2020年1月10日 星期五

fly off the shelves. off-the-shelf, shelf, shelf-wear, Shelfmark, scuff, submission, Baha’i faith

Demand for iPhones appears to be flourishing once again in China, a year after Apple had to warn investors that the Chinese market was facing a serious slow down
“It’s ironic after 50 years or so of trying to clean up semiconductors to make high-quality electronics, our plan is to put the defects back in..."
How much do you know about the Baha’i faith? Today marks the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab, the forerunner who paved the way for the religion. Explore his works, on show for the first time in our #BLTreasures Gallery #DiscoveringSacredTexts #Bahai ow.ly/VwLE50wW9tQ
(Image reference : Shelfmark Or 6887)

What’s so great about the HTC One? For one thing, it’s the rare Android phone that actually emphasizes smart design. It’s pretty to look at, but it’s also durable. After three months without using a case, my HTC One doesn’t have a single scratch or blemish. That’s more than I can say about my iPhone 5, whose aluminum edges began collecting scuffs almost immediately.

New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. Cloth. 467pp. A very good copy in good dustjacket. Mild shelfwear to dj. Small pieces missing from spine of dj otherwise complete. Contents very clean. Very Good+.

過去的一周內,中國在聯合國繼續發出對這些島嶼擁有主權的主張。在向大陸架界限委員會(U.N. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf)提交的劃界案中,中方提出理由稱,根據這些島嶼和中國大陸之間大陸架的地質構成,這些島嶼屬於中國。

China continued this past week to make claims to the islands at the United Nations. In a submission to the U.N. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, it argued that the islands belong to China based on the geological composition of the continental shelf between them and the Chinese mainland.
The U.N. commission said it would consider taking up the matter. The Japanese government told the United Nations that the submission should be rejected.

." The apparently humorless Mr. Sin says little more than party dogma. He becomes emotional only during a visit to the huge museum dedicated to Papa Kim, where visitors must wear comical giant slippers so as not to scuff the floor. "What a great and generous man!" Sin exclaims at the ludicrous and nearly endless display that concludes with a wax replica of Kim Il-Sung before which all visitors must bow.

Baha’i faith

巴哈伊信仰波斯語بهائیت‎ Bahá'iyyat, 阿拉伯語:(阿拉伯文)‎ Bahá'iyya /bəˈh/;或稱巴哈伊教,簡稱巴哈伊,舊譯「大同教」),其基本教義可概括為「上帝唯一」、「宗教同源」和「人類一體」。1863年,巴哈伊信仰由巴哈歐拉創立於伊朗,並在中東地區開始傳播。巴哈伊也可以指代接受巴哈伊信仰並按其準則生活的人,他們在提升和完善自身的同時也竭盡所能地促進他人及社會的福祉。巴哈伊信仰目前擁有500至700萬信徒, 遍布於世界大部分國家和地區,在印度伊朗的集中度最高[註 1][1]。世界上人數最多的新興宗教是摩門教,但世界上分布最廣的新興宗教是巴哈伊教。
 (third-person singular simple present flies off the shelvespresent participle flying off the shelvessimple past flew off the shelvespast participle flown off the shelves)
  1. (intransitive, idiomatic, of a product) To be sold in large quantities, very rapidly.

【Fly off the shelves】形容人氣熱賣產品。 e.g. ...

adjective before noun ]

used to describe a product that is available immediately and does not need to be specially made to suit a particular purpose:
You can purchase off-the-shelf software or have it customized to suit your needs.

off the shelf


If you have complex needs, we don't recommend that you buy software off the shelf.
shelf (plural shelves)
  1. A flat, rigid, rectangular structure, fixed at right angles to a wall, and used to support, store or display objects.  [quotations ▼]
  2. The capacity of such an object; as, a shelf of videos.
  3. A projecting ledge that resembles such an object.
  4. A reef, shoal or sandbar.

[名](複 shelves 〔élvz〕)1 棚(板) put up a shelf棚をつる.2 棚の上の物.3 棚状の物;岩棚;棚状地層;大陸棚.4 (海・川の)砂州;岩[暗]礁.fly o...
shelf ice
[U]氷棚(ひょうほう)(ice shelf)の氷.
shelf life
貯蔵寿命, (商品の)有効[使用]期限.



v., scuffed, scuff·ing, scuffs.
To scrape the feet while walking; shuffle.

  1. To scrape with the feet.
  2. To shuffle or shift (the feet), as in embarrassment.
  3. To scrape and roughen the surface of.
  1. The act or sound of scraping especially with the feet.
  2. A worn or rough spot resulting from scraping.
  3. A flat backless house slipper.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin, akin to Old Norse skūfa, to push.]
scuffer scuff'er n.
1 足をひきずって歩く.
2 〈靴・床などが〉すり減る, すりきれる, 擦り傷がつく((up)).
1 ((しばしば受身))〈靴などを〉すり減らす;…に(こ)すり傷をつける
scuffed tips of shoes
2 〈物を〉足でこする;〈足を〉こする, 引きずる;〈靴を〉足を使って脱ぐ((off)).
3 ((米))(足で)つつく.
1 [U][C]足を引きずり歩くこと[音].
2 引きずった[すり減った]跡.
3 ((〜s))かかとのない屋内靴, スリッパ.

The term Shelf-wear means that
the book has scuff and scratch marks and is not in the best condition .


Syllabification: (scuff)
Pronunciation: /skəf/
Translate scuff | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

[with object]
  • scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or other object) against something:I scuffed the heel of my shoe on a stone
  • mark (a surface) by scraping or brushing it, especially with one’s shoes:the linoleum on the floor was scuffed
  • [no object] (of an object or surface) become marked by scraping or brushing:these shoes won’t scuff
  • drag (one’s feet or heels) when walking:he scuffed his feet boyishly
  • [no object] walk while dragging one’s feet or heels:she scuffed along in her slippers


  • a mark made by scraping or grazing a surface or object:dark colors don’t show scuffs


early 18th century: perhaps of imitative origin
