Doug Wheeler’s Celestial Wonder: What the visionary artist achieves with paint, plastic and flashbulbs at David Zwirner in Chelsea is astounding in its effect.
There are plenty of asterisks that could be added, including *from a conservative pollster that FiveThirtyEight once called "the worst pollster in the world."
Automakers Take Note of Russia’s Desire for Cars
Trickle-down oil wealth and the spread of easily accessible auto
financing are lifting sales in Russia, which is becoming a bright spot
for the automotive industry.
Bits Blog: Apple Becomes Most Valuable Public Company Ever, With an Asterisk
2-Week-Old Baby Pulled Alive From Earthquake Rubble
The infant's rescue was a rare bright spot for emergency workers as Turkey's death toll reaches 370.
Google's Android stars at electronics show
LAS VEGAS — Google may not have had any gadgets on display at the Consumer Electronics Show which closed here Sunday but the Internet giant made its ...
Jim Erickson / Corbis / LIFE
a bright spot
a bright spot
a pleasant or successful event or period of time when most other things are unpleasant or not successful (often + in ) The only bright spot in Liverpool's disastrous performance was a stunning goal in the second half.
A general view of the site, October 1, 2000.
A general view of the site, October 1, 2000.

- Of or relating to the sky or the heavens: Planets are celestial bodies. a celestial body
- Of or relating to heaven; divine: celestial beings. the celestial city
- Supremely good; sublime: celestial happiness. the celestial beauty of music
- Celestial Of or relating to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire.
A heavenly being; a god or angel.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin celestiālis, from Latin caelestis, from caelum, sky.]
celestially ce·les'tial·ly adv.Celestial Hierarchy 天使級別: to understand about the celestial hierarchy it is important to know exactly what an angel is. Briefly it can be described as: a spiritual being that is believed to be much more powerful than a human. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other theologies an angel can be one who acts as a messenger, attendant or agent of God.
Regarding the celestial hierarchy, the majority of scholars believe that angels are divided into clearly defined ranks. Depending on the rank of the angel it will have separate honors and duties.

- A self-luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity in which the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior is balanced by the outflow of energy to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures.
- Any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.
- Something regarded as resembling such a celestial body.
- A graphic design having five or more radiating points, often used as a symbol of rank or merit.
- An artistic performer or athlete whose leading role or superior performance is acknowledged.
- One who is highly celebrated in a field or profession.
- An asterisk (*).
- The star key on a telephone: For customer service, press star.
- A white spot on the forehead of a horse.
- A planet or constellation of the zodiac believed in astrology to influence personal destiny.
- stars The future; destiny. Often used with the.
- Outstanding or famous, especially in performing something: a star researcher; a star figure skater.
- Of or relating to a star or stars.
v., starred, star·ring, stars.
- To ornament with stars.
- To award or mark with a star for excellence.
- To mark with an asterisk.
- To present or feature (a performer) in a leading role.
- To play the leading role in a theatrical or film production.
- To do an outstanding job; perform excellently.
have stars in (one's) eyes
- To be dazzled or enraptured, as with romantic love.
- To experience bright, flashing sensations, as from a blow to the head.
[Middle English sterre, from Old English steorra.]