2024年4月2日 星期二

lest, apropos, apropos of nothing, à propos of, molestation accusation, Lest We Forget.

“Like nothing on earth: once seen, never forgotten.”
—Wen Yuan-ning 溫源寧 (1900–1984) on Wu Mi 吳宓 (1894–1978), a professor at Tsinghua University
It's April Fools’ Day,  and it is only apropos to highlight the hilarious collection “Imperfect Understanding: Intimate Portraits of Modern Chinese Celebrities” by Christopher Rea, ed. https://www.cambriapress.com/ImperfectUnderstanding/


apropos of nothing
  1. having no relevance to any previous discussion or situation.
    "Isabel kept smiling apropos of nothing"

Hanching Chung

香港 有心人

Stand News 立場新聞

【和平紀念日 市民獻花致意】
每年的 11 月 11 日,在大陸被稱為「光棍節」,是網購平台推出折扣優惠的日子。但這一日其實有另一意義,就是悼念兩次世界大戰死難者及殉職軍人的「和平紀念日」(Remembrance Day)。今日在中環的和平紀念碑,有人獻花致意,並留下一句「lest we forget」(永誌不忘)。
11 月 11 日為第一次世界大戰結束的日子,Remembrance Day(或稱 Armistice Day)一般譯作「國殤紀念日」,亦作「退伍軍人節」,香港則稱之為「和平紀念日」。在英國、美國、加拿大、澳洲等地,每年 Remembrance Day 均會有紀念活動。
In his new memoir, Apropos of Nothing, Woody Allen recounts his relationship with ex-partner Mia Farrow, his affair with Farrow’s adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, and his own adopted daughter Dylan Farrow’s molestation accusation against him.

Dwight Garner takes up Woody Allen’s contentious new memoir, “Apropos of Nothing,” calling it a “sometimes appealing, occasionally funny, sad and somewhat tawdry book.”

  1. with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of.
    "he spent whole days in his room, wearing headphones lest he disturb anyone"
    • (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case.
      "she sat up late worrying lest he be murdered on the way home"

apropos (RELATED)
adverbpreposition FORMAL
used to introduce something which is related to or connected with something that has just been said:
I had a letter from Sally yesterday - apropos (of) which, did you send her that article?
Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision.

apropos (SUITABLE)
adjective [after verb] FORMAL
suitable in a particular situation or at a particular time:
clothes which are apropos to the occasion

ap·ro·pos (ăp'rə-pō')


Related to the matter at hand: applicable, apposite, germane, material, pertinent, relevant. Idioms: to the point. See relevant/irrelevant.

Being at once opportune and to the point. See synonyms at relevant.

At an appropriate time; opportunely.
By the way; incidentally: Apropos, where were you yesterday?
With regard to; concerning: Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.

[French à propos : à, to (from Old French a, from Latin ad-; see ad–) + propos, purpose (from Latin prōpositum, neuter past participle of prōpōnere, to intend; see propose).]

à propos

ap·ro·pos (ăp'rə-pō')

Being at once opportune and to the point. See synonyms at relevant.
  1. At an appropriate time; opportunely.
  2. By the way; incidentally: Apropos, where were you yesterday?
With regard to; concerning: Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.
[French à propos : à, to (from Old French a, from Latin ad-; see ad–) + propos, purpose (from Latin prōpositum, neuter past participle of prōpōnere, to intend; see propose).]

apropos of
 Concerning, in connection with, as in Apropos of keeping in touch, I haven't heard from her in months.
This idiom was a borrowing of the French à propos de ("to the purpose of") in the 17th century. At first it was used without of and meant "fitting" or "opportune," as in Their prompt arrival was very appropos. By the 1700s it was also being used with of, as in the current idiom, for "concerning" or "by way of."


Yet, my praise for libraries will be a little more optimistic. I belong to the people who still believe that printed books have a future and that all fears à propos of their disappearance are only the last example of other fears, or of milleniaristic terrors about the end of something, the world included.

hc:我請教RL關於à propos 的可能誤譯,他回答:【你的懷疑是正確的,譯文忽略了of的作用,如果à propos獨立使用的話,是當作副詞,表示改變話題,但是通常會以逗號隔開,也就是如譯文所表現的「順便一提」或「順便說一句」。

然而,根據上下文來看,這裡應該把à propos of視為一體,是作為介詞,相當於中文的「關於」。
我對於...all fears à propos of their disappearance...的解讀是「…所有與印刷書本消失有關的憂慮…」,fear並非一成不變的當「恐懼」解。 詳細應用可以參考apropos詞條。---à propos 之link:http://member.giga.net.tw/lanceyy/wotd/wotd20041226.htm
