2020年2月9日 星期日

white noise, old hat, pretzel, leprous, leprosarium, leprosy, Social lepers

Reminder TODAY: Modern Buddhist Suffering: Pathos, History, and Moral Responses at a Contemporary Japanese Leprosarium | February 6 | 4:30PM-6:00PM | Room B04, 451 College Street - https://mailchi.mp/…/reminder-todaymodern-buddhist-sufferin…
Ignore the myths. Leprosy is totally curable.
Stopping the stigma is crucial. Leprosy isn't hereditary. It can’t be spread through casual touch. 16 million patients have been treated, and it's no longer a public health problem. By 2020, it could be eradicated completely. https://beautifulne.ws/311

Lately, scientists are finding that the route to the human stomach may run through our ears.
A study found that volunteers subjected to loud white noise while snacking ate 49% more pretzels than those hearing quieter noises.

Anandwan, in a sleepy part of eastern Maharashtra, a state in the west of India, is a rehabilitation centre for 1,800 leprosy patients. It has healed more than 900,000 patients since it was founded in 1951. Most of them have since rejoined society. But the story elsewhere is not so happy. Leprosy continues to cast its pall over the rest of India http://econ.st/1aC3CvV

Like white noise, he’s everywhere and invisible, the staple of countless dentists’ offices. Old hat for more than a century now. Is it too late to recapture some of the shock and thrill that caused horrified Parisians in the 1870s to perceive his work as “leprous”?

"There's no sound evidence to prove display bans are justified."
He added if anything it could encourage the illicit trade of tobacco products.
'Social lepers' Andrew Opie, from the British Retail Consortium, said it was wrong to believe the legislation would have a major effect on young people and it was supermarkets and other shops which were bearing the brunt of the costs needed to comply with the ban.


  • 発音記号[lépər]
  • [名]ハンセン病患者;つまはじきにされる人, のけ者, 仲間はずれ.
麻風病[1](Leprosy),又作麻瘋病、痲瘋病、癩病等。醫學領域稱為漢生病或韓森氏病(Hansen's Disease),是由麻風桿菌(Mycobacterium leprae)引起的一種慢性傳染病漢生病或韓森氏病之稱由來,則是出於麻瘋桿菌的發現者-挪威學者漢生(Gerhard Armauer Hansen)之名。麻風病是目前已知既不是性病,治療後也不是高危險傳染病。大約 95%的人是自然免疫[2]。目前確診麻風病在吃藥的一周內就有99%的病菌能被消除,並切斷傳染性,持續吃藥兩年,病情能基本治癒。


  • 発音記号[léprəs][形]
1 《病理学》ハンセン病の.
2 《生物》鱗片(りんぺん)でおおわれた.

white noise
A random signal of every frequency in the audio spectrum, all of which have an average uniform power level. White noise is generated for a variety of purposes, including masking sounds in a room, testing loudspeakers for distortion and coloration and to provide input to a synthesizer, which uses filters to derive all of its sounds. Contrast with pink noise and Gaussian noise.
whíte nóise

  1. 1 白色雑音,ホワイトノイズ:電子的に生み出された持続低音や雨の音など,絶え間がなく目立たない音;不要な音にかぶせて消すのに使用される.
  2. 2 白色雑音,ホワイトノイズ:かなり広い周波数域において,どの部分でも無秩序な振動スペクトルを示す雑音.
  3. [語源]

    ホワイト‐ノイズ【white noise】

    1. あらゆる周波数成分を同等に含む雑音。白色雑音。→ピンクノイズ
    1. [補説]「ホワイト」は、光が、すべての周波数成分を同等に含むと白色になることから。
台灣對小說white noise的翻譯為{白噪音}。

old hat
  1. Behind the times; old-fashioned: Last year's styles will be old hat soon.
  2. Overused; trite: That prank is old hat.
