2025年1月7日 星期二

knifing, stabbing, police, police officer. ‘It’s Time for a Reset’ Seattle Police Arrest Man in Connection With Five Stabbings

Trudeau to Resign as Canada’s Prime Minister: ‘It’s Time for a Reset’

Justin Trudeau announced that he was also stepping down as the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. He will remain in both roles until a replacement is chosen.

Seattle Police Arrest Man in Connection With Five Stabbings

Five people were injured in attacks in the city’s Chinatown-International District on Friday, the police said.

China court sentences police killer to death

Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:54pm EDT
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By Royston Chan

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A Chinese court sentenced a man to death on Monday for stabbing to death six police officers in a case that spurred controversy over ...

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A Chinese court sentenced a man to death on Monday for knifing to death six police officers in a case that spurred controversy over police treatment of suspects.

On July 1, Yang Jia stabbed a security guard at a Shanghai police station, started a fire at its gate and then burst inside and slashed several police officers, six of whom died.

The Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court found Yang guilty of premeditated murder, the official Xinhua news agency said. The brief report did not say whether Yang would appeal against the sentence.

The case drew rare public criticism of police conduct in a country where thousands are executed every year and support for capital punishment is strong.

That unease was echoed outside the court entrance, where more than a dozen residents gathered, denied entry into the hearing.

"Why is this so secret? The government should make this more open so justice can be served," said one of them, a man who gave only his surname, Wang.

"Now people are wondering whether this trial was conducted fairly or not."

Foreign reporters were also not allowed into the court. Continued...

據新華社周一(9月1日)報道,上海市第二中級人民法院對楊佳襲警案做出一審判決,以故意殺人罪判處楊佳死刑。 兩個月前,28歲的楊佳闖入上海市一座公安局大樓,持刀殺死6名警察,重傷4人。 美聯社報道說,法庭與警方官員都拒絕對這一判決發表評論,而讓記者與外事辦公室聯繫,但周一上午該辦公室的電話一直無人接聽。 負責這一案件的律師也拒絕發表評論。 由於這一案件的敏感性,對楊佳的審判是8月26日閉門進行的。 新華社的報道是關於此案審判情況的首次官方信息,但新華社並沒有報道楊佳是否提出上訴。 7月1日上午,楊佳在上海閘北區政法大樓辦公樓便門外縱火後捅傷一名保安,並突然闖入樓內辦公場所,在多個樓層連續襲擊正在辦公的警察,導致9名警察及1名保安受傷,其中6人送醫院搶救無效死亡。 中國國內曾報道,楊佳去年10月因涉嫌盜竊自行車於

police Show phonetics

plural noun
1 the official organization that is responsible for protecting people and property, making people obey the law, finding out about and solving crime, and catching people who have committed a crime:
I think you should call the police.
The police are investigating fraud allegations against him.

2 members of this organization:
There should be more police patrolling the area on foot.

police Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to control or guard a public event or area by members of the police or a similar force:
The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit.

2 to control the way in which a possibly dangerous substance is dealt with or activity is done:
The use of these chemicals must be carefully policed.

police officer noun [C]
a male or female member of the police force
