2024年4月12日 星期五

pliable, pliant, thorn, pliancy, bigwig. deep dive. GAME GENOME: Deep Dive with Hideo Kojima

GAME GENOME: Deep Dive with Hideo Kojima
An educational program about the appeal of famous video games. A special 50-minute edition dives deep into "DEATH STRANDING" with its legendary creator Hideo Kojima discussing its development.

 If so, it was not about that. Sihanouk—as he always called himself, in the third person—was shocked that the French, Cambodia’s colonial rulers, had chosen him as king. He was disturbed, too, that they expected him to be a figurehead like his father, pliant and cuddly, a little lamb. True, he stayed giggly all his life, with a penchant for making films, playing saxophone, fast cars and pretty women. Elvis might have played him, he thought. When excited, betraying his French education, he would cry “Ooh la la!” in his high child’s voice. But underneath he was a tiger.

Though many Londoners were cross about being elbowed aside for Olympic bigwigs, a diverse city of individuals not known for their pliancy listened. Many stayed at home, whereas others travelled early or late to avoid crowds. West End firms gripe about the loss of trade. With an eye on the faltering economy, even Mr Cameron has started urging people to return to the capital and eat and shop.

Turkey Goes From Pliable Ally to Thorn for U.S. By SABRINA TAVERNISE and MICHAEL SLACKMANTurkey has recently asserted a new approach in the Middle East, its words and methods as likely to provoke Washington as to advance its own interests.

deep dive
  1. an in-depth examination or analysis of a topic.
    "the series promises to take a deep dive into the complexities of long-term relationships"


[名]((略式))大物, (特に官界の)重要人物. ▼昔, 重要人物は大きなかつらをかぶっていたことから.
Easily bent or shaped. See synonyms at malleable.
Receptive to change; adaptable: pliable attitudes.
Easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed; tractable.
[Middle English, from Old French, from plier, to bend. See pliant.]
pliability pli'a·bil'i·ty or pli'a·ble·ness n.pliably pli'a·bly adv.


  • 発音記号[pláiənt]

1 よく曲がる, 柔軟な, しなやかな.
2 すなおな;言いなりになる;影響されやすい
a pliant character
-an・cy, ・ness
