2024年4月12日 星期五

wig, swig, bigwig, beer, ale, small beer, fumble, plaything. Good ale will make a cat speak .After decades of stuttering progress the country is on its way to becoming an advanced economy

After decades of stuttering progress the country is on its way to becoming an advanced economy, the economist and senior BJP member argues in a guest essay https://econ.st/49veQFr
Illustration: Dan Williams
可能是顯示的文字是「 By Invitation: N.K. Singh A BJP bigwig on how India can become an advanced economy 」的圖形

No Kenyan bigwig has gone to jail for decades. Critics say Kenya's legal system has loopholes built into it

Pakistan is a lesson in how China can fumble the politics of its Belt and Road Initiative

China's growing presence comes at a price

Chinese investment in Eurasia is not always smooth

(In)appropriate? The Japanese Label Comme des Garçons is currently under fire for the way it styled its models' hair at Paris Fashion Week.

In Vladimir Putin’s warped imagination, the real adversary of the Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine is not that country’s army but NATO and the United States. This mistaken view—a product of Mr Putin’s paranoia and his belief that America habitually pulls the world’s strings—will become somewhat truer if Barack Obama decides to send weapons to Ukraine’s government, as some bigwigs in Washington, DC, are urging. Without such help, Ukraine’s troops may struggle to resist a renewed advance by the rebels, themselves bolstered by sophisticated Russian kit and personnel (which, ludicrously, Mr Putin still denies providing). Advocates of arming Ukraine say it would help deter further land-grabs by Russia’s proxies, and dissuade Mr Putin from similar adventurism in other former Soviet states. Sceptics fear it would lead to yet more bloodshed, fail to alter the conflict’s outcome—and set up a more direct and dangerous confrontation between Russia and the West http://econ.st/1ApRLS4

Fumbling an editorial change may seem like small beer when viewed against the backdrop of an industry in which bankruptcies are legion and rich business interests are buying newspapers as playthings.

White House Honey Ale
Ingredients in many

Skip the Scotch, Just Have a Swig of Mellowberry

"Relaxation shots" claim to undo the very buzz caffeinated drinks were designed to deliver.


fumbles (複数形) • fumbled (過去形) • fumbled (過去分詞) • fumbling (現在分詞) • fumbles (三人称単数現在)
1 (…を捜して)手探りする((about, around/for ...))
fumble for the light switch
fumble aboutaroundin a closet for a tie
2 (…を)ぎこちなくいじくる((at, with ...))
fumble atwith] a lock
3 もぐもぐ言う, 口ごもる.
4 へまをやる, しくじる;《スポーツ》ボールを取りそこなう, ファンブルする.
1 …を無器用に扱う, いじくり回す;手探りで…する
fumble coins from one's purse
fumble one's way out of a crowded room
2 …を口ごもりながら言う.
3 《スポーツ》〈ボールを〉ファンブルする.
━━[名]ぎこちない手探り;へま, 不手ぎわ;《スポーツ》ファンブル.

small beer


smáll béer
1 [U]((英))弱いビール.
2 ((主に英略式))つまらない物[人](((米))small potatoes)
think no small beer of oneself
うぬぼれる, いい気になる.


(bĭg'wĭg') pronunciation
n. Slang
A very important person.
[名]((略式))大物, (特に官界の)重要人物. ▼昔, 重要人物は大きなかつらをかぶっていたことから.


  • 発音記号[wíg] [名]
1 かつら
in wig and gown
かつらとガウンを着けて, 法官衣装で
wear a wig
2 かつらをつける人(裁判官・弁護士など).
3 ((略式))高位[高官]の人(bigwig).
4 ((英略式))叱責(しっせき).
5 ((米俗))髪;頭.
flip one's wig
((俗))激怒する, 頭に血が昇る.
━━[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)
1 …にかつらをつける.
2 ((英略式))…をしかりつける.
3 ((米俗))いらだたせる.
wig out
(1) (麻酔剤などで)ハイにする[なる].
(2) 非常に興奮させる[する];頭が少しおかしくなる.

A deep draft, especially of liquor; a gulp.

tr. ; intr.v., swigged, swig·ging, swigs.
To drink (liquid) or engage in drinking liquid in great gulps.

[Origin unknown.]

  • 発音記号[swíg]
((略式))[名]((a 〜))(特に酒の)がぶ飲み
take a swig fromatthe jug of beer
━━[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)(自)(…を)ぐいぐい[がぶがぶ]飲む((away, down, off)).
[名]swigger swig'ger n.

a slug of, standa


  • 発音記号[éil]
1 [U][C]エール(ビールの一種;約6%のアルコール分を含む);((英古風))(一般に)ビール(▼beerより上品な言葉)
small ale
Good ale will make a cat speak.
((ことわざ)) 上等のエールには猫さえ口をほぐす.
2 ((英))(エールを飲んで楽しむ)村祭り.

rd operating procedure, slug it out




