in America.
"Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go." — Fred Rogers
In North Korea, Clinton Helped Unveil a Mystery
Bill Clinton’s visit gave the Obama administration its first detailed look into a regime that looms as a major threat.
n., pl., -tries.
A heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and sometimes used to cover furniture.
Something felt to resemble a richly and complexly designed cloth: the tapestry of world history. tr.v., -es·tried (-ĭ-strēd), -es·try·ing, -es·tries (-ĭ-strēz).
To hang or decorate with tapestry.
To make, weave, or depict in a tapestry.
[Middle English tapiceri, tapstri, from Old French tapisserie, from tapisser, to cover with carpet, from tapis, carpet, from Greek tapētion, diminutive of tapēs, perhaps of Iranian origin.]
intr.v., loomed, loom·ing, looms.
- To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image: “I faced the icons that loomed through the veil of incense” (Fergus M. Bordewich). See synonyms at appear.
- To appear to the mind in a magnified and threatening form: “Stalin looms over the whole human tragedy of 1930–1933” (Robert Conquest).
- To seem imminent; impend: Revolution loomed but the aristocrats paid no heed.
A distorted, threatening appearance of something, as through fog or darkness.
[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]
loom2 (lūm)

An apparatus for making thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands together at right angles.
tr.v., loomed, loom·ing, looms.
To weave (a tapestry, for example) on a loom.
[Middle English lome, from Old English gelōma, tool : ge-, collective pref.; see yclept + -lōma, tool (as in handlōman, tools).]
incense (ANGER)
verb [T usually passive]
to cause someone to be extremely angry:
The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
I was so incensed by what he was saying I had to walk out.
The villagers are incensed at the decision to close the railway station.
verb [T usually passive]
to cause someone to be extremely angry:
The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
I was so incensed by what he was saying I had to walk out.
The villagers are incensed at the decision to close the railway station.
- 発音記号[ínsens][名][U]
2 (一般に)よいかおり, 芳香.
3 尊敬, 敬意, へつらい, お世辞.
1 〈香・花などが〉…に芳香を漂わせる.
2 …に香をたく[供える], 焼香する.
━━(自)香をたく[供える], 焼香する.
[教会ラテン語incensum (in-上に+cendere燃やす+-tus過去分詞語尾=燃やされたもの→燃やされた香料→香料)]
Nonetheless, investors who bought shares in the banks flotation last
year have a right to be incensed. The float was little more than a
cosmetic exercise designed to show that structural reforms had worked,
even though it raised nothing like enough to meet capital needs.
- 発音記号[inséns]
[動](他)〈人を〉ひどく怒らせる, いきり立たせる;((受身))(行為・言葉などに)激怒する((at, by ...));(人に)激怒する((with, against ...))