2024年4月8日 星期一

drywall/ DRY WALL, Quotation / Pictures of the Day, uninhabitable.Russia has resolved to make Kharkiv a “grey zone”, uninhabitable for civilians. The mayor, Ihor Terekhov, told us in an interview that his city has no intention of giving up

Military sources in Kyiv suggest that Russia has resolved to make Kharkiv a “grey zone”, uninhabitable for civilians. The mayor, Ihor Terekhov, told us in an interview that his city has no intention of giving up https://econ.trib.al/WWGnShG

  Library book returned nearly 81 years past the due date after being found inside the dry wall of a house.
The Dam Boom in the Amazon
Brazil’s plans for energy production are leading to a confrontation between energy and habitability.

"Russians, we are like bears, we are so patient. But when our patience ends, then we begin to growl."

GALINE I. POKPOVA, a 76-year-old who voted for United Russia, the governing party, but warned that it needed to start showing results.

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Photographs Pictures of the Day

US safety chief says China helping on drywall
(AP) – 20 hours ago
BEIJING — China is helping American officials investigate reports of contaminated Chinese drywall after thousands of American homeowners complained the building material made them sick or damaged their houses, a top U.S. safety official said Monday.
Consumer Products Safety Commission Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said that her Chinese counterparts have provided technical help and are working with the U.S. to determine the cause of the problem.
"We are greatly appreciative," Tenenbaum said after finishing up six days of talks with officials from Beijing's product safety watchdog, the Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine. She didn't give specific details of the cooperation.
Tenenbaum also called on Chinese drywall companies "to examine carefully their responsibilities to U.S. consumers who are suffering from problems in their homes and to do what is fair and just in each case if their products are involved."
The costs to homeowners could be in the billions of dollars, according to some estimates, and homeowners have struggled to get help from insurers or relief from mortgage payments on homes that are in some cases uninhabitable.
American construction companies imported the drywall, also known as wallboard or gypsum board, at the height of the housing boom, when building materials were in short supply. The drywall apparently causes a chemical reaction that releases fumes that reek like rotten eggs and grow worse with heat and humidity.
U.S. homeowners blame the drywall for health woes such as itchy eyes and skin, difficulty breathing, persistent coughing and bloody noses as well as corrosion of electrical wiring and home appliances.
Tests of Chinese drywall by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found sulfur and two organic compounds associated with acrylic paint — compounds not found in samples of American-made drywall. The EPA report did not draw any conclusions about health risks or whether the boards could be damaging wiring in homes.
Since late last year, the agency has received more than 1,300 complaints, with the majority from Florida and Louisiana. The drywall was imported primarily between 2004 and 2008 when home construction was booming and supplies tight. It has also been used in homes rebuilt after Hurricane Katrina.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved


  • 発音記号[hǽbitəbl]
[形]〈住居が〉住める, 住むのに適した.
hàb・it・a・bíl・i・ty, ・ness

dry wall .
A wall or ceiling constructed of a prefabricated material, such as plasterboard or paneling.
A wall constructed from rocks that are not cemented together.


IN BRIEF: n. - A wide flat board used to cover walls or partitions.

dry wall


2009年 01月 12日 13:14





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家住坦帕附近的史密斯(Marty Smith)說:我最大的擔心是我們將被這套房子纏住脫不了手。他房子裡的空調已多次出問題。建築商Lennar Corp.最近對這套房子裡的空氣和幹牆進行了測試﹐預計結果將在幾週後出來。


業 務量在美國排名第二的Lennar已對至少50幢房屋進行了空氣質量檢測﹐並遷出了幾戶房主﹐以便拆除並替換幹牆﹐這是一道昂貴的工序。公司正在設法找到 儘量減少住戶干擾的辦法解決問題。Lennar還繼續對在位於佛羅里達的十多個項目進行測試﹐並將向州衛生部門通報測試結果。

Lennar佛羅里達州西南地區分部總裁麥克墨里(Darin McMurray)說﹐我們的首要擔心是我們的業主客戶。他說﹐公司將繼續為我們建造的房屋負責﹐並將與業主一起努力解決問題。


出問題的幹牆有很多是在中國生產的。其中一家生產商是可耐福石膏板(天津)有限公司(Knauf Plasterboard, Tianjin Co.)﹐它是德國建築材料公司可耐福國際公司(Knauf International GmbH.)的子公司。



佛羅里達珊瑚角的小型建築商Aubuchon Homes總裁阿布考恩(Gary Aubuchon)說﹐建築業現在的情況是﹐它再也無法承受哪怕一個負面問題。公司近期重新安置了一位房主﹐以便對其房屋進行空氣和乾墻測試﹐部分幹牆來自中國。





佛羅里達衛生署毒理學家克勞斯(David Krause)說﹐我們必須查清到底是乾牆引起的問題﹐還是只是巧合。

Michael Corkery
