2021年4月16日 星期五

-troth, By my troth, betrothed, affiance

Peter Ustinov was a citizen of the world. He wrote screenplays, novels, stories and plays, was involved with
, and acted in front of the camera. He won two Oscars and the Golden Globe. The British multi-talented would have turned 100 today.
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 OW " I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me the most civilized music in the world. Peter Ustinov British Actor picturealiance/ Clemens aus/ Geisler -Fotop 」的圖像

Kirsten Dunst stars as the Austrian princess who was just 14 when she arrived in the French court at Versailles in 1770, as part of an alliance between her mother, the powerful Maria Theresa of Austria, and the French king, the grandfather of her betrothed, the future Louis XVI (the unlikely Jason Schwartzman, in a bit of gag casting).

“Bullies, oppressors and all men who do violence to the rights of others are guilty not only of their own crimes, but also of the corruption they bring into the hearts of their victims.”
―from "The Betrothed" by Alessandro Manzoni
Italy’s greatest novel and a masterpiece of world literature, The Betrothed chronicles the unforgettable romance of Renzo and Lucia, who endure tyranny, war, famine, and plague to be together. Published in 1827 but set two centuries earlier, against the tumultuous backdrop of seventeenth-century Lombardy during the Thirty Years’ War, The Betrothed is the story of two peasant lovers who want nothing more than to marry. Their region of northern Italy is under Spanish occupation, and when the vicious Spaniard Don Rodrigo blocks their union in an attempt to take Lucia for himself, the couple must struggle to persevere against his plots—which include false charges against Renzo and the kidnapping of Lucia by a robber baron called the Unnamed—while beset by the hazards of war, bread riots, and a terrifying outbreak of bubonic plague. First and foremost a love story, the novel also weaves issues of faith, justice, power, and truth into a sweeping epic in the tradition of Ivanhoe, Les Misérables, and War and Peace. Groundbreakingly populist in its day and hugely influential to succeeding generations, Alessandro Manzoni’s masterwork has long been considered one of Italy’s national treasures. Translated by Archibald Colquhoun. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/259014/the-betrothed/

"By my troth, I care not; a man can die but once: we
owe God a death: I'll ne'er bear a base mind:
an't be my destiny, so; an't be not, so: no man is
too good to serve's prince; and let it go which way
it will, he that dies this year is quit for the next."
--Francis Feeble from "King Henry IV, Part II" (Act III, Scene II).

What's the meaning of " By my troth, captain , these are very ...


Jan 10, 2009 - Best Answer: 'By my troth' is an (obsolete) idiom showing that the person is stressing that they speak the truth. A 'troth'is a vow. 'Bitter words' ...

  1. the person to whom one is engaged.
    "how long have you known your betrothed?"

Engaged to be married.


A person to whom one is engaged to be married.
未婚妻201 Betrothed


 (ə-fī'əns) pronunciation
tr.v., -anced, -anc·ing, -anc·es.
To bind in a pledge of marriage; betroth.

[From Middle English affiaunce, assurance, from Old French, from affier, to trust to, from Medieval Latin affīdāre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin fīdus, faithful.]
[動](他)((古))((通例受身または〜 -self))…を(…と)婚約させる((to ...)).

To bind in a pledge of marriage; betroth.

Synonyms: plight, engage


I have been affianced to a fine young man and am looking forward to my upcoming nuptials.


noun \ˈträth, ˈtrth, ˈtrōth, or with th\

Definition of TROTH

:  loyal or pledged faithfulness :  fidelity troth
:  one's pledged word troth
 even the gist — Stanley Elkin & also :  betrothal

Examples of TROTH

  1. troth
I will not trespass on your precious property &

  • troth
  •  before the church's congregation>

    troth (trôth, trŏth, trōth)

    a.      Betrothal. The act or condition of being pledged to marry:
    betrothal, engagement, espousal.
    b.      One's pledged fidelity.

    2.      Good faith; fidelity.
    tr.v., trothed, troth•ing, troths.
    To pledge or betroth.

    [Middle English trouthe, trothe, variant of treuthe, from Old English
    trēowth, truth.]
