2024年2月21日 星期三

recrimination, drubbing, category, forever and a day

Russia Could Put a Nuclear Weapon Into Orbit This Year, U.S. Warns Allies

The U.S. assessments are divided, however, and President Vladimir Putin denied having such an intention, saying that Russia was “categorically against” it.

Italy is only just getting over the worst of the crisis, but in Lombardy—the heartland of Europe’s pandemic—the recriminations and judicial investigations have already started

Recriminations and Regrets Follow Suicide of South Korean
Many South Koreans are angry at what they call the relentless pursuit of a corruption inquiry against their former president.

Latest: Clinton team shake-up as voters flock to polls

Recriminations begin inside Clinton campaign team as mild weather brings out the voters in New Hampshire primary

Other examples include blamestorming - a session of mutual recrimination in which a team tries to find someone to blame for an error.

Richard John Neuhaus

Jan. 26, 2009 | By Michael Cromartie
...he converted to Roman Catholicism, though he thought he was beyond easy categorization, describing himself as "religiously orthodox, culturally conservative, politically liberal and economically pragmatic...
211 words | view cover

Andrew Young

Jan. 14, 2009 | By Chairman of Goodworks International
...he's a global citizen and an all-American boy. He defies categorization. The fact that his father and grandfather on one side were black...
172 words

The Active Voice

Sep. 4, 2008 | By Thomas Fields-Meyer/Los Angeles
...reveal them to be masterpieces of risk-taking and exuberance, eluding easy categorization. That's fitting for a man who remains the only performer to...
1161 words

The Active Voice

Sep. 4, 2008 | By Thomas Fields-Meyer
...reveal them to be masterpieces of risk-taking and exuberance, eluding easy categorization. That's fitting for a man who remains the only performer to...
1161 words | view cover

South African Leader Back in Court

Aug. 5, 2008 | By Alex Perry
ANC president Jacob Zuma, frontrunner to lead the country, is facing renewed corruption charges
795 words

Hoping to avoid another drubbing over their use of corporate jets, the chief executives of Detroit's Big Three automakers will be driving to Washington this week to present their bailout and survival plans.

forever and a day

1. For a very long time, as in He's been working on that book forever and a day. This hyperbolic expression probably originated as a corruption of the now obsolete for ever and a day. Shakespeare used it in The Taming of the Shrew (4:4): "Farewell for ever and a day." Today it is mainly a substitute for "very long time." [c. 1600]
2. Incessantly, ceaselessly, as in Will this racket never end? It's been going on forever and a day. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]


  1. A severe thrashing.
  2. A total defeat.
noun [C]
(in a system for dividing things according to appearance, quality, etc.) a type, or a group of things having some features that are the same:
There are three categories of accommodation - standard, executive and deluxe.

categorize, UK USUALLY categorise Show phonetics
verb [T]
to put people or things into groups with the same features:
The books are categorized into beginner and advanced.
I would categorize this as a very early example of Tudor art.

categorizationUK USUALLY categorisation Show phonetics
noun [U]

Main Entry:
re·crim·i·na·tion Listen to the pronunciation of recrimination
Medieval Latin recrimination-, recriminatio, from recriminare to make a retaliatory charge, from Latin re- + criminari to accuse — more at criminate
circa 1611
: a retaliatory accusation; also : the making of such accusations recrimination>
re·crim·i·nate Listen to the pronunciation of recriminate \-ˈkri-mə-ˌnāt\ intransitive verb
re·crim·i·na·tive Listen to the pronunciation of recriminative \-ˌnā-tiv\ adjective

━━ vi. 非難し返す, やり返す ((against)).
re・crim・i・na・tion ━━ n.
 ━━ a.
