A subtle sprite can watch the brew for long,
But only time can make the ferment strong.
Fighting Flares in Tense Tripoli
But only time can make the ferment strong.
‘Música’ Review: What He Hears Is What We Get
Living in limbo
Almost 1.8m Syrians have
fled their country for its neighbouring states and beyond. But no
country has granted them official refugee status
A nervous limbo, punctuated by gunfire, took hold of Libya's capital, damping hopes by rebels and their international allies that Gadhafi's supporters would melt away.
Don’t hold back the tide
The Arab spring was always better described as an awakening: the real
revolution is not so much in the street as in the mind. The internet,
social media, satellite television and the thirst for education—among
Arab women as much as men—cannot co-exist with the deadening
dictatorships of old. Egyptians, among others, are learning that
democracy is neither just a question of elections nor the ability to
bring millions of protesters onto the street. Getting there was always
bound to be messy, even bloody. The journey may take decades. But it is
still welcome.
Limbo :靈薄獄;古聖所;幽域;界外;被遺忘的地方;邊:根據教會初期神學家之意見,靈薄獄(音譯)為在耶穌之前死去的善人等候救恩之處所;也是未受洗之嬰兒,和無機會受洗又無重罪去世的成人居留之處所。拉丁文稱作 Limbus ,參閱伯前三 18-20 。
Syllabification: (lim·bo)
Pronunciation: /ˈlimbō/
Translate limbo | into French | into Italian noun
late Middle English: from the medieval Latin phrase in limbo, from limbus 'hem, border, limbo'n.One that deadens, restrains, or depresses:
Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.
An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.
Music.A device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings.A mute for various brass instruments.A device that eliminates or progressively diminishes vibrations or oscillations, as of a magnetic needle.
(2) …を和らげる, 鎮める;〈経済成長率などを〉鈍化させる.
(3) ⇒(他)3
Damping is a technique in music for altering the sound of a musical instrument.
adj., damp·er, damp·est.
damp off Botany.
damply damp'ly adv.
dampness damp'ness n.
- [dǽmp]
1 湿気のある, 湿っぽい
damp weather
2 ((古))熱意を失った;気のぬけた, 活気のない.
1 [U](不快な)湿気, しめり, 湿度(moisture);もや, 霧, 水蒸気(vapor);湿っている部分[場所].
2 ((通例a 〜))失望, 落胆, 意気消沈;((a 〜))落胆させるもの, じゃまするもの
cast [strike] a damp on [over] ...
…の元気をなくさせる, に暗い影を投げる.
…の元気をなくさせる, に暗い影を投げる.
3 [U](鉱坑内の)有毒ガス.
1 〈物を〉湿らせる(moisten).
2 〈活力・熱意などを〉そぐ, くじく, 鈍らせる;〈行動を〉はばむ;〈人を〉落胆させる
damp a person's spirits
damp production
3 〈弦・太鼓の振動を〉止める;〈音を〉弱める((down));《物理学》〈振幅・波動を〉減衰させる.
damp ... down/damp down ...
(1) …の火力を落とす, 〈火を〉弱める.
(2) …を和らげる, 鎮める;〈経済成長率などを〉鈍化させる.
(3) ⇒(他)3
damp off
[中英語. 原義は「湿気, 煙」]
adj., damp·er, damp·est.
- Slightly wet. See synonyms at wet.
- Archaic. Dejected.
- Moisture in the air; humidity.
- Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.
- Lowness of spirits; depression.
- A restraint or check; a discouragement.
- To make damp or moist; moisten.
- To extinguish (a fire, for example) by cutting off air.
- To restrain or check; discourage.
- Music. To slow or stop the vibrations of (the strings of a keyboard instrument) with a damper.
- Physics. To decrease the amplitude of (an oscillating system).
damp off Botany.
- To be affected by damping off.
[Middle English, poison gas, perhaps from Middle Dutch, vapor.]
dampish damp'ish adj.
damply damp'ly adv.
dampness damp'ness n.
deadening | (adjective) So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. |
Synonyms: | boring, ho-hum, irksome, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, dull, slow |
Usage: | He
envied Joe, down in the village,… fantastically and gloriously drunk
and forgetful of Monday morning and the week of deadening toil to come. spirit n.
[Middle English, from Old French espirit, from Latin spīritus, breath, from spīrāre, to bre A sprite is a spirit, a mythical, fairy-like creature who lives by the water. Sprites are supernatural and sometimes tricksy. sprite
Pronunciation: /sprʌɪt/
Translate sprite | into Italian noun |