Israel Strikes Across Lebanon as Attacks Expand
Israel’s attacks against Hezbollah had largely been concentrated in the south and near Beirut. But Hamas said a strike in the north had killed one of its commanders.
Eurostar is going all the way to Rome! 🇮🇹And Barcelona! 🇪🇸And Lisbon!
The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times lead with Barack Obama's expanded goals for his economic stimulus package. The president-elect now hopes to create or save at least 3 million jobs over the next two years, up from the 2.5 million he promised last month. The LAT says Obama "has more than tripled the size of the economic stimulus package he embraced during the campaign." With his most recent proposal reaching nearly $800 billion, some think it will be the most expensive measure ever funded by Congress, says the WP.
Afghan Election Poses New Tests for Washington
Rather than demonstrate stability justifying an expanded American commitment in Afghanistan, the election underscored the challenges that the country faces.
verb [I or T]
to increase in size, number or importance, or to make something increase in this way:
The air in the balloon expands when heated.
They expanded their retail operations significantly during the 1980s.
able to increase in size:
pregnancy trousers with expandable waists
noun [C or U]
when something increases in size, number or importance:
the rapid expansion of the software industry
Expansion into new areas of research is possible.
an expansion of industry
increasing the amount of land ruled by a country, or the business performed by a company:
As a consequence of expansionism by some European countries, many ancient cultures have suffered.
noun [C], adjective
2009年1月30日 星期五
concentrate, broaden, EXPANSION
In addition to its signature Sam Adams lager, Boston Beer produces more than 21 types of beer, including seasonal ales, Chocolate Bock and Utopias, a beer aged in oak barrels that sells for $140 for a 24-ounce bottle. Still, the company has struggled in recent months to manage a voluntary recall because of defects in bottles from one of its suppliers, the acquisition of a new brewery and a broadening economic slowdown.
"巴菲特在股東信中強調,儘管波克夏將持續擴展直接、及間接來自於外國貨幣的企業盈餘,持續收購各國企業的股權,即使如此,波克夏的資產及盈餘還是會集中在 美國(Even if we are successful, however, our assets and earnings will always be concentrated in the U.S.),原因在於,「美國的法規、市場經濟制度、對菁英人才的重視,」是巴菲特看重美國資本市場發展的重要因素,顯見即使不看好美國整體經濟,但對於 美國企業的競爭力仍深具信心。對於歷經次級房貸風暴後、正在思考資產配置的投資者而言,巴菲特的觀點是極佳的晨鐘暮鼓。"
concentrate (GIVE ATTENTION) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to direct your mental powers or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem:
Come on, concentrate! We haven't got all day to do this.
I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise.
I find running concentrates the mind (= helps me to think).
I'm going to concentrate on my writing for a while.
The company is concentrating (its resources) on developing new products.
concentrated Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
using a lot of effort to succeed at one particular thing:
The company is making a concentrated effort to broaden its market.
concentration Show phonetics
noun [U]
the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing else:
The noise outside made concentration difficult.
There was a look of intense concentration on her face.
I find that yoga improves my powers of concentration.
I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and eventually I lost concentration.
The government's concentration on tax reduction has won them a lot of support.
broad (GENERAL) Show phonetics
including a wide range of things; general:
The politician gave a broad outline of his proposals.
The magazine covers a broad range of subjects, from sewing to psychology.
broaden Show phonetics
verb [T]
to increase the range of something:
They've introduced all sorts of new elements to that programme in order to broaden its appeal.
I hoped that going to university might broaden my horizons (= increase the range of my knowledge and experience).
broadly Show phonetics
Broadly speaking, don't you think women make better drivers than men?
"巴菲特在股東信中強調,儘管波克夏將持續擴展直接、及間接來自於外國貨幣的企業盈餘,持續收購各國企業的股權,即使如此,波克夏的資產及盈餘還是會集中在 美國(Even if we are successful, however, our assets and earnings will always be concentrated in the U.S.),原因在於,「美國的法規、市場經濟制度、對菁英人才的重視,」是巴菲特看重美國資本市場發展的重要因素,顯見即使不看好美國整體經濟,但對於 美國企業的競爭力仍深具信心。對於歷經次級房貸風暴後、正在思考資產配置的投資者而言,巴菲特的觀點是極佳的晨鐘暮鼓。"
1. | on Page 7: |
"... Here, Burke belongs most certainly to what Arnold called an `epoch of concentration'. It is not true to say that he resisted all reform, but his heaviest fire is reserved for all schemes ..."Culture and Anarchy - Chapter II (by Matthew Arnold)- [ 翻譯此頁 ]Aristocracies, those children of the established fact, are for epochs of concentration. In epochs of expansion, epochs such as that in which we now live, ... | |
2. | on Page 45: |
"... The instance of Keats is most significant, in that the entanglement is less and the concentration more. If we complete the sentence earlier quoted from him we find: I have not the slightest feel of humility ..." | |
3. | on Page 170: |
"... Society, which is the beginning and basis of morals, exists simply for the concentration of human energy . . . Society often forgives the criminal; it never forgives the dreamer.... While in the opinion ..." | |
4. | on Page 189: |
"... but also in the question of the compatibility of `self-government in industry' with a high degree of economic concentration, it has been easy, too easy, ..." | |
5. | from Back Matter: |
"... persons which the great increase in total population accentuated, and which has continued with continuing urbanization. Second, there was the concentration of workers into factories : again, a physical massing, made 297 ..." | |
6. | from Back Matter: |
"... These facts have led, in our society, to an extreme concentration of production of work of this kind, and to extraordinary needs and opportunities for controlling its distribution. Our new services ..." |
verb [I or T]
to direct your mental powers or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem:
Come on, concentrate! We haven't got all day to do this.
I can't concentrate on my work with all that noise.
I find running concentrates the mind (= helps me to think).
I'm going to concentrate on my writing for a while.
The company is concentrating (its resources) on developing new products.
concentrated Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
using a lot of effort to succeed at one particular thing:
The company is making a concentrated effort to broaden its market.
concentration Show phonetics
noun [U]
the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing else:
The noise outside made concentration difficult.
There was a look of intense concentration on her face.
I find that yoga improves my powers of concentration.
I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and eventually I lost concentration.
The government's concentration on tax reduction has won them a lot of support.
including a wide range of things; general:
The politician gave a broad outline of his proposals.
The magazine covers a broad range of subjects, from sewing to psychology.
broaden Show phonetics
verb [T]
to increase the range of something:
They've introduced all sorts of new elements to that programme in order to broaden its appeal.
I hoped that going to university might broaden my horizons (= increase the range of my knowledge and experience).
broadly Show phonetics
Broadly speaking, don't you think women make better drivers than men?
━━ v. 集中する ((on, upon)); 専念する ((on, upon)); 【化】濃縮する.
━━ n. 濃縮[濃厚]物[食品].
con・cen・trat・ed ━━ a. 【化】濃縮した; 集中した.
━━ n. 集中, 専念; (精神の)集中力; 集中[集結]したもの; 【化】濃縮, 濃度; (トランプゲームの)神経衰弱.
concentration camp 強制収容所.
concentration cell 【物・化】濃淡電池.
concentration ratio 集中度[率].
con・cen・tra・tor ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】集配線装置.
━━ n. 濃縮[濃厚]物[食品].
concentration camp 強制収容所.
concentration cell 【物・化】濃淡電池.
concentration ratio 集中度[率].