2013年5月24日 星期五

apocryphal, apocrypha, Et Tu, miss out, commando, orthodox, starets

Lü Cheng(Chinese: 呂澂) wrote an essay attempting to prove this book is apocryphal, named "One hundred reasons about why Shurangama Sutra is apocryphal" (Chinese: 楞嚴百偽).

News Analysis
Don’t Be Evil, but Don’t Miss Out
Recent privacy controversies for Google and other Internet companies show the pains of an industry intent on changing the world.

miss out[miss out]

(自)((略式))(楽しみ・好機などを)逃す((on ...)).

Et Tu, Google? Android Apps Can Also Secretly Copy Photos

It's not just Apple. Android apps do not need permission to access a user's photos, and as long as an app has the right to access the Internet, it can copy those photos to a remote server without any notice, according to developers and mobile security experts.

"Et tu, Brute?" (pronounced [ɛt ˈtuː ˈbruːtɛ]) is a Latin phrase often used poetically to represent the last words of Roman dictator Julius Caesar to his friend ...Et tu, Brute? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

apocryphal, The Apocryphal Gospels


commando, Orthodox, apocrypha, starets

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox men were at a rally in Citi Field on Sunday on the dangers of the Internet. Women watched the event at viewing parties elsewhere.
James Estrin/The New York Times

A Stadium Rally on the Internet’s Dangers

Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men, many bearing smartphones, converged on Citi Field to discuss the temptations that lie in uncensored use of the Web.

For Pakistan, Attack Exposes Security Flaws
A coordinated, commando-style ambush on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Pakistan on Tuesday revealed embarrassing security gaps in an increasingly unstable country.

Indian Commandos Storm Jewish Center

It was not known how many hostages were being held inside Nariman House, home to the Orthodox Jewish group Chabad Lubavitch.

The Czech power giant CEZ has recently found itself at the center of a
scandal over shocking images of a well-trained commando unit it has used to
fight electricity thieves.

The DW-WORLD Article

Main article: Shakespeare Apocrypha

starets (STAHR-its, -yits)

noun: A religious teacher or adviser.

From Russian starets (elder). In the Eastern Orthodox Church a starets is a spiritual adviser who is not necessarily a priest.

"Grigori Rasputin, was neither mad nor a monk, but an unconventional starets." — Cecilia Rasmussen; Shadowed by Rasputin's Evil Reputation; Los Angeles Times; Oct 10, 1999.


━━ n.pl. ~(e)s) 奇襲部隊; その隊員.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[ɔ'ːrθədɑ`ks | -dɔ`ks]

1 〈学説などが〉正しいと認められた, 正統な(⇔unorthodox)
orthodox political views
2 因習的な, ありきたりの.
3 (特に宗教上)正説の, 正統派の(⇔heterodox).
4 ((O-))ギリシャ正教会の.
━━[名](複 〜, 〜・es)
1 正統派の人.
2 ギリシャ正教徒.
[もとはギリシャ語orthódoxos (ortho-正しい+dóx意見=意見が正しい). △DOGMA

A·poc·ry·pha (ə-pŏk'rə-fə) pronunciation

n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
  1. The biblical books included in the Vulgate and accepted in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox canon but considered noncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  2. Various early Christian writings proposed as additions to the New Testament but rejected by the major canons.
  3. apocrypha Writings or statements of questionable authorship or authenticity.
[Middle English apocripha, not authentic, from Late Latin Apocrypha, the Apocrypha, from Greek Apokrupha, neuter pl. of apokruphos, secret, hidden, from apokruptein, to hide away : apo-, apo- + kruptein, kruph-, to hide.]


  • 発音記号[əpɑ'krəfə | əpɔ'k-]

[名]((the 〜))((しばしば単数扱い))
1 ((A-))聖書外典, 経典外, アポクリファ.
2 ((集合的))典拠の不確かな文書.
[中英語←教会ラテン語←ギリシャ語apokryphos (apo-離して+krýptein隠す)=隠された. △CRYPTO)-, CRIPTIC

A·poc·ry·pha ( ə-pŏk'rə-fə) pronunciation
n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
  1. The biblical books included in the Vulgate and accepted in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox canon but considered noncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  2. Various early Christian writings proposed as additions to the New Testament but rejected by the major canons.
  3. apocrypha Writings or statements of questionable authorship or authenticity.
[Middle English apocripha, not authentic, from Late Latin Apocrypha, the Apocrypha, from Greek Apokrupha, neuter pl. of apokruphos , secret, hidden, from apokruptein , to hide away : apo-, apo- + kruptein, kruph-, to hide.]

apocryphal adjective FORMAL
describes a story that is probably not true although often told and believed by some people to have happened:
an apocryphal story
It's a good story but I dare say it's apocryphal.
One of many "Spoonerisms" now considered apocryphal
a·poc·ry·phal ( ə-pŏk'rə-fəl) pronunciation
  1. Of questionable authorship or authenticity.
  2. Erroneous; fictitious: "Wildly apocryphal rumors about starvation in Petrograd . . . raced through Russia's trenches" (W. Bruce Lincoln).
  3. Apocryphal Bible. Of or having to do with the Apocrypha.
a·poc'ry·phal·ly adv.


  • 発音記号[əpɑ'krəfəl | əpɔ'k-]

1 著作者[典拠]の疑わしい;(物語などが)にせの, 本物でない.
(1) ((A-))聖書外典の.
(2) 正典として認められない.

The Apocryphal Gospels 次經後典-- 它們也是 A Personal Library by Jorge Luis Borges 的第2-3本

Gospel, apocryphal:某些人認為"偽福音書:近似福音而未經教會認可的初期教會(一至五世紀)之作品。" 其實這不懂得天主教第19次特蘭托宗教會議上 將"諸次經" 認定為"聖經"的組成部分]

Deming 著的The New Economics 第8-9兩章的 motto(章前題句/金言/格言) 都選用次經後典
