2020年1月23日 星期四

shuttles on a loom, incense, tapestry, incense-burner/incense-box/ Incenser

Malaysia's hand-made incense craftwork a declining art.
In the rural town of Kubang Semang, workers spend months using a traditional method to craft the sticks -- some as tall as two metres (6.5 feet).
Photo essay by Mohd Rasfan: http://u.afp.com/3ZH7
Incenser box


People are incensed about another nepotism scandal engulfing government
Dolphus Shields, seated, with relatives in Birmingham, Ala., was born into slavery on a Georgia farm. He was Michelle Obama's maternal great-great-grandfather.
'American Tapestry'
Reviewed by EDWARD BALL
Rachel L. Swarns tells the story of several generations of Michelle Obama's family in a book that reads like a panorama of black life in America.

"Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go."Fred Rogers

In North Korea, Clinton Helped Unveil a Mystery

Bill Clinton’s visit gave the Obama administration its first detailed look into a regime that looms as a major threat.



(tăp'ĭ-strē) pronunciation
n., pl., -tries.
  1. A heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and sometimes used to cover furniture.
  2. Something felt to resemble a richly and complexly designed cloth: the tapestry of world history.
tr.v., -es·tried (-ĭ-strēd), -es·try·ing, -es·tries (-ĭ-strēz).
  1. To hang or decorate with tapestry.
  2. To make, weave, or depict in a tapestry.
[Middle English tapiceri, tapstri, from Old French tapisserie, from tapisser, to cover with carpet, from tapis, carpet, from Greek tapētion, diminutive of tapēs, perhaps of Iranian origin.]

intr.v., loomed, loom·ing, looms.
  1. To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image: “I faced the icons that loomed through the veil of incense” (Fergus M. Bordewich). See synonyms at appear.
  2. To appear to the mind in a magnified and threatening form: “Stalin looms over the whole human tragedy of 1930–1933” (Robert Conquest).
  3. To seem imminent; impend: Revolution loomed but the aristocrats paid no heed.
A distorted, threatening appearance of something, as through fog or darkness.
[Perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]

loom2 (lūm) pronunciation
An apparatus for making thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands together at right angles.
tr.v., loomed, loom·ing, looms.
To weave (a tapestry, for example) on a loom.
[Middle English lome, from Old English gelōma, tool : ge-, collective pref.; see yclept + -lōma, tool (as in handlōman, tools).]

incense (ANGER)
verb [T usually passive]
to cause someone to be extremely angry:
The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
I was so incensed by what he was saying I had to walk out.

The villagers are incensed at the decision to close the railway station.


  • 発音記号[ínsens][名][U]
1(こう), 香料, 香のかおり, 香煙
a bit of incense
burn incense
2 (一般に)よいかおり, 芳香.
3 尊敬, 敬意, へつらい, お世辞.
1 〈香・花などが〉…に芳香を漂わせる.
2 …に香をたく[供える], 焼香する.
━━(自)香をたく[供える], 焼香する.
[教会ラテン語incensum (in-上に+cendere燃やす+-tus過去分詞語尾=燃やされたもの→燃やされた香料→香料)]

 Nonetheless, investors who bought shares in the banks flotation last year have a right to be incensed. The float was little more than a cosmetic exercise designed to show that structural reforms had worked, even though it raised nothing like enough to meet capital needs.


  • 発音記号[inséns]
[動](他)〈人を〉ひどく怒らせる, いきり立たせる;((受身))(行為・言葉などに)激怒する((at, by ...));(人に)激怒する((with, against ...))
I was incensed at his remarks.
